Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2013/Participants' Survey/Results 2012

Results of the Wiki Loves Monuments 2012 Participants' Survey

> * Per country (participation)

mysql> select country_lives, count(*) as count  from survey_wlm2012
group by country_lives order by count desc;

| country_lives | count |
| ru            |   168 |
| us            |   159 |
| de            |   147 |
| in            |   132 |
| it            |   106 |
| fr            |   105 |
| es            |   100 |
| ua            |    93 |
| cz            |    80 |
| pl            |    78 |
| mx            |    62 |
| ar            |    57 |
| at            |    52 |
| nl            |    49 |
| by            |    37 |
| se            |    34 |
| cl            |    34 |
| ca            |    33 |
| il            |    26 |
| be            |    26 |
| ro            |    25 |
| rs            |    22 |
| co            |    19 |
| ph            |    18 |
| pa            |    17 |
| other         |    16 | <- Some of these don't know how to find its
country in the list...
| ch            |    16 |
| za            |    14 |
| no            |    10 |
| not answered  |     9 |
| sk            |     8 |
| ee            |     8 |
| ke            |     3 |
| lu            |     2 |
| dk            |     2 |
| ad            |     2 |
| gh            |     1 |
37 rows in set (0.03 sec)

Ok, I will dump statistics below. The answers marked as NULL are those
not answered.

2. In what year were you born?
| birth_year | count |
|       NULL |   279 |
|       1934 |     1 |
|       1936 |     2 |
|       1937 |     2 |
|       1938 |     1 |
|       1939 |     5 |
|       1940 |     3 |
|       1941 |     2 |
|       1942 |     5 |
|       1943 |     5 |
|       1944 |     6 |
|       1945 |     7 |
|       1946 |    17 |
|       1947 |     9 |
|       1948 |    15 |
|       1949 |    20 |
|       1950 |    22 |
|       1951 |    14 |
|       1952 |    18 |
|       1953 |    15 |
|       1954 |    23 |
|       1955 |    20 |
|       1956 |    22 |
|       1957 |    22 |
|       1958 |    26 |
|       1959 |    23 |
|       1960 |    25 |
|       1961 |    23 |
|       1962 |    31 |
|       1963 |    26 |
|       1964 |    20 |
|       1965 |    29 |
|       1966 |    23 |
|       1967 |    32 |
|       1968 |    28 |
|       1969 |    19 |
|       1970 |    16 |
|       1971 |    19 |
|       1972 |    37 |
|       1973 |    30 |
|       1974 |    28 |
|       1975 |    32 |
|       1976 |    36 |
|       1977 |    36 |
|       1978 |    42 |
|       1979 |    44 |
|       1980 |    33 |
|       1981 |    48 |
|       1982 |    45 |
|       1983 |    45 |
|       1984 |    41 |
|       1985 |    39 |
|       1986 |    48 |
|       1987 |    44 |
|       1988 |    33 |
|       1989 |    28 |
|       1990 |    33 |
|       1991 |    38 |
|       1992 |    28 |
|       1993 |    27 |
|       1994 |    24 |
|       1995 |    20 |
|       1996 |    10 |
|       1997 |    10 |
|       1998 |     6 |
|       1999 |     6 |
|       2000 |     3 |
|       2005 |     1 |
68 rows in set (0.01 sec)

3. What is your gender?
| gender | count |
| male   |  1299 |
| female |   397 |
| NULL   |    74 |

4. In which years did you participate in Wiki Loves Monuments?

| participated_wlms | count |
| 2012              |  1504 |
| 2011,2012         |   199 |
| NULL              |    31 |
| 2010,2011,2012    |    20 |
| 2011              |    10 |
| 2010,2011         |     2 |
| 2010,2012         |     2 |
| 2010              |     2 |

5. Have you ever edited Wikipedia/Wikimedia before participating in Wiki
Loves Monuments (the first time)?

| wikiedit     | count |
| never        |   928 |
| sporadically |   413 |
| regularly    |   408 |
| NULL         |    21 |

6. How did you find out about Wiki Loves Monuments 2012?

| discovered                                      | count |
| sitenotice                                      |  1061 |
| friend                                          |   132 |
| social                                          |   115 |
| other                                           |   107 |
| news                                            |    85 |
| noticeboard                                     |    47 |
| sitenotice,noticeboard                          |    38 |
| sitenotice,social                               |    31 |
| sitenotice,friend                               |    22 |
| sitenotice,other                                |    16 |
| NULL                                            |    15 |
| sitenotice,social,news                          |    15 |
| sitenotice,news                                 |    12 |
| sitenotice,noticeboard,social                   |    11 |
| social,news                                     |     9 |
| social,friend                                   |     5 |
| social,other                                    |     5 |
| sitenotice,social,friend                        |     4 |
| sitenotice,noticeboard,social,news,friend       |     4 |
| sitenotice,noticeboard,friend                   |     4 |
| noticeboard,social                              |     3 |
| social,news,friend                              |     3 |
| sitenotice,noticeboard,social,friend            |     3 |
| noticeboard,friend                              |     3 |
| sitenotice,news,friend                          |     2 |
| news,friend                                     |     2 |
| sitenotice,noticeboard,social,news,friend,other |     2 |
| sitenotice,social,news,friend                   |     2 |
| sitenotice,noticeboard,other                    |     2 |
| news,other                                      |     2 |
| friend,other                                    |     1 |
| sitenotice,social,news,friend,other             |     1 |
| sitenotice,noticeboard,social,friend,other      |     1 |
| sitenotice,noticeboard,news                     |     1 |
| noticeboard,social,friend                       |     1 |
| sitenotice,social,other                         |     1 |
| sitenotice,noticeboard,social,other             |     1 |
| sitenotice,friend,other                         |     1 |

Answers for other:
> Flickr (5)
> образовательная сеть (2)
> Mitorganisator (2)
> flickr (2)
> Stammtisch
> tijdens een bezoek aan één van de Wikipedia-avonden
> Bereits vor WLM 2011 von einem anderen Autor auf den Wettbewerb angesprochen worden
> jag är med och ordnar wlm i Sverige
> LÄ/Beobachtungsliste
> stumpled on it while in Wiki
> l-am organizat :)
> google search
> vorig jaar
> Wikimedia Argentina
> through mentions of the 2011 event on Wikipedia and Commons
> litle cours about wikipedia
> By email
> ZA Wikipedia Chapter
> I'm a local organizer :)
> випадково  by occasion
> google play store
> aus der Wikipedia selber
> Tv/dato curioso en noticiero
> I organized the thing
> dcamera
> Through Wikimedia Norway
> durch die Teilnahme 2011
> J'ai aquis un APN et je commence à ajouter des photos de MH manquant. De plus j'ai participé en tant que membre de l'asso WIkimédia France, pour distribuer/afficher les flyers/affiches du concours.
> Tag des Denkmals 2012
> Radio
> Sito istituzionale di un comune
> Wikipedia-Stammtisch
> canaux irc de wikimedia
> Через повідомлення, отримане на мїй сторінці обговорення
> Weiß ich noch aus dem Vorjahr
> форум другого проекта, участники которого любят заезжать далеко и исследовать местность
> WP: Stammtisch
> email
> a website
> lista de dsitribuación de e-mail
> I just come across with it
> Сейчас уже не помню точно.
> I was invited through my flickr account by one of the organizers in my country that noticed I had many photos of monuments
> google play
> bin das ganze Jahr damit beschäftigt
> Wikimédia France
> Wikimedia France
> Diskussionsbeitrag eines anderen Users
> к сожалению сейчас не помню где впервые увидела ссылку, потом помнила про нее и уже вышла через википедию
> Capítulo Wikimedia España
> usenet
> user discussion; Der Kurier
> od kolegů wikipedistů
> intranet employer
> Inserimento dell'Area Archeologica di Cales - MIBAC nel concorso fotografico Wiki Loves Monuments 2012
> bei der Ortsbildmesse in Perg, wo auch Bilder von "Wiki Loves Monuments 2011" ausgestellt waren
> ze strony AktualneKonkursy
> Dont remember
> internet
> Fomé parte del equipo organizador
> Bda Homepage Österreich
> ожидала в этом году, т.к. в 2011 уже участвовала
> Ja l'esperava des de l'any passat
> форум OpenStreetMap
> сам організовував :)
> GLAMcamp DC
> Собственно, я был одним из координаторов)))
> не помню, скорее всего случайно
> recherche de concours photos
> Market
> Jag var med i fjol.
> Bundesdenkmalamt
> War in der dt. Jury
> I'm an admin and a chapter board member. I could not have avoided "finding out" even if I tried.
> I don't remember
> x lavoro
> A través del llistat d'aplicacions de Google Play vaig descobrir l'App pel meu telèfon mòbil nou.
> I work for WMF
> Einladung zur Kick-off Veranstaltung Deutschland 2012
> Organizační výbor
> just read on a friend fb wall
> Ik was er al mee bezig in 2011
> przeglądając internet w poszukiwaniu konkursów fotograficznych
> radio
> I was there organising from the begin
> Club Giovani Soci Bcc Mediocrati
> Noticed the app on my phone (via f-droid).
> diskuzní příspěvek uživatele Limojoe
> My participation in the Wikiproject WLM is a matter of  coincidence with my contribution.
> Portal:Südtirol
> сайт
> photo contest website
> WMF employee / mailing lists
> nevěděla jsem že se soutěží, při prohlížení Wikipedia jsem narazila na tut stránku a protože ráda fotografuji, rozhodla jsem se dát fotky k dispozici  aby bylo vidět jak krásné  máme památky (i méně známé) i že některé paamátky
> I organise the canadian WLM
> wou goede foto's publiceren in functie van fotowedstrijd
> WLM organiser in Ukraine, from cooperation with other chapters
> GLAM mailing list
> helped to organize it
> bei der Denkmalsuche
> Google Play
> aplet na FDroid
> Website for NGO funding
> wlm 2011
> WikiProject National Register of Historic Places
> vytvářel jsem databázi objektů (database of monumets creating)
> gevraagd voor missende foto`s
> aiuto all'organizzazione
> when i was surfing through wiki
> Artikel auf
> as a MWF chapter board member
> I knew about it last year, but was not in usa. I remembered it for this year,
> From a speaker at a Petcha Kucha night in Cape Town.
> Chapter Wikimedia local
> podcast
> Sitio de internet de la universidad en la que estoy estudiando.
> comentario en TV
> Mitarbeit 2011
> socio Wikimedia
> Wikimedia chapters

7. What countries did you upload pictures for?
> +----------------------------+-------+
> | countries_uploaded         | count |
> +----------------------------+-------+
> | ru                         |   149 |
> | us                         |   147 |
> | in                         |   122 |
> | de                         |   119 |
> | fr                         |    93 |
> | ua                         |    89 |
> | it                         |    84 |
> | es                         |    78 |
> | cz                         |    71 |
> | pl                         |    68 |
> | mx                         |    59 |
> | ar                         |    51 |
> | at                         |    48 |
> | cl                         |    33 |
> | by                         |    33 |
> | nl                         |    32 |
> | ca                         |    28 |
> | il                         |    26 |
> | se                         |    26 |
> | ro                         |    23 |
> | rs                         |    22 |
> | co                         |    19 |
> | be                         |    19 |
> | NULL                       |    17 |
> | ph                         |    17 |
> | za                         |    16 |
> | pa                         |    16 |
> | ch                         |    12 |
> | other                      |     9 |
> | it,other                   |     9 |
> | in,other                   |     8 |
> | ee                         |     8 |
> | no                         |     7 |
> | sk                         |     7 |
> | es,other                   |     6 |
> | fr,other                   |     5 |
> | de,es                      |     5 |
> | fr,es                      |     5 |
> | us,other                   |     5 |
> | ua,other                   |     4 |
> | fr,it                      |     4 |
> | ad,es                      |     4 |
> | ar,cl                      |     4 |
> | ad,ar,at,by,be,ca,cl,co,cz,dk,ee,fr,de,gh,in,il,it,ke,lu,mx,nl,no,pa,ph,pl,ro,ru,rs,sk,za,es,se,ch,ua,us |     4 |
> | cz,other                   |     4 |
> | be,fr,nl                   |     3 |
> | ad,es,other                |     3 |
> | mx,other                   |     3 |
> | ke                         |     3 |
> | ro,us                      |     3 |
> | ru,other                   |     3 |
> | se,other                   |     3 |
> | de,other                   |     3 |
> | de,pl                      |     2 |
> | be,lu                      |     2 |
> | ee,se                      |     2 |
> | fr,pl                      |     2 |
> | de,nl                      |     2 |
> | at,de                      |     2 |
> | ru,ua                      |     2 |
> | no,se                      |     2 |
> | nl,us                      |     2 |
> | be,de,nl                   |     2 |
> | dk                         |     2 |
> | cz,de,ru,ua                |     2 |
> | gh                         |     2 |
> | fr,de                      |     2 |
> | de,it                      |     2 |
> | be,nl                      |     2 |
> | de,se                      |     2 |
> | ch,other                   |     2 |
> | nl,other                   |     2 |
> | cz,fr                      |     2 |
> | cz,sk                      |     2 |
> | lu                         |     2 |
> | ar,other                   |     2 |
> | ee,de,ru,es                |     1 |
> | at,cz,fr,ru                |     1 |
> | de,it,ru,es                |     1 |
> | ca,fr,de,it,es,ua,us,other |     1 |
> | rs,other                   |     1 |
> | be,fr,de                   |     1 |
> | be,za                      |     1 |
> | by,other                   |     1 |
> | pl,es                      |     1 |
> | fr,nl                      |     1 |
> | at,ch                      |     1 |
> | be,de,nl,ch,us             |     1 |
> | cl,de,us                   |     1 |
> | ad,it,nl,es                |     1 |
> | fr,nl,other                |     1 |
> | ad,ar,at,by,be,ca,cl,co,cz,dk,ee,fr,de,in,il,it,lu,mx,nl,no,ph,pl,ro,ru,rs,sk,es,se,ch,ua,us |  1 |
> | in,es                      |     1 |
> | ad,ar,at,by,be,ca,cl,co,cz,dk,ee,fr,de,gh,in,il,it,ke,lu,mx,nl,no,pa,ph,pl,ro,ru,rs,sk,za,es,se,ch,ua,us,other |  1 |
> | pl,other                   |     1 |
> | pl,se                      |     1 |
> | de,it,ch                   |     1 |
> | no,ph                      |     1 |
> | ad,fr,it,es                |     1 |
> | ad,other                   |     1 |
> | at,ca,fr,de,nl,us          |     1 |
> | co,fr                      |     1 |
> | ad,fr,es                   |     1 |
> | at,sk                      |     1 |
> | by,us,other                |     1 |
> | be,fr,nl,ch                |     1 |
> | be,fr                      |     1 |
> | at,cz,sk                   |     1 |
> | fr,de,mx,us                |     1 |
> | by,il,ru,ua                |     1 |
> | fr,ch                      |     1 |
> | by,pl                      |     1 |
> | mx,us                      |     1 |
> | lu,es                      |     1 |
> | no,rs,se,other             |     1 |
> | cz,ru,es                   |     1 |
> | be,de,nl,ru,rs             |     1 |
> | de,rs                      |     1 |
> | be,cz,fr,de                |     1 |
> | fr,de,nl,us                |     1 |
> | be,it                      |     1 |
> | be,fr,ch                   |     1 |
> | be,fr,it,nl                |     1 |
> | ro,es                      |     1 |
> | fr,de,es                   |     1 |
> | ph,other                   |     1 |
> | it,ch                      |     1 |
> | by,ru                      |     1 |
> | fr,de,it                   |     1 |
> | at,cz,fr,de,es,us          |     1 |
> | nl,no                      |     1 |
> | it,us                      |     1 |
> | dk,nl,no,se,other          |     1 |
> | ee,ru                      |     1 |
> | dk,de                      |     1 |
> | it,es                      |     1 |
> | at,cz,de,ch                |     1 |
> | ke,us                      |     1 |
> | ee,it,ru,es                |     1 |
> | ca,fr                      |     1 |
> | at,be,cz,ee,de,it,nl,ru,es,us |  1 |
> | ee,it,sk,other             |     1 |
> | be,fr,lu,nl                |     1 |
> | by,ru,ua                   |     1 |
> | pl,ro                      |     1 |
> | at,de,it,us,other          |     1 |
> | be,de,nl,us                |     1 |
> | cz,pl                      |     1 |
> | at,it                      |     1 |
> | de,it,ru,es,ch             |     1 |
> | it,se                      |     1 |
> | at,fr,de,no,sk             |     1 |
> | nl,ch                      |     1 |
> | cz,ee,fr,sk,ch             |     1 |
> | at,de,nl,pl,se             |     1 |
> | fr,us                      |     1 |
> | cz,de,ph,us                |     1 |
> | it,pl                      |     1 |
> | es,us                      |     1 |
> | ar,es                      |     1 |
> | mx,no                      |     1 |
> +----------------------------+-------+

