Commons:Whistled languages project

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Bienvenu !

Welcome to the Whistled languages project !

We document whistled language on Wikimedia Commons to increase those rare human cultural heritage's visibility, conservation and learnability.
  1. Source:
  2. Licence: CC0, Public Domain or CC-BY-SA-4.0.
  3. Recording tool :
Objectives & news

Objectives: We are volunteers and professional of languages and education, aware of the rarity of whistled languages, and willing to document those extraordinary human heritage as best as we can.

News: Local teacher of Whistled Occitan Philippe Biu and Université de Toulouse via Hugo en résidence are collaborating to build an audio database for this practice.

Active languages and active members
[À venir] Le Whistled
Did you know ...
  • You can record your whistled language based on list of words or sentences, to store on For more, ask for assistance to Yug (talk).