This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Wiki Loves Africa 2023/Rules and the translation is 45% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Wiki Loves Africa 2023/Rules and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

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Wiki Loves Africa Competition Rules




规则四:所有提交上来的参赛作品必须以自由版权协议发布(或处于公共领域)。多数情况下,照片将自动使用知识共享 署名-相同方式共享 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0)。在此处阅读有关CC-BY-SA协议的更多信息。


规则六:图片或媒体文件必须加入分类Images from Wiki Loves Africa 2023方有参赛资格。

规则 7:要获得视频奖,文件必须以视频格式上传维基共享资源接受.ogg、.ogv 或.webm格式的文件。请注意,要使您的文件有资格获奖,请务必考虑音频和视频的质量以及内容。


  • Photographs that are already on Commons (this means re-uploading is not allowed).
  • As the images will be hosted on Wikimedia Commons, all entries must fall within Commons scope. Any that do not will be disqualified and may be deleted without notice.
  • Images with watermarks, timestamps or image credits on the picture itself or any other kind of editing which associates the image with the uploader are not eligible.

Judging criteria

The judging will be done by a panel of international Wikipedians, professional photographers and subject specialists, based of thumb rules of photography and as well as the community standards.

  • A good photo has a good story to tell.
  • A good photo removes all unnecessary distractions from the chief element, so that the latter is not out of the focus.
  • Potential usefulness and overall value of the image (including its licensing) to the Wikimedia projects.
  • Technical quality – Image parameters such as focus, lighting, saturation, ISO etc. will be taken into consideration.

The jury will judge individual entries based on the following criteria:

  • Technical quality
  • 原创性
  • Potential usefulness and overall value of the image (including its licensing) to the Wikimedia projects.

What prizes are up for grabs?

There are several prizes up for grabs, both nationally and internationally. For national prizes, please see what events are being held locally in your country.

At the international level, there are 3 main prizes for Wiki Loves Africa, and as with every year, there will be two additional prize categories for photos and media.

The international prizes are:


  • 一等奖:2000美元
  • 二等奖:1500美元
  • 三等奖:1000美元

Media (Video, Audio, Graphics, Photo Essays):

  • Best audio : US$ 750
  • Best video prize : US$ 1,000
  • Best graphics: US$ 750
  • Africa Environment Video Prize: Best video representation of the impact of climate change : US$ 2,000
  • Africa Environment Special Collection Prize: Best collections of images showing the impact of climate change : US$ 500

Disclaimer: Prize money may be dispensed in a gift card or voucher format


International jury process and National processes are independent.

The International winners will not be selected until June or July 2023. Every year, there is a rigorous process involving three stages that makes sure that only the very best of the best are selected as the International Prize Winners. You can review this three step process along with the 2022 Jury Team on the 2022 International Jury page.

While the International Jury process is active, National Winners are usually announced by the country teams. There are prizes for incredible photos being awarded via this process. Check out the 2023 National Winners here!!. For 2022 winners click here!!


Each year it is a tough choice to choose the final winning images. The 2023 winners will not be announced until July/August 2023, but there are many beautiful winning photos that have been selected over the last 8 years!

  查看所有获奖图像   查看2022年的图像   查看2021年的图像