> +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------+
> | countries_uploaded_other                                                             | count |
> +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------+
> | United States                                                                        |     9 |
> | India                                                                                |     7 |
> | Italia                                                                               |     7 |
> | Catalunya                                                                            |     6 |
> | Česká republika                                                                      |     3 |
> | Deutschland                                                                          |     2 |
> | France                                                                               |     2 |
> | Catalonia                                                                            |     2 |
> | Schweiz                                                                              |     2 |
> | USA                                                                                  |     2 |
> | Països Catalans                                                                      |     2 |
> | Argentina                                                                            |     2 |
> | México                                                                               |     2 |
> | Nederland                                                                            |     2 |
> | España                                                                               |     2 |
> | Polska                                                                               |     2 |
> | Panamá                                                                               |     2 |
> | Україна                                                                              |     1 |
> | Philippines                                                                          |     1 |
> | Казахстан                                                                            |     1 |
> | Turchia                                                                              |     1 |
> | Portugal                                                                             |     1 |
> | Malta                                                                                |     1 |
> | Spain                                                                                |     1 |
> | Catalunya - País Valencià - Catalunya Nord                                           |     1 |
> | Ukraine                                                                              |     1 |
> | Serbia                                                                               |     1 |
> | Sweden                                                                               |     1 |
> | País Valencià                                                                        |     1 |
> | Catalunya, Catalonia                                                                 |     1 |
> | для всех стран                                                                       |     1 |
> | South Tyrol / Südtirol                                                               |     1 |
> | Others in 2011                                                                       |     1 |
> | Украина                                                                              |     1 |
> | Dla wszystkich, które chciałyby skorzystać (co wiąże się z licencją cc by-sa)        |     1 |
> | Belarus                                                                              |     1 |
> | Makedonie                                                                            |     1 |
> | Südtirol                                                                             |     1 |
> | Hungary                                                                              |     1 |
> | Bosnia, Croatia                                                                      |     1 |
> | Germany                                                                              |     1 |
> | Sverige                                                                              |     1 |
> | Grèce, DOM (France) , Turquie , Portugal                                             |     1 |
> | Thailand                                                                             |     1 |
> | Chz                                                                                  |     1 |
> | Irlanda                                                                              |     1 |
> | Mexico                                                                               |     1 |
> | Empordà                                                                              |     1 |
> | Ireland                                                                              |     1 |
> | Czech Republic                                                                       |     1 |
> | Västra.Götaland                                                                      |     1 |
> | Турция                                                                               |     1 |
> +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------+

8. When were (most of) your submissions for 2012 taken?
| sep-2012                                    |   680 |
| jan-aug-2012                                |   330 |
| 2000-2011                                   |   301 |
| sep-2012,jan-aug-2012                       |   136 |
| jan-aug-2012,2000-2011                      |   116 |
| sep-2012,jan-aug-2012,2000-2011             |    92 |
| sep-2012,2000-2011                          |    61 |
| NULL                                        |    20 |
| sep-2012,jan-aug-2012,2000-2011,before-2000 |    18 |
| sep-2012,before-2000                        |     4 |
| jan-aug-2012,2000-2011,before-2000          |     3 |
| 2000-2011,before-2000                       |     3 |
| sep-2012,2000-2011,before-2000              |     3 |
| sep-2012,jan-aug-2012,before-2000           |     2 |
| before-2000                                 |     1 |

9. My main motivation for submitting a photo for Wiki Loves Monuments
2012 was:
| share-heritage                                         |   192 |
| help,discover-heritage,share-heritage                  |   175 |
| help,share-heritage                                    |   128 |
| help                                                   |   122 |
| help,discover-heritage                                 |    83 |
| prize,help,discover-heritage,share-heritage            |    70 |
| help,share-heritage,easy                               |    68 |
| easy                                                   |    67 |
| prize,help,share-heritage                              |    61 |
| prize,help,discover-heritage,share-heritage,easy       |    61 |
| help,discover-heritage,share-heritage,easy             |    58 |
| discover-heritage                                      |    49 |
| other                                                  |    45 |
| prize,help,discover-heritage                           |    45 |
| discover-heritage,share-heritage                       |    43 |
| prize,help,share-heritage,easy                         |    43 |
| help,easy                                              |    41 |
| share-heritage,easy                                    |    41 |
| prize,help                                             |    39 |
| prize                                                  |    28 |
| help,discover-heritage,easy                            |    27 |
| prize,help,easy                                        |    22 |
| help,other                                             |    19 |
| prize,help,discover-heritage,easy                      |    18 |
| prize,share-heritage                                   |    17 |
| prize,help,discover-heritage,share-heritage,easy,other |    16 |
| discover-heritage,share-heritage,easy                  |    14 |
| prize,easy                                             |    14 |
| prize,discover-heritage                                |    13 |
| share-heritage,other                                   |    13 |
| help,discover-heritage,share-heritage,other            |    12 |
| NULL                                                   |    12 |
| help,discover-heritage,other                           |    10 |
| prize,share-heritage,easy                              |    10 |
| prize,discover-heritage,share-heritage                 |     9 |
| prize,help,discover-heritage,share-heritage,other      |     8 |
| help,share-heritage,easy,other                         |     7 |
| help,discover-heritage,share-heritage,easy,other       |     7 |
| help,share-heritage,other                              |     7 |
| prize,help,share-heritage,easy,other                   |     6 |
| prize,other                                            |     6 |
| discover-heritage,easy                                 |     5 |
| prize,help,share-heritage,other                        |     5 |
| prize,discover-heritage,easy                           |     4 |
| discover-heritage,share-heritage,other                 |     4 |
| help,easy,other                                        |     3 |
| prize,help,other                                       |     3 |
| discover-heritage,easy,other                           |     2 |
| easy,other                                             |     2 |
| prize,help,discover-heritage,other                     |     2 |
| prize,discover-heritage,share-heritage,other           |     2 |
| prize,share-heritage,other                             |     2 |
| prize,discover-heritage,share-heritage,easy            |     2 |
| share-heritage,easy,other                              |     2 |
| prize,easy,other                                       |     2 |
| prize,help,discover-heritage,easy,other                |     1 |
| prize,discover-heritage,easy,other                     |     1 |
| discover-heritage,share-heritage,easy,other            |     1 |
| discover-heritage,other                                |     1 |

Values for other:
> par amour de Paris et de nombre de ses richesses méconnues et peu vues (3)
> For the fun of it.                                                     (2)
> Donar fotografias para la demás gente                                  (2)
> Sentido de trascendencia                                               (2)
> привлечь внимание и спасти от разрушения                               (2)
> погулять по улицам исторического Ярославля                             (2)
> Que otras personas sepan que Sevilla es la mejor ciudad del mundo      (2)
> Pour tester le système
> Because i love monuments and i am proud to show those buildings to everyone who wants to see them
> To win a prize, to share my local heritage with other people.
> научиться красиво фотографировать
> I like to take pictures and exercise in the same time
> A veces me he interesado por consultar información que no he encontrado, así que me pareció buena idea ayudar a colaborar con la informaci´n a mi alcance.
> Pomoci s evidencí památek
> Wollte meine Kamera ausprobieren
> me gusta las fotografias
> Tak vlastně vše dohromady :-)
> Pomct NPÚ S evidencí kulturních památek
> Help in building a resource about Canadian cultural heritage sites
> farmi conoscere come fotografo
> I like photography and it has been a good incentive to branch out to monuments.
> Chęć zademonstrowania możliwości technologii obrazowania gigapikselowego do dokumentacji zabytków
> sinnvolle Verwendung für meine Fotos
> Es ist immer schön, mit einem konkreten Thema als Ziel zu fotografieren.
> для популяризації рідного міста Луцька
> curiosità e divertimento
> A fun addition to my vacation
> M'agrada la fotografia
> WLM-Fotos nur Teil meiner WM-/WP-Uploads
> Niezależnie od tego jak pompatycznie to brzmi, chiałbym aby coś po mni zostało... :-)
> To show others the way I see the world.
> азарт + люблю фотографировать
> To secure photos of South African heritage objects before they are lost to crime and vandalism
> War ein Anlass, schon lange dafür vorgesehene Bilder endlich hochzuladen.
> I love the art
> Jag har väldigt många fotografier som annars inte kommer till användning och jag tycker att det är viktigt med god dokumentation av kulturarvet.
> Ich fand die Idee mit dem Wettbewerb gut. Wenn in jedem Ort jemand mitmacht, gibt es Bilder von überall!
> Me encanta que se vean mis fotos
> to preserve local history
> לחלוק את התמונות שלי עם כל העולם, מכיוון שצילום הוא התחביב שלי
> I want to encrease the amount of free information about the monuments that I care about
> Out of nationalism and anti-hipi sentiment
> fun to take part in wiki drives
> Share something which i really enjoyed shooting pictures.
> it was fun
> Compartir mi trabajo con otros
> Möchte Denkmäler dokumentieren
> Nachdem ich oft auf der Suche nach Detailfotos bin, somit die Fotadatenbank von Wikipedia sehr nutze, möchte auch ich meinen Betrag dazu leisten. Undsomit begebe ich mich auch auf Fototour, wo ich vielleicht nicht so schnell hinkomme.
> fun
> Share my passion for photography
> Ik vond het zo`n leuke wedstrijd en hij had ook inhoud en ik hou van foto`s maken
> Att göra så att de idiotiskt många bilder jag tar kommer till någon nytta
> faltaban fotos de algunos monumentos
> Freizeitbeschäftigung
> Descubrir patrimonios de los cuales no sabia  de su existencia
> contribuer aux projets wikimedia (pas seulement wikipedia comme indiqué dans les choix)
> Aprecio el poder de compartir
> fotografia
> I had never uploaded any pic I had taken to Commons and I wanted to try.  Also, not that I wanted to win a prize but that I wanted to *win*.
> Contribuire alla valorizzazione di Cales
> por que me encanta tomar fotos
> Me femme etait sure que j'allais gagner...
> To be part of the effort and because Maarten Dammers asked me
> per curiosità
> Part of my normal upload to Commons
> zachować od zapomnienia, trzeba zachować pamięć przeszłości by budować bezpieczną przyszłość
> Jestem fanem wikipedii i zawsze chciałem coś dodać ale nie miałem motywacji. Konkurs mnie zmotywował
> Weil mir fotografieren viel Spass macht
> To gain more exposure
> Привлечь внимание властей и общественности к  местным памятникам культурного наследия
> Quería comenzar a editar Wikipedia y peinso seguir haciéndolo. Me pareció una buena manera de iniciar.
> I like the photography
> Me encanta la fotografía y Wikipedia. Buena combinación.
> My hobby is photography and always capture nice faces, moments and places.
> Interest in France
> I want to be recognized as a photograph
> pour partager LE patrimoine
> divertimento
> es fördert das Bewußtsein für Denkmäler
> Hilfe für österr. Bundesdenkmalamt
> Para aprender personalmente de los patrimonios
> Me apasiona la fotografía
> pour enrichir Commons
> Att få dela med mig av mina bilder.
> testování mobilní aplikace
> Poder mostrar mis fotos mas preciadas
> En parlant de ce projet à mon entourage, lui faire ouvrir les yeux pour découvrir notre patrimoine
> Tävla mot andra länder
> critical view on monuments
> For my ego!
> Joy of Photography
> To test my photography skills
> to help wiki in giveing more and better data
> test aplikacji
> Neugier, wie WLM funktioniert
> Het was leuk om in mijn onmiddellijke omgeving leuke gebouwen te fotograferen
> knowing i have file photos of our local heritage
> Weil ich das Bild schön genug fand, um es der Welt zu zeigen ;)
> Photography is an art which is to be shared. That is why I decided to participate.
> Denkmäler auf Reisen zu teilen
> to understand if my photos worth something. if you use them so they fine.
> i wanted to submit a better pic of my high school
> liked the idea of internet "immortality"
> It was fun, like a scavanger hunt.
> partecipare ad un concorso fotografico è uno stimolo per ogni fotografo ad imparare e ad essere più creativi.
> Easier uploading than the wizard
> Project with my children
> To get pictures published (blush).
> to hone my skills at photography
> se conozcan mis fotos
> Sprawdzić się
> I happened to have eligible photos
> I want people to see the photos I take.
> Auch für einen Artikel in der Unizeitung
> Het krijgen van waardering voor mijn foto's is mijn belangrijkste motivatie
> mostrar mi potencial como fotografo
> znalezienie sobie ciekawego zajęcia, ćwiczenie umiejetności fotografowania, rozwój
> Practicar fotografía
> out of work due to injury and was getting cabin fever after 4 months, also, similar to a scavenger hunt
> Finde Wikipedia/Wikimedia wichtig!
> To have a reason for my son, age 8, to want to go and visit local monuments.
> doping
> zasoutěžit si
> Um meine Fotos mit anderen zu teilen
> Vivir una nueva experiencia
> To see if my photography skills were on par with other photographers around the world
> Ansonsten gehen meine Bilder später verloren
> Heimatkundliches Archiv
> Bragging rights; also most contributors' photo-taking skills are atrocious
> To show places from a less common perspective
> ich scanne z.Zt. meine privaten alten Dias ein und darauf sind viele Kulturdenkmale im Zustand von vor 20-30 Jahren
> To see a few of my pictures on Wikipedia
> To be part of a team
> Dank für unzählige Hilfen von Wikipedia
> Me gusta la fotografía.
> goede 'opdracht' om serieus aan te pakken
> spännande fotouppdrag
> for the fun of it
> Mostly just wanted to enter a photo contest; never really expected to win.
> Ik wilde ook testen met andere landen upload ervaringen en ook de android app
> Von allem ein enig
> Conocer nuevos lugares
> to get 100 % of the local heritage viewable
> Лишний раз обратить внимание на то, в какой стране мы живем как мы уважаем нашу историю и культуру. Спасибо за возможность.
> To develop my interest in photography (no pun intended and in a few years very few people will understand the pun)
> photography is a hobby, this gave me a chance to practice.
> я увлекаюсь фотографией, решил и тут попробовать
> To be part of WLM
> doplnit fotografie památek na commons a stávající třídit
> izazov, avantura
> погулять по улицам исторического Ярославля,помочь Википедии и заодно поучаствовать в фото соревновании.
> chęć zajęcia czymś czasu wolnego
> I love taking photos
> Difundir mi trabajo fotográfico
> Prendre en main mon nouvel APN + trépied
> я обожаю фотографировать, а если это будет полезно окружающим, а еще вдруг и приз принесет то будет очень приятное добавление к любимому за�
> Om de lijsten van rijksmonumenten met ontbrekende foto's  aan te vullen
> To satisfy my archeological and photography curiosity
> Apoyar el arte
> I love to take photos!
> To have more images categorized under WLM
> I love taking pictures and sharing it.
> Fotografiere gerne
> Like taking Photos
> Visitar mi propio país
> è divertente
> Chęć zdobycia dyplomu za udział w tak ogromnym przedsięwzięciu
> To improve my photography skills
> אני אוהבת לצלם וזה כיף
> showcase "our" building
> To share with others what I, as an expat, will remember as a quintessential South African monument.
> Mostrar mi forma de expresión (mediante la fotografía) en público.
> help my son, a Wikimedian
> Het plezier van fotograferen te kunnen combineren met het nuttige doel.
> share photos from Philippines
> die Umgebung zu präsentieren
> todas las anteriores
> mi piace la fotografia
> por participar

