Commons:Wiki Loves Earth 2016 in Switzerland selection

Wiki Loves Earth Switzerland 2017

Swiss Photo contest supported by Wikimedia CH

National winners


Excluded from the national winners


These photos are ranked in the first 10 places but cannot be eligible for the national contest, they will be included in the selection of the international contest.

International selection




The first 28 photos ranked by average of votes (from 0 to 10).

Shortlist (after the first two rounds)


List of photos selected for the final round:

Description of the process




For each round the staff/board of Wikimedia CH monitors also the process even if they are allowed to participate.

Any volunteer/participant can request an access to monitor the process. It's sufficient to contact the local community liaison or to write an email to info to receive an account.



The contest will use the WLX Jury tool. For this reason some points are connected with the constraint of this tool.

The rounds for the selection


The selection process has three rounds:

  • Pre-selection process from 1 July to 17 July done by a "technical" committee with a format yes/no.
  • Intermediate process from 18 July to 22 July done by a "technical" committee with a format yes/no.
  • Final process done by a "formal" jury with a format of stars based vote from 0 to 5.

The intermediate round is not mandatory and is allowed if the number of photos of the pre-selection is bigger than 30% of the overall photos.

Members of the pre-jury can also be members of the other two rounds.

Preselection round


The first selection is done on the overall photos with the evaluation of photos by a simple yes/no.

The technical committee is based on 8 members (maximum). All of them are professional photographers or people with a strong technical background about photography (journalists, web designers, etc.).

The technical committee evaluates the photos following three parameters:

  • Technical quality (out of focus, bad balance black/white and so on);
  • Subject not included in the list of the objects or object with low relevance within the context;
  • Legal issues (copyright infringement, privacy and so on).

Committee's members can leave a comment for each photos and this comment is available to all jury members. The WLX jury tool divides the total amount of photos among the committee's members, it means that any member will evaluate only a subset of photos which are selected randomly. Any photo must be approved by at least two committee's member to pass the round.

Pre-jury committee:

  • Ilario Valdelli - Community Manager Italian area
  • Vincenzo Abagnale - Photographer and post-production video expert
  • Diana Agostinelli - Blogger for travel and content manager
  • Alessandro Bordin - Photographer and journalist for photography
  • Mauro Cassina - Board member
  • Mourad Ben Abdallah - Former Board member
  • Barbara Magatti - Naturalist and photographer

Intermediate round


The intermediate round follows the same process of the previous round with a simple yes/no.

It has been done in a single day in presence, for this reason some members of the pre-jury did not participate.

It is done by a second more detailed technical check following stronger parameters but the committee's members may also apply some qualitative parameters:

  • Same parameters as pre-jury selection;
  • Exclusion of the simple "click and shot" (which are not considered creative photos by the Swiss law);
  • Photos with a small resolution (less than 2MB);
  • Similarities (photos which are similar and nearly equal i.e. sequential shot). In this case only the best shot is kept.

The members of the committee may be the same of the previous round, some additional members may be required to add more differences of evaluation. The WLX Jury Tool divides the photos among the members and gives only a random subset of the photos.

Intermediate committee:

  • Ilario Valdelli - Community Manager Italian area
  • Diana Agostinelli - Blogger for travel and content manager
  • Alessandro Bordin - Photographer and journalist for photography
  • Barbara Magatti - Naturalist and photographer

Final round


The jury for the final round evaluates the photos giving a vote from 0 to 10 to each photo.

The parameters are that defined in the regulation article 6. This round evaluates more the creative aspects and the difficulty of the shot (i.e. manual setup of the camera).

The jury members can interact and can share comments. The comments left in the Jury tool by other members and by committees of the previous rounds are visible to all members of the committees/jury.

The jury members act separately and independently using personal parameters of evaluation.

  • Ilario Valdelli - Community Manager Italian area
  • Vincenzo Abagnale - Photographer and post-production video expert
  • Diana Agostinelli - Blogger for travel and content manager
  • Alessandro Bordin - Photographer and journalist for photography
  • Mourad Ben Abdallah - Former Board member
  • Barbara Magatti - Naturalist and photographer

Mauro Cassina left the final jury and the intermediate round because he had a photo in the shortlist.

Any additional round (within the final round) may be required by the jury if a single round doesn't give a clear result.



Some photos may be excluded afterwards if the author cannot be reachable. As per regulation (article 5 point 5), any participant must have an account in Commons and an e-mail address which is set during the subscription to the Commons project. The lack of these two parameters are considered a reason for exclusion.

Wikimedia CH will do the best to contact the winners (i.e. leaving a message in the talk page) but if Wikimedia CH will not receive a feedback in a defined deadline, the photo will be considered "invalid".

International selection


Wiki Loves Earth Switzerland is a national contest and the regulation is applied only for the national contest. The selection of photos for the international contest may be different because the international contest uses different parameters of evaluation (i.e. photos in low resolution or signed photos are excluded) and their own regulation. The international team may exclude photos from the list of the 10 winners, motivating the exclusion. If a photo doesn't meet the parameters of the international contest, the Swiss committee may use some reserves for substitution (the photos ranked immediately after the first 10 places).