كومنز:ويكي تهوى أفريقيا 2021/الموضوع

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الويكي تهوى أفريقيا 2021

موضوع 2021: الصحة والرفاه

أفكار موضوع ويكي تهوى أفريقيا

كان عام 2020 عامًا يركز على السقم والمرض والخوف والخسارة. بالنسبة لموضوع ويكي تهوى أفريقيا لعام 2021، نعتزم إلقاء نظرة إيجابية على مكانتنا وكيف يمكننا أن نكون في المستقبل. إذا لم يكن هناك شيء آخر، فقد أبرز عام 2020 أهمية صحتنا ورفاهيتنا. ليس فقط نظامنا، ولكن كيف تؤثر أنظمتنا الصحية ورفاهيتنا الشخصية على من حولنا - الأشخاص الذين نعرفهم ونحبهم، والغرباء الذين نتواصل معهم أثناء العمل والتسوق والمشي من مكان إلى آخر.

The theme for Wiki Loves Africa 2021 is to visually interrogate all those factors that contribute to health and wellness. What is the difference between health and wellness? Health is seen as the state of physical, mental and social well-being in which disease and infirmity are absent, whereas wellness is the state of living a healthy lifestyle through enhanced well-being.

IMPORTANT: Please note that while the threat of contracting COVID-19 is still present globally, the Wiki Loves Africa organisers encourages people who wish to take photographs to exercise EXTREME CAUTION. Do not attend in-person events or take photographs anywhere without a mask. We would prefer that you use images from your archive or as you go about your daily practices. Please do not place yourself (or any person with you) at risk or in danger. #staysafe.


For Health, we would like photographers to consider the traditional and modern medicines to the individuals that ensure our health: doctors, nurses, caregivers, pharmacists, paramedics, researchers, cleaners, etc. Health can encompass environmental health, physical health, social health, emotional health, intellectual health, and spiritual health, as well as sexual and reproductive health education.

  • Individual actors: Doctors, nurses, caregivers, pharmacists, paramedics, researchers, cleaners, patients, midwifery etc.
  • Structures: Public health systems, hospitals, clinics, medical centres, institutions, schools and universities, research laboratories, mobile units, ambulances, etc.
  • Medications and supplements: drugs, vitamins, minerals, herbs, etc.
  • Materials: masks, respirators, hospital beds, needles
  • Essential practices: Personal protective equipment
  • Healthy environments: i.e. natural spaces, living conditions, etc.
  • Role of science
  • Traditional health systems: Traditional medicine, traditional healers from Africa, tools, materials, and practices
  • Alternative health systems: Homeopaths, naturopaths, etc.



Wellness is the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.

Nobody wishes to be ill. Wellness is taking positive actions towards a healthy and fulfilling life by becoming aware of and making specific choices that keep the body and mind as healthy as possible. This is where preventative health practices towards Wellness can be captured by photographers. Daily and weekly practices that help to keep the mind and body fighting against illness.

  • Diet: healthy food, traditional foods, Organic food culture, etc.
  • Exercise: sports, practices, recreational activities, etc.
  • Sleep practices
  • Mindfulness, meditation, stress-reduction practices, etc.
  • Healthy outdoor spaces
  • Education: hand washing, food choices, sexual health options, etc.
  • Vitamins, minerals, herbs: local or traditional herbs
  • Self-care strategies include:
    • Personal and communal hygiene
    • Food safety and choices
    • Complementary and alternative medicine
    • Healthism
    • Mindfulness
    • Organic food culture
    • Salutogenesis
    • Workplace wellness
  • Wellness tourism:
    Wellness travellers may seek procedures or treatments using conventional, alternative, complementary, herbal, or homeopathic medicine.
    • Spas, resorts, businesses, activities, etc.
    • Physical fitness and sports
    • Beauty treatments
    • Healthy diet and weight management
    • Relaxation and stress relief
    • Spiritual tourism, including meditation and yoga, whether classical or as exercise
    • التعليم المتعلق بالصحة