10. How hard it was for you to find general information about the
|      NULL |    26 |
|         1 |   390 | Very easy
|         2 |   626 |
|         3 |   616 |
|         4 |   105 |
|         5 |     7 | Very hard

11. How hard was it for you to find lists of monuments for your
country/your neighbourhood
|       NULL |    29 |
|          1 |   465 |
|          2 |   636 |
|          3 |   459 |
|          4 |   165 |
|          5 |    16 |

12. How hard was it for you to find the monument identifier number for
the monuments you were interested in
|            NULL |    42 |
|               1 |   390 |
|               2 |   545 |
|               3 |   504 |
|               4 |   220 |
|               5 |    69 |

13. How hard was it for you to upload a picture for Wiki Loves Monuments
|             NULL |    27 |
|                1 |   528 |
|                2 |   650 |
|                3 |   438 |
|                4 |   101 |
|                5 |    26 |

14. What was the main obstacle, if any, for you to participate in the
competition? If you wish, you can elaborate in detail, but also leave it

> | Language  | Main obstacle
> | de        | Es ist schwierig zu sehen, welche Monumente noch benötigt werden.
> Wenn man sich mit Denkmallisten nicht auskennt, ist es nicht einfach, sich dort einzuarbeiten. Es wäre eine Anleitung nötig, wie man vorgeht.
> | fr        |
> Je tiens aussi a féliciter l'équipe canadienne car les numéros étaient faciles à avoir, beaucoup facile qu'en France !  En France c'était plus compliqué, surtout pour les questions de département.
> | en        |      Ne pas avoir, rapidement des réponses , par exemple sur mon adresse Internet
> | es        |   no me entere en el momento adecuado.
> | ru        |  не сразу разобрался с именованием файлов
> | en        | #General info on WLM/US was easy; *specific* information was difficult
> #The category structure for the National Register of Historic Places images is insane - a month later and I am still fumbling it
> | en        | (1)I had photographed most items in my neighborhood in the Netherlands in 2010 - hard to do more.
> (2) Distances from Netherlands, where I live, to France and distances within France. I biked appr. 4000-5000 km in 2012.
> | cs        | * aplikace pro android má mnoho nedodělků a bylo by vhodné širší uplatnění
> * obrázky z commons se automaticky nezobrazí v seznamu na Wikipedii
> * obrázky se složitě kategorizují
> * dlouhé seznamy se špatně editují, ideální by byla možnost editace v rámci jednotlivé památky
> | he        | -
> | fr        | - avoir le temps
> - avoir des MH pas trop loin
> - avoir du matériel photo adéquat
> | pl        | 1. trochę za późno dowiedziałam się o konkursie
> 2. kreator zdjęć na stronie przesyła zdjęcia bardzo powoli - wiem, że to kwestia szybkości transferu, ale jednocześnie źle zrobiony jest pasek postępu - powinien być jeden pasek dla wszystkich przesyłanych zdjęć, a tymczasem było to kilka pasków nałożonych na siebie, przez co całość 'migała" przy przesyłaniu i zupełnie nie było wiadomo, ile czasu potrwa przesyłanie zdjęć.
> Usiłowałam wysyłać vicuną, ale zniechęciło mnie to, że trzeba było wszystkie pola ręcznie powypełniać, kreatorek był do tego celu prostszy.
> | ru        | 1. По какой-то причине некоторые загруженные мною фотографии после загрузки исчезли, хотя я точно знаю что в тот день когда я их загружал точно были загружены и отображались в папке my uploads, но я к сожалению обнаружил это после оканчания срока приёма фотографий на конкурс.
> | ru        | 1.несовпадение. адреса в Википедии и места нахождения памятника.
> 2.невозможность сделать хороший снимок. Памятник закрыт рекламой, проводами, столбами. другими строениями. постоянно вокруг него машины, люди.
> | fr        | 10 : N'ai pas approfondi par manque de temps.
> 11 : Idem.
> 12 : Idem.
> 13 : Ne suis pas sûr d'y avoir réellement participé, sinon j'aurais reçu ce questionnaire directement alors que je l'ai trouvé sur la PU d'un autre utilisateur.
> | fr        | 2 éléments sont plutot genants à mon sens:
> 1) le concours est limité au monuments classés, or il y a aussi des monuments et des objets inscrits à l'inventaire mais non classés. ceux-ci sont un peu oubliés.
> 2) les éléments motivants sont un peu réduits : une poignée de prix rapporté aux nombre de participation. en fait, seul quelqu'un de désintéressé va charger une image, et pour des contributeurs réguliers, le fait de marquer les éléments chargés comme faisant partie de WLM peut même être un facteur de désaffection.
> | ru        | About Russian part of WLM-2012:
> * Много памятников из списка Минкульта не было в списке Википедии, то есть фото этих памятникв не могли участвовать в конкурсе
> * Узнав о том что проводится конкурс, я не сразу понял что фотографии надо грузить через специальную форму, из за этого часть фотографий были загружены вне конкурса
> * На сайте нет новостного блога о том, как проходит конкурс. Это снижает интерес к проекту, сравните с украинским и белорусским
> | en        | Adding submissions to the flickr group was closed for a long time.
> | en        | After I uploaded a picture I wasn't sure if you had received it.  I tried to upload it again and it told me there was already a picture for this location.  I had to assume it was mine.
> | en        | After loading (reloadin) a picture I was not sure if process has ended. I was looking after a save or done button.
> | es        | Al momento de tratar de tomar fotos, las condiciones climáticas no eran las mejores. Algunos de los sitios en la lista se encuentran en remodelación o actualmente son zonas donde se prohíbe tomar fotos. Algunos de los sitios dentro de la lista no contaban con la ubicación exacta por lo que a veces resultaba difícil hallar el lugar.
> | ca        | Al principi, no entenia el funcionament de l'App del meu mòbil. Ara ho tinc una mica més clar..
> | es        | Al ser residente de Argentina me resultó complejo identificar algunos monumentos de la República de Chile, ya que envié algunas fotos que fueron tomadas durante el periodo de vacaciones.
> | es        | Algunos lugares no coincidían con las direcciones dadas.
> | en        | All addresses in our city (Yoshkar-Ola) was not geocoded. So map displayed all points with monuments in center of city. There was page with list of addresses, so I tried to geocode manually. Some of addresses was correctly geocoded against Openstreetmap Nominatim and Yandex. Haven't yet managed to load list points to GPS navigator app.
> Also noticed that most of monuments listed in our city (that was old buildings) was demolished recently.
> | en        | Android App was not perfect. eg. I missed the coordinates of the monuments, often the database Server could not be reached and so the app didn't work at all.
> I also would have loved a list of monuments to upload to my garmin montana device in POI format er for my TomTom Go device.
> | en        | Android app was crashy and buggy.
> | en        | As I used mobile phone to take photograph and uploading to Wiki Loves Monuments 2012, Android application of Wiki Loves Monuments 2012 was not user friendly. It harder foe me to find local monuments with identification number. Please improve Android application for Wiki Loves Monumets 2013 contest.
> | ru        | As a WLM organiser from Ukraine: lack of monument lists. Official monuments lists do not exist in Ukraine, national heritage site's domain is suspended since 2010. Regional lists were often inavailable even on the explicit demand, thus we could find only a small part of the monuments on the Internet, we forced some of national and local governments' cultural departments to publish their lists, and some other local governments' cultural departments sent us their lists without publishing them. However, we did not manage to get about the half of the lists. As most of the lists had no ID or IDs were not unique within the country, we had to invent our own system
> As a WLM participant (not from Ukraine as, being the organiser, I could not participate in Ukraine), it was easy to find. I would say very easy for France and Estonia (good maps, clear tables, all necessary details following the links to government websites), easy for Czech Rep. and Switzerland and normal for Slovakia (badly sorted but still not too difficult to find)
> | en        | As someone completely unfamiliar with the wiki markup language, adding the caption was somewhat difficult.
> | sv        | Att förstå var monumenten låg på kartan och hur kopplingen mellan ID-nummer och min bild skulle hanteras. Appen som det tipsades om var obrukbar.
> | sv        | Att hitta information om var fartygen gick att hitta.
> | sv        | Att jag både under 2011 och 2012 verkar ha laddat upp mina fotografier i det "vanliga" formuläret, det vill säga att trots att jag trodde att jag gick in från hemsidan för Wiki loves monuments (tror jag gick in via den internationella, inte via den svenska?) så hamnade jag inte alltid i formuläret där det fanns en speciell ruta för att fylla i byggnadens eller fornlämningens id-nummer. Det verkar till exempel som alla mina fotografier som jag laddade in i september 2011 hamnade utanför tävlingen och därför inte blev kopplade till listan över byggnadsminnen eftersom flera av dessa byggnader stod som utan bild i årets tävling.I år fick jag hjälp av någon av era administratörer när jag laddat in fotografierna fel.
> | sv        | Att kartan inte alltid fungerade och jag inte kunde se ballongerna.
> | it        | Autorizzazione utilizzo immagini monumenti
> | fr        | Avant l'apparition de l'application android, l'an dernier, je n'avais pas de moyen très simple d'identifier les monuments historiques pour lesquelles il manquait des illustrations sur commons quand j'étais sur les lieux ; cette appli est un vrai plus.
> | fr        | Avoir du temps libre ; avoir une météo clémente les week-ends ; avoir la possibilité de se déplacer, surtout dans les coins reculés et en montagne ; bien planifier les horaires pour éviter des contre-jour ce qui n'est pas toujours simple ; trouver certains monuments cachés/privés ;
> | de        | Bei österreichischen Denkmälern war die Sache ziemlich einfach, in Italien und den USA war es ziemlich kompliziert. Ich habe auch einige Bilder für Südtirol hochgeladen - es wäre super, wenn "Wiki loves Monuments" in Südtirol weiter ausgebaut werden würde - momentan fällt es zwischen Italien und Österreich in eine Art "Aufmerksamkeitsloch"
> | de        | Beim Hochladen mehrerer Fotos hat irgendetwas nicht funktioniert und die Kommentierungen standen z.T. am falschen Bild. Das war ziemlich kompliziert zu ändern. Es hat mir auch jemand im Hintergrund dabei geholfen. Vielen Dank dafür :-))
> | de        | Beschreibung des Standortes in den offiziellen Listen öfters unpräzis oder nur durch Kadasternummern, die nicht aufzufinden sind.
> | de        | Beschriftung der Bilder und genauere Angaben waren nicht leicht zu finden, dauerte sehr lange
> | fr        | Bien comprendre le sujet du concours, c'est à dire qu'il ne fallait des photos que de monuments inscrits au Patrimoine historique
> | nl        | Bij punt 13. :  De eerste foto uploaden ging tamelijk vlot, maar toen ik later nog een tweede wou toevoegen was dat een heel gepuzzel en ik weet niet of die tweede in dezelfde context terecht is gekomen.
> Los van een wedstrijd zou ik af en toe nog wel eens één van mijn foto's willen uploaden maar ik ben er nog niet in geslaagd die weg (terug) te vinden.
> | pl        | Brak możliwości wcześniejszej publikacji zdjęć.
> | en        | By the time September arrived, the weather was not as cooperative as I might have liked.  LOL!
> | cs        | Byla tam standardně licence CC-BY-SA, ale já jsm všechny fotky potom přelicencoval na CC-BY.
> There was a license CC-BY-SA by default, but I have manually changed the license to CC-BY after the upload.
> | fr        | C'est assez compliqué, j'ai quelques fois dû m'y reprendre à plusieurs fois avant de charger des photos. De plus, après, je ne comprends pas comment répertoriés les photos en catégorie et comment regrouper les photos d'un même thème sur une même page. C'est complexe comme utilisation.
> | en        | Choosing a unique file name
> | it        | Come già comunicato precedentemente, nella zona in cui abito, e precisamente la provincia di Reggio Emilia, non ho trovato nessun monumento registrato.
> Su Vs. consiglio ho iniziato a richiedere le autorizzazioni ai responsabili o proprietari dei vari monumenti e appena possibile inizierò a caricare delle foto.
> Fatemi sapere dove inviare le autorizzazione e le foto. Grazie
> | fr        | Comme je l'ai répondu à la question 12, je ne savais pas comment trouver le numéro d'identification des lieux que j'ai photographié. C'est d'ailleurs pour ça que j'ai si peu participé. J'aurais voulu faire mieux, mais je ne savais pas comment.
> | en        | Competition was a little short; I dedicated one afternoon to one district of my city and would have done more ... You should make this an ongoing event, perhaps showing the number of 'blank spots' somebody has eradicted by uploading a picture. And grant a person who first audits the picture (stating that it shows what it should show ...) also a bonus point!
> | de        | Da ich Bilder aus Schweden hochgeladen habe, war es sehr schwer auf den schwedischen Webseiten die Kennnummern zu finden.
> | de        | Da ich auf WLM erst ca. Mitte September aufmerksam wurde, hatte ich Bedenken, dass ich noch genügend Zeit hatte, meine Fotos hochzuladen.
> | de        | Da ich i.d.R. über commonist hochlade, fand ich die Prozedur sehr umständlich. Ich habe im WLM-Zeitraum mehr als 50 Bilder hochgeladen, davon ein großer Anteil Kulturdenkmäler. Nominiert habe ich ein zufällig ausgewähltes, dann wurde es mir zu umständlich.
> | de        | Das Hergeben der Bildrechte
> | de        | Das Hochladen der neuen Bilder von meinem iPhone auf die Website.
> | de        | Das hochladen von bildern. Wegen meiner extrem geringen upload geschwidigkeit und der probleme mit dem upload wizard bei sehr langen upload zeiten (mehrerer stunden) -> abbruch wegen verschiedenster probleme (auf wikipedia oder auf meiner seite - neue ip vom provider) unter verlust von ALLEM was schon hochgeladen wurde. Naja zum glueck gab es den commonist.
> | nl        | De monumentenlijsten kloppen volgens mij niet 100%. Zo vond ik bij mij in de stad op enkele vermelde adressen niet de beschreven panden. Ik vermoed dat er (jaren geleden) een hernummering van de huisnummers in sommige straten plaatsvond, en de lijsten nog de oude huisnummers vermelden. Het zicht op sommige monumenten is vanaf de openbare weg beperkt. Om die goed te kunnen fotograferen zou je eigenlijk op privéterrein moeten gaan.
> | de        | Den Link für den Hochlade-Assistenten zu finden.
> | de        | Der WLM-Uploader war mir zu umständlich (mehrfaches "weiter"-Klicken), weshalb ich das normale (alte) Upload-Formular benutzt habe. Allerdings war mir völlig unklar in welche Kategorien die Fotos sollen. (z.B. auch ob die Bilder in die WLM-Bundesland-Kategorien eingefügt werden sollen.)
> Eine Anleitung für das normale Upload-Formular wäre gut gewesen, also insbesondere, in welche Kategorien die Bilder eingefügt werden sollten.
> | de        | Der hängende Uploader
> | de        | Der neue Hochladeassistent - ist für langsamere oder störanfällige Leitungen unbrauchbar, denn ich bin nicht interessiert dreimal das selbe zu beginnen. Bin deshalb wieder auf Commonist rückgekehrt, der wesentlich stabiler und handlicher ist. Vorher ausfüllen, dann übertragen. Bei Abbruch bleiben Infos erhalten. Das ist die wesentlich bessere Philosophie
> | sv        | Det största hindret var tyvärr tidsbrist. Det näst största hindret var datorkrångel.
> | en        | Did not realise that there was a competition until almost too late
> | de        | Die APP für Android ist bei mir oft abgestürzt, wenn ich Bilder machen wollte (Android cm10 Motorola DEFy). Eine bessere web-oberfläche zum einstellen der beider wäre auch schön. ( alle Bilder auf einmal hochladen und dann per drag n drop zuordnen, ohne noch zusätzlich deren angeben zu müssen.)
> Ich hab halt alle 30 Denkmäler in meinem dorf durchfotografiert, und wenn ich da bei für jedes Bild ein paar Minuten brauche, kommt auch einiges an ist zusammen, die ich mir dafür eigtl. gern sparen würde.
> | de        | Die Anmeldeformalitäten
> | de        | Die Bilder hochladen.
> | de        | Die Denkmallisten in ein geeignetes Format (gpx) für mein Navi-SW zu bringen, war viel Aufwand.
> | de        | Die Einbindung der Bilder in die Webseiten war nicht so einfach
> | de        | Die Information, dass es einen weiteren Wettbewerb 2012 gibt, ist mir erst anfangs September bekannt geworden. In dieser ersten Info stand sehr wenig, keine Dauer, keine Bedingungen, keine Anleitungen.
> Die Zeitdauer von 30 Tagen war viel zu kurz, um mehr als zwei drei Projekte seriös auszuwählen, zu Rekognoszieren, für die Aufnahmen und Bearbeitung der Bilder zu verwirklichen.
> | de        | Die Kennnummer zu finden, die meinem Bild zugeordnet war, war für mich das grösste Problem.
> Mit etwas Geduld habe ich das System dann aber durchschaut und dann war es recht simpel.
> | de        | Die Nationalen Organisationsteams scheinen zu viele Organisationsseiten zu unterhalten, die nicht miteinander koordiniert sind. Von der Internationalen WLM-Seite sollte man auf DIE (einzige) nationale Koordinationsseite verlinken, unabhängig ob man sich von Commons, oder seiner nationalen Wikipediaseite aus einlinkt. Nach Abschluss der Hochladephase sollte über jedes nationale Wiki über den Stand der Jurybearbeitung und der weiteren Preisermittlung informiert werden. Der derzeitige Zustand ist unbefriedigend. Der Wettbewerb erscheint vielfach als beendet, aber der - vor allem im Wikimedialabyrinth unerfahre - Neuling, aber quasi erfahrene Nutzer, wie ich, haben keinen leicht zugänglichen Zugriff auf was jetzt mit ihren Bildern und der Bewertung in verschiedenen Ländern, auch über das Heimatwiki hinaus passiert (bei Uploads in verschiedenen) Ländern.
> | de        | Die Preise waren lächerlich (Hauptpreis 400 €), als Otto-Normal-Verbraucher mit einer normalen Kamera hat man von vornherein keine Chance darauf. Bleiben also nur noch die Fleißpreise von mickrigen 50€.
> | de        | Die Seite mit den Unterseiten ist chaotisch und unübersichtlich! Da würde ich neutrale Personen beauftragen, Nachbesserungen vorzunehmen.
> | de        | Die Tabellenseiten zum "meinen" Orten anzulegen
> | de        | Die bayerische Denkmalliste in meiner Gegend war nicht aktuell in dem Sinne, dass die angegeben Lokalitäten nicht akkurat waren oder schlecht beschrieben, was sicher an dem Alter der Daten liegt. Aber letztendlich hat es mehr Spaß gemacht, die Denkmäler wirklich suchen zu müssen. :)
> | de        | Die denkmäler finden, war kein Problem. In Östereich ist ja die Datenbank gut aufgebaut, und der Link für den Fotoupload ist eine super Einrichtung. Einzig mit dr Katalogisierung der einzelnen Fotos habe ich so meine Probleme. Irgendwie finde ich den Aufbau des Kategoriebaumes nicht so richtig, und wählte meist die Stichwörter, die bei vornandenen Fotos waren.
> | de        | Die massive bis aggressive pauschale Ablehnung der Teilnehmerbilder durch einzelne Wikipedia-Autoren. Weitere Hindernisse waren das völlige Fehlen von Denkmallisten in einigen Bereichen (nicht nur bei Wikipedi, sondern überhaupt - für jedes Bauwerk eine einzelne Anfrage bei der Denkmalschutzbehörde zu stellen nervt auch die Behörde - bzw. die offensichtliche Unvollständigket von Verzeichnissen. Außerdem redet die Gerüchteküche seit langem über eine Zusammenarbeit von Wikipedia mit dem Niedersächsischen Landesamt für Denkmalpflege - es gibt darüber aber keinerlei Informationen, auch auf Nachfrage Stillschweigen. Das führt zu Unsicherheit, in welche Richtung Mitarbeit bei WP im Denkmalbereich überhaupt sinnvoll ist.
> | de        | Die Überprüfung eines Objektes auf Zuordnung als KULTURdenkmal (es mangelt gravierend an veröffentlichten glaubhaften Denkmallisten - Nachfragen bei Bundesland-Behörden erfordern teilweise eine Darlegung berechtigten Interesses).
> Was ist ein Denkmal/Kulturdenkmal? Für manchen Foto-Aspiranten eine echte Hürde: die Begriffe Kulturdenkmal, Bau- und Kunstdenkmal, Industriedenkmal, technisches Denkmal, Gartendenkmal, Flur-/Bodendenkmal, Gutshof, Personendenkmal usw. werden leider oft unkorrekt benutzt oder verwechselt.
> | fr        | Difficile de trouver les bonnes catégories
> | en        | Difficult to figure out the rules for copyright and how they applied to which monuments, as well as what else could be in a photo.
> Difficult to organize the information in a way that was useful while I was on the ground--maps would have been useful, along with key information about what the picture should be of.
> | en        | Difficulty navigating PC upload....and being able to edit.
> | en        | Doncram
> | it        | Dover controllare sulla lista dei monumenti se le foto da me realizzate avevano come soggetto dei monumenti "liberati"
> | sv        | Dygnen hade bara 24 timmar
> | pl        | Dylematy moralne - potencjalnie mógłbym dostać nagrodę, a nie o to mi chodziło
> | cs        | Déšť
> | nl        | Een lijst van momumenten was vaak incompleet of opgedeeld in sublijsten waar ik niet zo veel mee kon. Ook was deze informatie slecht filterbaar. Ik was met name op jacht naar monumenten die nog niet waren gefotografeerd zodat ik wat kon bijdragen.
> | es        | El cierre de la covocatoria ya estaba próxima por lo que tuve que apresurarme a enviar la información que pude recopilar.
> | es        | El ejercicio lo realicé con un hermano, la dificultad es que nos dimos cuenta muy tarde del concurso y por nuestro trabajo contamos con poco tiempo, pero queríamos participar con mas fotografías....
> | es        | El hecho de que algunos monumentos se encontraban en zonas consideradas peligrosas de la ciudad y que n era practico irlos a fotografiar.
> Tambien el hecho de que algunos no podian ser fotografiados comodamente por obstaculos urbanos como coches o calles angostas.
> | es        | El máximo de fotos que dejaba subir el asistente era muy poco, si no me equivoco, sólo 50, por lo que había que hacer varias cargas.
> | es        | El plazo para subir fotos, ya que me enteré hasta aproximadamente una semana y media antes de que terminara el plazo
> | ca        | El poc temps per pujar tantes fotos. En el meu cas 2083 fotos.
> | ca        | El principal obstacle ha sigut trobar els codis per als monuments de fora del meu país.
> | es        | El principal obstáculo (pero también la principal motivación) fue la falta de información (en algunos casos) de la situación exacta de los monumentos.
> | es        | El principal obstáculo fue que me enteré del concurso el último día de participación.
> | es        | El proceso de carga era muy lento.
> | es        | El sistema de subido de imágenes no funciona todo lo bien que debiera. En un caso se enganchó y perdí todo el trabajo que había hecho.
> | ca        | El temps que es triga en omplir les dades i pujar les fotografies. La imprecisió (i alguns errors) en la situació geogràfica dels monuments (i la impossibilitat de corregir-ho o discutir-ho amb algun responsable).
> | es        | El tener que utilizar otro programa para subir las fotos al grupo WLM
> | es        | El tiempo
> | es        | El tiempo gastado en andar por los alrededores buscando los monumentos de la lista, ya que soy estudiante y fue una complicacion.
> | es        | El tiempo, me entere un poco tarde
> | ca        | En alguns monuments no deixava ben clara la localització d'aquests (numeració de carrers antiga, etc)
> | es        | En cuanto al concurso no hubo mayores problemas, quizá el tema del identificador al haber cientos de monumentos me constó un poco. Recalcar que hace ya tiempo (1 año al menos) intenté sin éxito donar a la wikipedia estas mismas fotografías y me volví un poco loco con el tema de las licencias, darme de alta en ellas, etc.. tanto es así que lo acabé dejando por medio imposible. (no me considero nada patoso en estos temas, es más me dedico a la informática y el diseño web) Con el concurso me encontré una forma "fácil" de adelantar el proceso y parece que funcionó. Os invito a que adaptéis el procedimiento del concurso en cuanto a donacion y subida de archivos para cualquier proposito similar. Me ha sido muchísimo más fácil de lo que me encontré antaño. Por cierto gracias por el premio. ¡He sido el segundo finalista de España!
> Un saludo y seguir así.
> | ca        | En general l'accés a la informació de com participar al concurs i la usabilitat de les eines del concurs: llista de monuments, trobar el codi, carregar les fotos.... tot plegat, n'has de tenir moltes ganes i voler persistir molt!
> | es        | Encontrar el número de identificación del monumento
> | it        | Era necessaria una descrizione più dettagliata sulle qualità delle foto che era possibile caricare per partecipare al concorso. Per esempio se era possibile modificarle o effettuare un fotomontaggio. Per il resto era tutto spiegato con precisione.
> | de        | Es fehlte der Hinweis darauf, dass die Fotos durch die Kategorien auch an anderen Stellen als auf den Wiki Listen der Baudenkmäler erscheinen. Da dort die Beschreibungen (leider teils sehr rudimentär) bereits vorgegeben sind, musste ich nach der Entdeckung der Kategorien erheblich nacharbeiten. Weiter wäre es unbedingt nötig besser zu erklären, wie die Bilder, Koordinaten und Kennnummern dann in die Listen der Baudenkmäler einzutragen sind. Bei mir waren einige Fragen an meine freundlichen Helfer nötig, bis das reibungslos funktionierte. Für WLM sollte eine eigene Hilfeseite eingerichtet werden, da sich wahrscheinlich nur sehr wenige Beteiligte durch den Dschungel der anderen Hilfeseiten durcharbeiten werden.
> | de        | Es war bei einigen Denkmälern ist nicht klar, ob eine Aussenansicht vom Gebäude gesucht ist, oder ob es evt. um den Inhalt geht (Biobiotheken, Archive).
> Die Zuordnung der Orte auf der Karte war zumindest zu Beginn in einigen Browsern total falsch.
> | de        | Es war für mich nicht ganz klar, nach welchen Kriterien die Bilder aufgenommen werden sollten. Sollen es reine Dokumentationen sein oder spielt der künstlerische Aspekt (z.B . Detailaufnahmen, besondere Lichtsituationen etc.) eine Rolle?
> | fr        | Essentiellement technique ; quand j'ai chargé une série de photos, plusieurs ne sont pas passées correctement ; j'ai voulu les annuler pour recommencer ; impossible !!
> De ce fait, je n'ai chargé quelques photos suivantes que une par une. Mais comme il faut aussi attendre qu'elle soit validée pour publication, j'attendais donc celle-ci pour publier la suivante... quand j'y repensais... Ainsi, il y a plusieurs photos que je n'ai pas encore chargées. Et l'ensemble du processus étant assez lent, cela m'a beaucoup freiné pour continuer à en prendre.
> Il serait bien d'avoir, comme sur wikipédia, après le téléchargement, une fonction de prévisualisation qui permette aussi de supprimer celui-ci pour recommencer. Mais aussi qu'il ne faille pas attendre une "validation" dépendante de la disponibilité d'une autre personne même dévouée. Je comprends que vous vouliez ainsi éviter la publicité, les images "chocs", etc. Peut-être pourriez-vous ajouter un bouton "engagement sur l'honneur" de respecter les conditions et plus simplement supprimer après-coup celles qui y déconviendraient.
> Après un temps infini de recherche à errer dans wikimédia pour trouver où demander de l'aide, j'ai découvert comment faire, enfin (mais j'ai déjà oublié, je suis tombé dessus par hasard, il y a beaucoup trop de boucles dans votre système, d'énoncés mal libellés ou redondants, et une structure rien moins que claire, organisée et logique - on dirait un empilement de fonctions non pensées globalement).
> Des bénévoles m'ont alors répondu, aimablement et rapidement, merci encore à eux. Mais, horreur ;-) pour un seul cliché que je voulais, il y en a parfois une dizaine (?) avec les essais et brouillons, ce qui gâche la présentation du seul et unique valable, et noiera forcément les internautes. Ce serait bien aussi, dès lors, d'avoir une fonction qui élimine les doublons, au gré du photographe, plutôt qu'une compilation compliquée, inutile et un brin obsessionnelle de "gardien de toutes les traces"... Laissez-nous respirer !!
> | fr        | Essentiellement technique ; quand j'ai chargé une série de photos, plusieurs ne sont pas passées correctement ; j'ai voulu les annuler pour recommencer ; impossible !!
> Il serait bien d'avoir, comme sur wikipédia, après le téléchargement, une fonction de prévisualisation qui permette aussi de supprimer celui-ci pour recommencer.
> Après un temps infini de recherche à errer dans wikimédia pour trouver où demander de l'aide, j'ai découvert comment faire, enfin (mais j'ai déjà oublié, je suis tombé dessus par hasard, il y a beaucoup trop de boucles dans votre système, d'énoncés mal libellés ou redondants, et une structure rien moins que claire, organisée et logique - on dirait un empilement de fonctions non pensées globalement).
> Des bénévoles m'ont alors répondu, aimablement et rapidement, merci encore à eux. Mais, horreur ;-) pour un seul cliché que je voulais, il y en a parfois une dizaine (?) avec les essais et brouillons, ce qui gâche la présentation du seul et unique valable, et noiera forcément les internautes. Ce serait bien aussi, dès lors, d'avoir une fonction qui élimine les doublons, au gré du photographe, plutôt qu'une compilation compliquée, inutile et un brin obsessionnelle de "gardien de toutes les traces"... Laissez-nous respirer !!
> | es        | Falta de tiempo
> | en        | Feeling like it was this Gig Deal, that little pictures of little monuments wouldn't matter, that not having expensive/proper/fancy equipment was an impediment, that people would make fun of my images.
> | de        | Fehler beim Hochladen
> | en        | Find identifier number for other country. But other people did it for me ! Thanks to them !
> | en        | Finding appropriate categories is difficult. I used categories for several pictures that seemed obviously appropriate, but those categories were later removed by someone else.
> The NRHP list on Wikipedia is far better than the one on the National Parks Service and the Texas Historic Commission websites. Great job generating this list! Will the Wiki sites surpass the National and State sources for information on historic sites? It seems well on its way!
> | en        | Finding monument Identifier Number.
> | en        | Finding monument identifier numbers for Dutch monuments.
> The USA monuments were listed and virtually effortless to apply monument identifiers.
> | en        | Finding right county name to go with photos.  Also, in a couple of places the landmark info was changed... for example an address of 197 was really 198, or an address range was given, or the boundaries weren't correct to the locally defined  boundary. I always confirmed my information with highly reliable sources (such as the people who grew up in or restored the building in question).
> | en        | Finding some of the monuments
> uploading for the fist time, terminology was confusing
> | en        | Finding the monument codes was tricky. The archaeological district classification was different from the administrative district system followed in use which made it difficult to locate the monument. Sometimes official monument names were different from the colloquial/generic names used by the public so it took some time to orient myself.
> | en        | Finding time to participate
> | en        | Finding time to travel to the monuments themselves!
> | en        | First, I didn't have much time for it. Taking pictures was much less time-consuming than checking all the metadata and tagging them. Second, the uploading engine is awfully slow. I have thousands of pictures I didn't upload because I just don't have the days to spend. It is much easier when there is no competition (although the uploading engine is still clumsy).
> | en        | For France, finding the correct identifier was nearly impossible in 2012. I quit halfway the process. Until today, I don't know if it actually were monuments or not.
> | en        | For Serbia: some information in the lists seems to be wrong
> For Russia: general mess, lists did not exist or were difficult to use, very little information
> For Germany: many lists were not generally compiled, no identificators
> | en        | For all the pictures I take, most of them were during my travels... so while I had a lot of monument photos I only had a small handful from Canada (where I live). And those other countries where I felt I had good monument photos, a lot of them were not participating in this contest (like Ireland or the UK Channel Islands). But none of this is Wikimedia's fault, it would be nice though if you could expand the number of competitions to include other topics like Natural Beauties of this World and Stamps (at least stamps that are considered public domain). And I might be willing to contribute a couple hundred dollars' in prize money if my website could be listed as a sponsor ( ).
> | de        | Formalismen
> | en        | Found it confusing; would have liked to link to Flickr stream for photos posting but was muddled about coding
> | en        | Found out about about it too late. I uploaded most monuments after the competition was over.
> | en        | Found out about it too late to contribute more photos.
> | en        | Freedom of panorama for Romania caused pictures of many monuments to removed. Neither the upload tool nor the monument lists had a way to indicate non-qualifying monuments.
> | en        | From the side of Wikimedia the beggist problems was UploadWizzard. I had to fill up some bugs to bugzilla, but I have seen there had to be bugs workout before the start of WLM regarding uploads and they were not workout on time.
> | es        | Fue el tiempo de un mes, ya que septiembre son fiestas patrias en Chile y uno tiene muchas actividades la mayor parte del mes dejando casi solo una semana para el concurso
> | sv        | Få objekt att fotografera och alltså att använda.
> Uppgifter om "Wiki Loves Monuments" hittades relativt sent.  Informationen bord varit bättre och effektivare.
> | de        | Für "Altgediente" ist das weniger Problem, für Ausstenstehende bzw. Neulinge geistern zu viele Fachbegriffe herum (Lizenzierung, Kategorisierung, ...)
> | pl        | Gdy nie ma banera trudno trafić na stronę WLM.
> | en        | Getting a camera ofcourse.
> | en        | Getting the list of monuments. I don't have a cell phone to download to. also could not figure out if pictures I already have are on the list because I don't know what county they are in. For instance: the grave site of Gen. Custer at Custers last stand or the USS Iowa, I don't even know what state it's in.
> | en        | Give some little contribution for Wiki loves monuments.I always like to share the historical place pics because I love it.
> | sr-ec     | Glavna prepreka je bio kratak rok za ucestvovanje za nagradu i uskladjivanje vremena sa suprugom koji je vozac
> | es        | Gracias a Dios, todo estuvo bien, no encontré inconvenientes...
> | pl        | Głównie brak czasu
> | en        | Had to do the process myself because my wife thought it were top hard for her. Too many steps and wiki editing is not wysiwg.
> | sv        | Hade problem med att ladda upp bilden första gången, jag tror att den var för stor.
> | nl        | Het blijft een tijdrovende bezigheid, maar ik zie niet hoe dat eenvoudiger zou kunnen. Als jullie wel een briljant idee ten aanzien hiervan hebben, dan graag! :)
> | nl        | Het duurde enorm lang om foto's op te laden,maar wanneer er eens iets fout liep om een foto op te laden, enkel foutmelding, nooit detail en daarna niet meer mogelijk om zelfde foto te herladen.   Vermoed dat ik daardoor enkele foto's niet gepublished heb.
> | nl        | Het later toevoegen van een beschrijving
> | nl        | Het niet kunnen uploaden via Commonnist. Ik zou veel meer foto's hebben geschoten en geupload als het uploaden me niet zoveel onnodig tijd had gekost. Vervelend was dat ik er een vraag over stelde en daar geen antwoord op kreeg.
> Daarnaast was niet duidelijk of Varende monumenten onder de doelgroep vielen. Zou dat het geval zijn kwamen er vlot honderden foto's bij.
> | nl        | Het was bij een object wat meerdere monumentnummers heeft niet altijd even duidelijk om welk specifiek object het ging.
> | it        | Ho caricato piu' foto diverse nella stessa operazione e alcune sono state impostate come versioni precedenti di una stessa foto con cui non avevano niente a che vedere
> | it        | Ho scoperto il concorso nel mese di agosto, ma gli elenchi dei monumenti si sono arricchiti di siti soprattutto nel mese di settembre.
> | de        | Hochladeassistent is bei vielen Bildern zu einem Objekt nicht sehr komfortabel, besonders, wenn viele Kategorien + Geo-referenzierung enthalten sein sollen
> | nl        | Hoewel ik ingelogd was op Wikimedia Commons moest ik telkens opnieuw inloggen als ik een foto wou uploaden via Wiki Loves Monuments. Uiteindelijk heb ik de foto's kunnen uploaden door het sjabloon in te voeren op de bewerkingspagina's van de desbetreffende bestanden.
> | es        | Hola, en particular el proceso de alta dentro de la convocatoria me resulto confuso, pero ya estando en wikimedia es clara la alta de imágenes. También no entendía como se colocaba el ID del monumento, pero obtuve ayuda mediante su foro, si era obligatorio entrar en Flirk oera más que suficiente registrarme en Wikimedia.
> Gracias, lpr7171
> | en        | I believe that the server could not handle the sudden rush of uploading of files especially towards the end of September due to which I could barely manage to upload one single photograph.
> | en        | I could only take pictures of the monuments that are close to my home because I don't have a car.
> | en        | I couldn't find my way through the listings for Germany to the object I had photographed.
> | en        | I did my work as usual. I uploaded my pictures with or without  that competition.
> | en        | I did not know about the competition until it had already started.
> | en        | I didn't bookmark the page, and then after the noticed disappeared from other WM sites, I had a hard time finding it again.  A backlink to the page where I could drill down to country/state/county [ here] would have been very helpful - that link shows up in the images I uploaded.
> | en        | I didn't know if my photo was good enough for the competition. That made me think twice before uploading.
> | en        | I didn't like the term "Any one can use or sale your photographs"
> | sk        | I do not need to participate in the competition.
> | en        | I do not speak Ukrainian, so the instructions and monuments list were a bit tricky to decode, but with machine translation and some knowledge of local places it was not difficult.
> | be-tarask | I don't have a camera of my own :)
> | en        | I find it very interesting.
> | en        | I found all the information about the competition from Czech sources (facebook, sites, wiki...). Slovak mutation of wiki informs a little late, when the competition already ran.
> | en        | I found that Canada's page for the contest had many grammatical and spelling errors. It was also not clear to me for quite a while exactly where to find the information needed (like a list of monuments and their numbers), it seemed like many links just took you to one page and then directed you to the previous page for more information, but the information wasn't there or wasn't clearly labeled.
> | en        | I found the submission process confusing--I did not have a login id and had to branch off to set that up first, then seemed to be going around in some kind of loop and didn't know if my picture had actually arrived at its destination. I kept landing back at pages I had seen before, and I wasn't always clear about what I was being asked to supply or do at various times.  It made me feel older and more confused than I ought to be.
> | en        | I got to know about the competition two days before the deadline and it was to little time for me to upload everything I wanted.
> It should be advertised more.
> | en        | I guess the user interface and user experience in participating is bit hard. Not so user friendly. Should worked on easy interface
> | en        | I had a hard time finding my pictures afterwards and making sure they actually got uploaded to the related pages. Unless someone else did it for me, they may still not be on the associated pages.
> | en        | I had many more pictures of places that were not in the list, but it puzzled me that other users uploaded pictures of those places with various and different identifier numbers.
> | en        | I had more pictures of local heritage buildings in West Québec (Outaouais) (where I live) but they were not in the Canadian database you were using, they are in
> The Canadian database didn't have anything in huge areas!
> | en        | I had more than one pic, so I tried to upload both, but it only accepted the 2nd (worse) one.  I had more trouble filling in the descriptions.  Wasn't sure what to put in some of them.
> I have pics of places I have been that are not monuments that I would like to share.  Maybe if I submit more pics it will get easier.
> I would only correct wiki entries if I was absolutely sure of myself.
> | en        | I had some pictures from fro Monuments not listed, then i had some missed uploads
> | en        | I had to enable javascript, or java or something I don't remember to use the upload wizard.
> | en        | I had to purchase a camera.
> | en        | I had to use SLR camera to take a picture as my phone camera isn't good. Then i had to upload to my PC and download it to my phone and than upload again with Wiki app.
> | en        | I had trouble finding some of the monuments, even with GPS.
> | en        | I knew the monument, but from the specific Wiki page there was no link; I had to go to the Monuments list, scroll down it (some time, many pages) and then be sure the Label was the same as what I had). It would have been easier to have a tool search or a link from the detail page.
> | en        | I learn about it only a week and half before the closing date, so I was in a rush to take pictures, but after a few days I taught, well! I will participate more next year, and take better pictures during the year ahead.
> | en        | I learned about the contest in August, 2012, so when started shooting pictures it was summer. Some of the monuments were hidden in trees and therefore hard to capture in whole. That's why the composition of my photos not always was correct. Also the high summer contrast in was the obstacle.
> | en        | I learned the hard way that the convenience "submit a photo" button that appeared on the NHRP places article (for the county for which I submitted photos) was landmark-specific and ended up having to enter each landmark's reference number manually.
> | en        | I missed many photos to participate in this competition because of slow uploading.
> | en        | I needed more time to go around the monuments and better weather, but nothing that I could blame WLM for. :)
> | en        | I photograph National Register of Historic Places listings and most of them near where I live now have pictures for Wikipedia.
> | en        | I realised after submitting most of my photos that SA law is quite sticky about public buildings etc. being photographed, so didn't want to submit any photos that would get me into copyright trouble.
> | en        | I still have problem in uploading by using WIKI instruction
> | en        | I submit photos i took without any touch, i mean, without using any photoshop or adobe. I want what the camera get that's the best shot.
> | en        | I tried to upload several different photographs, but only one went through, I am not sure why it failed so much, I tried with different web browsers (firefox, chrome, explorer)
> | en        | I uploaded many photos at once. It was difficult and time consuming to find and input each individual ID for the monuments.
> | en        | I used the monument map at first when i decided to upload. Then i intended to upload more but the map for British Columbia was not working when i checked (it was still during the competition - all other provinces were functioning). I checked a few times with the same problems. I thought it closed early for BC.
> | en        | I was annoyed by the fact that even if I had a wiki account, I needed to create again another account for contributing with monuments. I guess credential roaming is easy to be used inside Wiki. If the colleague would not insist, I would quickly abandon contributing, even if I had plenty of pictures and the will to share.
> | en        | I was invited through my flickr account to participate in the 2011 contest by one of the organizers of the contest in my country that noticed I had many photos of monuments, but I didn't had time to participate then and it looked complicated to participate [I was wrong]. I was invited again this year through flickr and I realized I could just send my photos to a flickr group without even having to open a wiki account [probably time consuming I thought]. Now I plan to make myself a wiki account to be able to link my photos to the relevant wiki pages.
> | ru        | I was late so I didn't have enough time to prepare photos and internet connection.
> | en        | I was not able to find monument identification number while uploading photos of some monuments like "Jal Mahal at Maansagar Lake", "JaiGarh at Amber" and due to this reason I was unable to upload some of the photos in this competition.
> | en        | I was not sure how much detail needed to be in the title of each photo.   It took time and sometimes research to make  informative titles for photos of the same heritage site.
> I am limited in my Hebrew typing so I wrote in my native English instead.  I hope that was OK.
> It would be nice to have more of the instructions in English.
> | en        | I was not very productive this year due to an operation of my eye.
> | en        | I was unsure if I was uploading to the correct part of the site.
> | en        | I wasn't sure if i can edit the wiki page and add an ancient 14th century mosque to the wiki page to upload the photo of the same. In the end i did do that.
> | en        | I wish I could have gotten upload information for other countries participating given to me in English. I had lots of pictures for 3 other countries that I couldn't add because I couldn't understand the langugage for the upload page.
> | en        | I'd have uploaded more images, but the list wasn't extensive enough. maybe not everything is under protection in India
> | en        | I'm an English speaker living in Germany, so switching back and forth between the different language versions of the site made it a bit  complicated. Layouts didn't appear uniform between English and German.
> | sv        | ID-nummren. "Fornsök" är hopplöst långsamt och inte anpassat för denna typ av evenemang. Dessutom finns långt ifrån alla intressanta byggnader etc med i Fornsök. Jag begriper inte varför Wikipedia helt ska vara en hjälpinstans för Svenska riksantikvarieämbetet? Det är bra att vi kan hjälpa RAÄ men varför helt underordna sig detta är för mig obegripligt.
> | de        | Ich habe diesmal Bilder nur aus einer einzigen Stadt (Offenbach) hochgeladen. Vorgegangen bin ich nach der Denkmalsliste. Im Laufe des wettbewerbs hätte ich gerne gesehen, welche Lücken (fehlende Bilder)mittlerweile geschlossen wurden, um eventuell nochmal mit der Kamera loszuziehen und Fehlendes nachzuliefern.
> | de        | Ich habe es nicht/zu spät bemerkt, obwohl ich täglich auf wikipedia unterwegs bin. Ich habe noch weit über 1.000 Bilder von 2010-2012 (meist von Denkmälern/Gebäuden,Brücken etc.) aus Deutschland, Tschechien (Böhmen/Mähren)und Italien (Umbien/Marken) aber auch einige von Wien, Avignon, Valencia, Manila, Mauritius, Willemstad, Luxemburg ... (was waren wir unterwges). Das meiste habe ich noch nicht einmal sortiert und ich wüsste gar nicht, womit ich anfangen sollte :(
> | de        | Ich habe keine Kennnummern zu Dokumenten gefunden. Auch die geographischen Daten aus oder einem anderen Programm herauszulesen habe ich nicht geschafft. Das Tool zum Hochladen war ganz ok.
> | de        | Ich hatte Schwierigkeiten mit der Übersetzung von "monuments" (der englische Titel hatte keine deutsche Übersetzung). Mir war zuerst nicht klar, dass "monuments" nur staatlich registrierte Objekte bedeutet, nicht aber zum Beispiel Statuen auf öffentlichen Plätzen, die nur durchschnittlichen kulturellen Wert haben. Daher war ich überrascht, dass ich eine Kennnummer eingeben musste.
> | de        | Ich hatte immer Schwierigkeiten mit der Übersetzung. Mein Englisch ist leider nicht mehr so gut.
> Wenn ich ein Bild hochgeladen hatte, wusste ich nicht, ob es angekommen ist.
> Bei der Sprache gab es ein "DEITSCH" ????
> | nl        | Ik vind het moeilijk om, als ik per ongeluk een fout maak, die te corrigeren.Ik wil geen foutieve informatie geven.
> | nl        | Ik werkte pas een paar keer eerder in een wiki-omgeving. Binnen alle Wikipedia/media informatie was deze wedstrijd wel een duidelijk project. Over het algemeen staat er teveel info en mis ik een heldere interface. Dit project maakte een aantal stappen simpeler.
> | nl        | Ik werkte pas een paar maanden aan binnen een wiki-omgeving. Binnen alle Wikipedia/media informatie was deze wedstrijd wel een duidelijk project. Over het algemeen staat er teveel info en mis ik een heldere interface. Dit project maakte een aantal stappen simpeler.
> | fr        | Il est difficile de savoir quel monuments étaient intéressants pour le concours.
> | fr        | Il n'est pas prévue d'interface en français lorsqu'on veut téléverser des images d'un pays germanophone (je ne parle pas Allemand). D'une façon générale, je pense que le problème se pose pour tous les pays dont on ne maîtrise pas la langue
> | fr        | Il n'est pas simple de trouver les numéros d'idetification de monuments dans certains pays, par manque d'habitude, probablement.
> | fr        | Il serait pertinent, je pense, d'améliorer l'accès aux informations concernant le fonctionnement des droits d'auteur pour les monuments historiques.
> | fr        | Impossible de télécharger des photos d'édifices non-classé/inscrits MH (fortifications de Lyon, par exemple).
> | nl        | In Nederland en België geen hindernissen, maar in Duitsland is het nogal eens moeilijk om het Baudenkmal-nummer te achterhalen. In Oostenrijk kan ik overigens in 2013 ook nog eens tegen dit probleem gaan oplopen.
> | de        | In der Kommunikation mit sonstigen Interessenten habe ich festgestellt, dass wir hunderte weitere Autoren gewinnen könnten, wenn die Teilnahmemöglichkeit am Wettbewerb deutlich erleichtert werden würde.
> So wie es jetzt ist, scheitern auch Personen, welche a) dem Wettbewerb sehr positiv gegenüberstehen und b) auch sonst die technischen Skills besitzen, es zu tun.
> Wiki Loves Monuments ist ein reiner Insider-Wettbewerb.
> | en        | In several cases the monuments (homes and business locations) no longer existed.  In several cases the buildings had been removed over 20-years ago and yet they remained on the historical register.  I became very frustrated when I tried to indicate this on one of the houses and another Wikipedia user became beligerant about my short article saying the house no longer existed.  I was so upset I looked for a way to delete all the images I had uploaded as I do not need to be insulted and disrespected by another user that is on some sort of an ego trip about policing wikipedia.  He got real smart saying "take it up with Wikimedia, this is Wikipedia"  I thought you were all one organization.  At any rate I calmed down but may never contribute again as I did all this work at my expense and had no concern about winning a prize, which by the way you never mentioned what the prize would be or how the photographs would be judged.
> I have edited a few articles on Wikipedia and had no problems but the person that came after me really seemed to feel he was protecting Wikipedia from the likes of me!
> | en        | Inconsistency on listings of monuments between countries and for Germany between Länder. Sometimes difficult to cross check photographs with lists on Wikipedia. Some areas of Germany had no lists at all while other are very well documented.
> | es        | Información incompleta y ambigua.
> | en        | Information did not seem to be centralized .. seemed like I had to search a bit to get to the right page.  For the most part it was easy enough!
> | en        | It took more time than I thought -- about 2 hours per historic site (including selection, scouting, shooting, editing and uploading), with an average of about 10 pictures uploaded per site. I also had a few minor issues during uploading, when I could not tell whether or not the pictures were properly uploaded, because I could not see their thumbnails. Other than that, I found the process pretty smooth, and very enjoyable (see my full impressions below). I worked off the historic monument lists for the United States and California, which had a convenient upload button for each site, so I didn't have to worry about finding the right number or category for WML.
> | en        | It took quite some time to stop by at all the places I put on my list. And it turned out that it was really difficult to find the right places and objects. Some even seemed not to exit any more. And I was wondering if I can just take a photo of these buildings with nobody actually complaining as many of these were private neighborhoods... Or wondering what I am doing their with my camera...
> | en        | It was a bit complicated to upload pictures for different countries. For example, next to the German contest, I also wanted to upload some photos for the Serbian contest, but then the language of the page also turned into Serbian, which I do not perfectly understand.
> | en        | It was difficult to find to which region the monument belongs. An interactive map instead of the list would be helpful.
> | en        | It was difficult to get quality images of some of the monuments.
> | en        | It was quite difficult to put the notes to indicate the kind of license
> | en        | It was quite difficult to understand how and where to vote for the pictures.
> Also, some of the monuments in Acre, Israel are quite difficult to find, such as
> | en        | It was too complicated (for me) compared to other photo contests ive joined. i believe, i have submitted one entry. but wasnt so sure if it was counted, because after sending my entry, i received a notification that says something like it wasnt done yet.. im not exactly sure about the exact words though. and that made me stop sending my other entries. i was worried my files could just go elsewhere with my name not connected to my shots.
> | en        | It wasn't hard, just didn't label all of my pictures by street names.  I plan to print out the infomation on some of the small towns in Missouri that is close to where I live and do some "day trips" to photograph the areas you have listed.
> | en        | It would be better if you might gave a link to "Monuments' List" and "Monument Identifier Number" just adjacent to "Get Started" button on the "Participate" page...It would be a great help...
> | en        | It'd be great to make the app work offline. I was out in the boonies trying to hunt down some of these monuments and had no way to verify the info on my phone. It would also be good to have some more info on some of the monument's specific locations. Google searches didn't often give me enough info to actually find it. Maybe some more of the details from the national registry embedded? I'm not sure what exists out there.
> | en        | It's difficult to me to work with computers
> | fr        | J'ai dû expliquer à d'autres personnes comment participer. Il est très difficile pour quelqu'un qui n'est pas habitué à contribuer à Wikipédia comment bien participer : il faut trouver la liste des monuments (plus d'une centaine de listes pour les monuments historiques de France), récupérer l'identifiant du monument, la catégorie Commons correspondante et insérer ces informations dans le formulaire d'import... Ça fait beaucoup trop d'étapes. Ce serait déjà bien plus facile si le formulaire d'import permettait d'ajouter automatiquement les modèles {{Mérimée}} et {{Wiki Loves Monuments 2012|fr}} (impossible de deviner la syntaxe pour un néophyte !). Pourquoi pas faire un formulaire d'import spécifique avec un moteur de recherche de monuments intégré ?
> | fr        | J'ai essayé de remplir les fiches sur Commons, sur Wikipédia en même temps que je téléversais des photos de onuments qui n'avaient pas encore été pris en photos.
> | fr        | J'ai pris le concours en retard et voulais inscrire des photos déjà téléversées su Commons
> | fr        | J'ai utilisé l'application, et au final c'était assez compliqué de remplir le formulaire depuis le mobile alors qu'il est si simple de televerser l'image.
> | fr        | J'ai été au courant de l'existence du concours assez tard et il ne m'est pas resté beaucoup d'occasions d'aller faire des photos.
> | fr        | J'aurais aimé participé plus mais je n'ai pas vu la bannière tout le temps
> | pl        | Jestem niepełnosprawny ruchowo i zdjęcia robiłem z trójkołowego roweru inwalidzkiego. Fotki robione poza moim miejscem zamieszkania wykonywałem z samochodu kolegi. Z tego powodu byłem mocno ograniczony w wyborze kadru. Tam gdzie nie mogłem podjechać rowerem albo samochodem wysyłałem z aparatem 13 letnią córkę, która robiła zdjęcia według moich wskazówek. Ponieważ dziecko ma niewielkie pojęcie o fotografowaniu czasem trzeba było chodzić kilka razy i powtarzać ujęcia... :-)
> | en        | Just recovered from surgery in August.  Was unable to participate as much as I would have liked.  Submitted only one photo from earlier this year that was by chance of a historical monument.  Tried to find older photos of other monuments without success.   Also tried to to do a photo visit to several monuments in the area, but was not up to it physically.  Will try again sometime to take and upload photos.
> | de        | Keine Denkmallisten für Niedersachsen
> | de        | Keine öffentlichen Denkmallisten für Baden-Württemberg verfügbar
> | de        | Kennnummern der Denkmäler zu finden.
> | pl        | Kilka miejsc było niedostępnych ze względów na to, że zabytki trafiły w ręce prywatne i czasami niechętnie przez właścicieli udostępniane do fotografowania.
> | en        | Knowing where my local monuments were--Wikipedia informed me of ones I never knew existed! But the specific detail of where to go to photograph them was lacking.
> | et        | Kõik laabus lihtsalt ja loogiliselt.
> | fr        | L'interdiction de toute liberté de panorama en France. Une série de photographie ne sera pas téléchargée avant au moins une décennie. La débilité de notre droit en faveur des féodalités de certains droits d'auteur constitue un obstacle majeur. Les élus sont trop cons pour changer quoi que ce soit sans que le lobby des droits voisins les terrorise. L'amendement Tardy en 2011 en est la plus parfaite illustration.
> | fr        | L'outil d'importation 2012 était plus facile pour importer UNE image, mais bloquait pour plusieurs. J'ai donc du utiliser l'outil 2011 lorsque je voulais être plus complet. C'est indispensable lors qu'un sujet nécessite plusieurs images. Ex. "ensemble des témoins historique du territoire de Malmedy". Ou plusieurs éléments d'un objet unique : intérieur et extérieur d'une église...
> | fr        | La base Mérimée ne pas toujours les adresses (ex ) donc c'est assez frustrant de se déplacer pour ne pas trouver le MH.
> | fr        | La description permettant de trouver le monument ou les parties de monument classés est parfois lacunaire. Mais ce problème relève davantage de la base de données nationale que de Wikimedia.
> | fr        | La géolocalisation
> | fr        | La langue
> | es        | La licencia que debia utilizar, pero me indicaron cual era la correcta despues de unos dás de haber subido las fotos.
> | es        | La lista de monumentos del ministerio esta bastante concentrada en el interior del país donde esta la capital, y muchos monumentos que se encuentran en mejores condiciones que algunos del interior no estaban en la lista.
> | it        | La lista dei monumenti / siti d'interesse italiani è troppo ristretta. Ho visto (o mi è parso di capire) che per esempio in Francia si poteva inviare immagini relative a tutti i monumenti iscritti nella loro "Lista del Patrimonio", ed essendo i francesi molto vanitosi, anche paesini di 5.000 abitanti avevano 20-25 siti su cui inviare foto.
> Da noi, a volte nemmeno si conosce il monumento segnalato, da quanto sono rari!!
> | es        | La mayoría de las direcciones de los monumentos propuestos han cambiado, o tienen reparaciones, accesos restringidos...
> | it        | La navigazione del sito non e' stata molto intuitiva
> | es        | La parte legal.
> | es        | La poca difusión. Si no fuera porque entro seguido a Wikipedia no me hubiera enterado. En menor medida la interfase también resultó algo dificultosa de usar, aunque también puede deberse a un mal estado en mi conexión. De la misma manera, una vez quise ayudar a traducir artículos y terminé en un laberinto de links que no me llevaron a ningún lado y terminé desmotivado y abandonando la tarea que con tanto entusiasmo iba a emprender. Desde ya, muchas gracias a ustedes por mantener una página de tanta calidad, espero que estas recomendaciones les sean útiles.
> | es        | La poca duración del concurso para mi gusto.
> | es        | La página para subir imágenes permite subir varias a la vez, pero no mostró la opción para elegir identificador de monumento, así que tuve que editar las que ya había subido para colocarles el identificador de monumento, pero tardé días en encontrar como hacerlo. Pensé en abandonar el esfuerzo.
> Solamente cuando se sube una a la vez aparece el menú para elegir identificador de monumento.
> No encontré instrucciones claras acerca de mi caso.
> | es        | La subida de las fotos me parecío algo lenta, aunque para la próxima vez lo haré con mayor anticipación.
> | fr        | La supposition (fausse, mais je l'ignorais à l'époque) qu'il serait difficile et fastidieux de télécharger de multiples photos. Il pourrait être judicieux d'insister, lors de la présentation de WLM, sur la possibilité d'utiliser des outils comme Commonist ou VicuñaUploader.
> | it        | La voglia, sapevo che non avrei vinto e non avevo voglia di perder tempo a caricare foto per le quali perdo la "licenza d'utilizzo".
> | en        | Lack of information from Wiki about the choosing of winner. It was very frustrating to battle to find any information on the final outcome of the competition. I think the organizers of the competition and the party in charge of the f/b page were lacking in the posting of information. I do not think it was well run.
> | en        | Lack of previous knowledge that so many sites should be documented. Would I had the list of local monuments few months earlier I would use time to take more & better photos.
> | de        | Langsames Internet
> Der Assistent war lange nicht optimal und dadurch zeitaufwändig. Besser wäre gewesen wenn alles in einem Zug hätte gemacht werden können also Bilder angeben, Beschreibung und dann alles auf einmal losschicken
> | es        | Las listas de monumentos no son siempre fáciles de conseguir. De hecho dejé de subir fotos para dedicarme a componer un anexo de monumentos de mi provincia que no existía en castellano y que ha resultado más complejo de lo esperado. Para Francia, hay listas departamentales divididas bien en bloques alfabéticos, bien separando las ciudades con más monumentos. Ello se debe a que las tablas en wikipedia no pueden ser muy grandes (problema que yo mismo sufrí al empezar a redactar el anexo de la provincia de Valencia). Intenté explicar a mi padre (tiene 73 años, pero lleva 40 de ellos trabajando con ordenadores) el proceso de subir fotos desde cero (incluyendo abrir usuario) y no resulta tan sencillo como nos parece a los que ya estamos dentro desde hace tiempo (llevo casi 90 000 ediciones entre unas cosas y otras, y los problemas normales ya me los sé). Otro aspecto es que al trabajar con España y Francia ves que el sistema no es estándar más allá de un país
. Sería de agradecer un sistema único para todos los países, con listados completos e integrados (no tener que buscar la lista que necesitas), recogidos en una sola herramienta y con una forma de explotación única y sencilla. Pienso en una base de datos global que recoja todos los monumentos susceptibles de participar, con los datos que se dispongan (necesariamente nombre, localidad y país; y si lo hubiera coordenadas). Creo que al existir listas parciales no debería ser difícil recoger los datos. El problema viene de no tener un sistema que soporte no unos cientos de registros, sino decenas o centenares de miles de los mismos, que es lo que habría que conseguir.
> | fr        | Le choix de la licence autre que celle par défaut ne me semble pas possible, ou alors difficile à trouver.
> | fr        | Le concours était ouvert trop peu de temps.
> | fr        | Le temps de téléchargement
> | fr        | Le téléversement requiert un minimum de connaissances de la syntaxe wiki et de fonctionnement de commons (catégorisation...).
> | fr        | Le téléversement était facile mais un peu long, ce qui limite des images proposées sur un mois (faute de temps)
> | de        | Leider noch keine durchgehende Liste für die Stadt [[Bamberg]]
> | fr        | Les obstacles rencontrés sont de l'aute coté du concours, J'etait en Corse ou certains monuments sont delaissés, voir en cours de destruction passive. Les chemins d'acces de certains ne sont pas du tout entretenus.
> J'ai bien vite compris pourquois j'etait le premier a verser des photos des monuments que j'ai pris quand les autres on deja de nombreuses photos.
> Mais je ne comprend pas les priorités qui sont donnees par les autorités a certains monuments sur les autres.
> | nl        | Leven offline vergde te veel tijd waardoor er weinig tijd over was om foto's up te loaden.
> | nl        | Lijst voor België, Duitsland, Frankrijk, Baltische staten waren moeilijk te vinden
> | sv        | Listorna över fornminnen är ojämna; vissa fornminnen i listorna är inte mycket att fotografera, medan många andra mer fotogena fornminnen saknades i listorna.
> | en        | Looking through photos I had already taken to see which were of monuments that qualified.  I did not take new photos for the contest.
> | en        | Main obstacle was learning the applicable categories.
> | en        | Main obstacle was not due to WLM, but due to the quality of information on the monuments list provided by South African Heritage Resource Agency. Many town and street names in South Africa has changed and the changes were not reflected on the list of monuments, making it hard to find the actual monuments.
> This was the first time South Africa participated, but in future we should ensure that the lists are available earlier in order to correct/expand information in the lists prior to the compitition.
> | en        | Making sure it was legal
> | en        | Making sure that the pictures I took matched with the site name - some of the monuments have two names, and many monuments have the same name. It was difficult for me to make sure I was uploading the pictures to the correct monument.
> | fr        | Manque de temps
> | en        | Many of the monuments close to my home were not always open and I had to arrange for extraordinary openings. In one case I was not able to access to the monuments.
> Moreover the monuments in the list were not many.
> | en        | Many photos were rejected by you due some technical reasons.It is difficult to get the ID No. of
> | es        | Me enteré a última hora que fue cuando ví el anuncio, el tiempo era muy poco o mejor dicho, me quedaba poco tiempo para tomarlas. No pude subirlas a través de wikimedia commons tube que utilizar Flikr.  Por lo demás todo estuvo bien.  Gracias
> | es        | Me enteré demasiado tarde.
> | es        | Me enteré tarde.
> | es        | Me resultaron confusas las bases y colocación de código ID del monumento para poder participar.
> | de        | Mehrmals: bei Hochladen von mehreren Bildern zeigte sich kein "Weiter" und ich musste alle neu hochladen. Das war ärgerlich.
> | es        | Mi mayor obstáculo al participar en el concurso fue aprender a usar y dominar mi cámara para lograr buenas fotografías, ya que es por primera vez que obtengo una cámara canon reflex.
> | es        | Mi principal obstáculo fue que en muchos casos, la redirección a la página que correspondía no estaba en mi idioma natal y se me complejizó la búsqueda de información y la subida de fotografías.
> | it        | Molto difficile caricare immagini relative ad altri paesi se non si conosce la lingua. Trovo deprecabile che le istruzioni siano fornite solo nella lingua del paese in cui si scattano le foto.
> | nl        | Monumentenlijsten met nrs. -van andere dan je eigen land- te vinden.
> Mogelijk heb je wel al foto's van buitenlandse monumenten in bezit
> (bijv. gemaakt tijdens vakanties), maar ben je je daar niet van bewust.
> Dat is jammer, want anders kon je misschien meer foto's insturen.
> De NL-lijsten per plaats zijn makkelijk te vinden en duidelijk!
> | en        | Most monuments near me were already photographed or hidden location.
> | en        | My free time is limited.
> Most of the monuments do not have geolocation info yet (only the address is known).
> | en        | My full name as per records is "Sanand Karunakaran" I wanted to use the same username but failed to get one. Earlier I used the name Sanandkarunakaran but lost the password .
> | en        | My main problem was handling the technical aspect of uploading, as I had never added stuff to Wikimedia before.
> | en        | My objective was to make a picture of all historical sites in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin, that didn't have a photo yet (the vast majority) and I finished about 75%, I estimate. I hope there will be another Wiki Loves Monuments, so I can complete this project.
> | en        | N/A
> | es        | NO he tenido obstáculo alguno salvo el tiempo ya que me entere tarde del concurso y quería aportar la mayor cantidad de fotos posibles de mi ciudad y en mi afán por tener buena iluminación y una buena toma despojada de ruidos, se me han ido los días con distintos contratiempos.
> | es        | NO tuve.
> I did not have any.
> | cs        | Nacházet objekty bylo někdy těžké - chyběly přesné popisky místa nebo poloha dle GPS, jak památku najít. Věřím, že vzhledem k tomu, že v ČR byl projekt letos nový, podaří se to do příštího ročníku vylepšit.
> | cs        | Nahrávám fotografie přes aplikaci Commonist a v počátcích bylo obtížné nalézt, jak označovat fotografie, které chci do soutěže přihlásit. Nikdo nebylo napsáno (nebo já jsem to alespoň nenašel), jaké šablony se mají přidávat či do jakých složek se mají takové obrázky nahrávat.
> | en        | Navigation was a bit convoluted.
> | fr        | Ne pas savoir comment faire pour mettre une image sur common et qu'elle soit prise en compte pour le concours.
> | cs        | Nedostatek času (napsat popisy nějakou dobu zabere, zvlášť když se o to snažím ve 4 jazycích - česky, in English, по-русски + in italiano)
> | cs        | Nektere pamatky tam nebyly. Kdyz jsem nahrala prvni obrazek spatne, nemohla jsem pridat druhy se stejnym jmenem, a upozornilo me to az dost pozde.
> | cs        | Nelze vkládat lomítka při číslech popisných a orientačních (např. 123/12)u domů.
> Uvítal bych rozšíření seznamů památek - pod některými památkami se nachází i více věcí - samostatné sochy vedlejší budovy. Vše lze dohledat v munumentu při rozkliknutí konkrétní památky.
> | de        | Nichts, war einfach super aufgesetzt
> | en        | Niciunul
> | pl        | Nie tyle myślałem o samym konkursie co o nowej możliwości pokazania aktualnych zdjęć zabytków, szerszej społeczności. To co ja widzę prawie na co dzień, niech i inni mają możliwość zobaczenia choćby przypadkiem.
> | pl        | Nie zauważyłam uploaderów,więc ręcznie przesyłam pliki, zresztą i tak moje pliki były duże, więc ich obsługa musiała trwać. Czas przesyłania dużych plików uniemożliwiał załadowanie ich większej ilości.
> | es        | Ningun obstáculo, solo la distancia.
> | es        | Ninguno
> | es        | Ninguno, aunque quise subir una foto de otro país y no entendí como hacerlo
> | es        | Ninguno, sólo organizarme para poder cubrir los monumentos cercanos. Septiembre es un mes de lluvias, así que tuve que hacer coincidir mis ratos libres con momentos en los que no estuviera excesivamente nublado o definitivamente lloviendo.
> | en        | No confirmation after submitting pictures.
> | es        | No contar con suficientes fotografías que yo considerara buenas para participar.
> | es        | No estaba claro si la foto que habia subido estaba participando y si no lo estaba, como corregirlo.
> Pero el moderador del foro de comentarios del concurso me soluciono el tema.
> Gracias.
> | es        | No fue fácil encontrar cómo participar. La lista de monumentos era difícil de manejar; habría preferido un mapa o algo más user-friendly.
> La página de España tenía (y tiene) poca información.
> | es        | No fue ningún obstáculo participar, salvo el hacerme el tiempo a las horas adecuadas para poder tomar una buena fotografía y que no aparecieran con mucha sombra.
> | es        | No he encontrado obstáculos.Todo muy claro y sencillo.-
> | es        | No hubo obstaculo
> | es        | No hubo obstáculos.
> | en        | No i have no obstacle, because i love photography, i love writing something and i want to photography for wikimedia.Because if my hobby convert in job then i can do my photography more better.
> | es        | No lo hice con la intención de concursar, encontré la aplicación en Wikipedia y me pareció muy interesante participar.  Lo hice desde el telefono pero todo este tiempo al revisar la subida me aparecia como incompleto, lo cual desconozco el motivó,  aunque me llego este mensaje al correo, lo cual quiere decir (supongo)  que si fue aceptada mi imagen. saludos.
> | en        | No obstacle
> | en        | No obstacle.
> | en        | No obstacles
> | en        | No obstacles recorded.
> | en        | No obstacles.
> | es        | No poder organizar y dedicarle mas tiempo en sacar las fotos que hubiera querido enviar.
> | es        | No poder subir mas fotos que ta tenia por que tenían fecha en la fotografía
> | es        | No tenía mucho donde escoger en mi entorno inmediato; con ciertos desplazamientos, podría haber captado fotos en otros monumentos, pero las autoridades locales no lo permiten (y lo último que necesito en este momento son más problemas, incluyendo multas y sanciones)
> | es        | No tuve obstáculos, solo la distancia.
> | es        | No tuve tiempo suficiente para subir otras fotos
> | en        | No where is the date of results mentioned
> | cs        | None
> | en        | None.
> | en        | Nothing remarkable obstacle.
> | ro        | Nu stapanesc limba engleza.
> | de        | Nun, ich habe leider zu spät den Wettbewerb entdeckt. Die Zeit war die Hürde.
> | sv        | När det gäller den polska tävlingen så var det språket. Google translate är en god hjälp, men riktiga översättningar av monumentlistor etc. hade varit till bättre hjälp.
> | sv        | Nästan allt var fotograferat förut, medan jag inledningsvis var säker på att just detta har alla missat. Jag var inte heller i min del av landet under de sex veckor jag fotade, så jag hade inte koll.
> | cs        | Některé památky byly špatně označeny, resp. pojmenovány. Např. sochy (označeny jako sousoší, ve skutečnosti dvě samostatné), proto pak nebyla moje fotka přiřazena.
> | cs        | Některé památky jsou ruiny - nevhodné a nedůstojné fotit, místy chyby v identifikaci objektů u PÚ, v mapě a v praxi, "nechráněnost" řady staveb zjevně cennějších, starších atp.
> | cs        | Některé památky neexistovaly, byly špatně popsány.
> | es        | Obligatoriedad de cambiar el nombre de archivo de las fotos subidas. Buscar las fotos de los monumentos solicitados entre los miles que tengo. Demora en subir las fotos por el limitado ancho de banda de subida.
> | en        | Obscure location of some of the historic houses.  Many were lot labeled or did not have a visible address that matched the list.  Plus, it felt a little weird taking pictures of homes while others were living in it, even if it was just the exterior.
> | en        | Once I made a typo in the file name and I found it very hard to rename or delete.
> It was confusing that there was a difference between wikipedia and commons. So logging on to wikipedia I did not see my uploads.
> Sometimes it took a while for the thumbnails to show up, guess you need a server upgrade for next years contest :)
> | en        | One of My uploaded picture had an error and was not visibile in full dimension
> | en        | One or two of the monuments I uploaded are not yet listed and I had to contact support, the answers I needed came very fast and I was able to proceed, so no real problem, just a slight stumble.
> | en        | One thing that complicated identifying monuments was the organization by counties.  For sites in my home state for which I knew the counties, this was no problem, but for states that I wasn't familiar with, I had to look up the county which added some difficulty.  I'm not saying you should _not_ organize by counties, but listing the county in every site's Wikipedia entry would help.
> | en        | Our area was blanketed in heavy fog and rain for most of the month, making photos look all gloomy, so I only uploaded one picture.
> | cs        | Památka ÚSKP: 26454/5-15 byla odcizena zlodějem, před tím, než jsem ji stačil vyfotografovat.
> | en        | Participating in the competition was easy.  What was difficult was getting involved in the planning and organization of the competition itself.  I don't mean to criticize the organizer(s) of the competition in Canada, who did outstanding work.  And I appreciate that events such as this one (esp. where the event is being held for the first time, as it was in Canada) need a "guiding hand".  However, several of us signed up to help, and none of us were approached to do so (as far as I know).  There was no opportunity to express ideas for the competition, and my efforts to do so largely went unanswered.  There was no talk page allowing people to chime in with thoughts, to follow what was happening or to volunteer to help with certain aspects. I got the impression that if I took the initiative on anything, I'd just be stepping on toes.  All the decisions were made, and all the work was done, behind closed doors.  It was a completely top-down effort, which in my mind runs co
unter to the collaborative environment on the Wikimedia projects.  I did get an email offering me a task that I was no really comfortable with, and I guess that was my one and only chance to help. I finally just walked away defeated.  Again, I think a fantastic job was done, and it was probably way better than anything I could have done, but it would be nice if future efforts were done in a more collaborative fashion.  Personally, I am unlikely to get involved again.
> | en        | People kept getting in the way.  It would have been nice to have an official badge saying "Official photogarapher for Wiki".  Other than that it was a wonderful experience.
> Thank you.
> | ro        | Performanțele calculatorului, dar a mers atunci când am înlocuit Internet Explorer cu Opera pentru încercarea fotografilor.
> | de        | Persönlich hätte ich es praktischer gefunden, wenn direkt auf der Commons-Startseite ein Button "Bilder zu WLM" hochladen zu finden gewesen wäre. Das Durchklicken war etwas mühsam...
> | fr        | Peut-être qu'un peu plus de publicité Sur d'autres sites web aurait permis d'avertir plus de photographes amateurs
> | pl        | Pisanie skryptu: szukanie danych, które były rozrzucone w różnych miejscach,
> Udało mi się dopiero po wielu próbach i to nie do końca bo wyświetlały się braki np: brak kodu gminy lub coś podobnego.
> | en        | Please have a check for all *mandatory* fields when participants upload their pictures.
> When I uploaded my first picture via the contest link, things were OK; I was asked for a monument identifier. For the second photo, even though I uploaded the photo via the contest link, the submission page did not ask me for the monument identifier (or, at any rate, it did not make this field *mandatory*). I then posted a question on the message board, and someone explained to me how to add it in.
> | fr        | Plusieurs contributeurs ont mentionné ne pas pouvoir uploader vers la fin du concours surement à cause des fuseaux horaires, cependant, j'ai personnellement été capable d'uploader dans les dernières heures du concours Canada
> | it        | Pochi monumenti disponibili
> | it        | Poco tempo a disposizione, non sono riuscita a caricare tutte le foto.
> | de        | Problematisch: Nachträgliche Änderungen teilweise nicht möglich, teilweise nicht leicht erkennbar wie dies durchzuführen ist. Die Regeln nach denen alles funktioniert, der Aufbau in Kategorien, welcher Syntax, sind schwer verständlich oder erfordern zu großen Aufwand sich das nötige Wissen anzueignen. Ich finde auch Fehler in anderen Einträgen, würde diese gerne korrigieren bzw. ergänzen, wenn ich etwas mehr Durchblick für das Howto hätte. Ich habe keine diesbezüglichen Probleme ein Blog zuführen oder auf (z.B. , )
> | en        | Process for finding out how to request deletion of a mis-identified photo was very difficult.
> | pl        | Przeszkodą był brak czasu, zacząłem w czerwcu, mogłem zrobić więcej. Pewne miejsca chciałem odwiedzić ponownie i nie zdążyłem. Musiałem korzystać ze swoich archiwów, a to im dawniej robione, tym słabsze były kamery. No i to, że w zasadzie większość miejsc odwiedzam rowerem, taka ułomność nie pozwalająca jeździć samochodem. :) Jedynie czasami syn podwiezie mnie gdzieś dalej. I chwała mu za to, bo dzięki takiemu rodzinnemu wyjazdowi byłem w Lubiążu... Czasochłonne było też to co sobie narzuciłem, by robić zdjęcia wielokrotnie i scalać w HDRI. Wszystko to traktuję jako naukę do przyszłorocznej edycji WLZ. Niekoniecznie musi być najwięcej, koniecznie musi być jak najlepiej... Ale te wszystkie przeszkody są po mojej stronie, ze strony organizatorów nie dopatrzyłem się praktycznie żadnych.
> | es        | Pues un Obstáculo fue que no sabía muy Bien la dinámica y no sabía como subirlas y poder entrar al concurso.
> | it        | Purtroppo la mia regione (Calabria) è estremamente carente di monumenti "autorizzati" per WLM... e dire che ce ne sarebbero un'infinità da fotografare e condividere col mondo :(
> | cs        | Přepsat název fotografie - rychle odkliknutý název nebyl ten pravý, který bych chtěla nechat. Bylo by vhodné pro registrované uživatele mít možnost název fotografie jednoduše přepsat.
> | cs        | Při nahrávání obrázků přes šablonu se soubory automaticky zařazovaly do hlavní kategorie "Cultural monuments in the Czech republic", pak bylo nutné ji ručně opravovat na příslušný okres, což trochu zdržovalo. Ale možná byla chyba na mé straně a něco jsem špatně nastavil.
> | it        | Qualche Moderatore distratto non aveva riconosciuto il numero di identificativo, per chi non conosce i dettagli del territorio è facile confondere un bene da un altro nella stessa area... L'Italia è talmente ricca del suo patrimonio storico culturale, il quale in molti ancora non hanno esplorato il suo territorio, al di fuori delle bellezze note come Laguna di Venezia -Città Toscane - Roma -Regia di caserta - l'Antica Pompei - Sassi di Matera - le avventure nella Sicilia... molte realtà sono ancora da scoprire e far conoscere... (è un peccato che alcuni volontari anziani di Wikimedia non permettono la pubblicazione di certe informazioni culturali, appigliandosi a formalità e regolamenti burocratesi)
> | es        | Que el clima no fue el adecuado para salir a tomar fotos durante el período de realización del concurso. Usé las fotos de viajes que realicé años anteriores. Creo que hacer el concurso en los meses de verano del hemisferio sur sería mejor (para mí).
> | es        | Que los jueces no eran buenos
> | es        | Que los patrimonios que quería compartir, no estaban en la lista de concursantes, por lo que salí a fotografiar y a divertirme!!
> | ca        | Que visc a una zona rural on la conexió a internet es lenta.
> | fr        | Quelques bugs sur l'interface de chargement obligeant à recommencer l'upload.
> | fr        | Question 10 : J'ai téléversé les premières photos sur wikimedia, mais je n'ai pas su -et donc pas pu- les intégrer ensuite au  projet "wiki loves monuments" ; ce n'est qu'après coup, et après avoir beaucoup tâtonné que j'ai trouvé les informations propres au concours : peut-être à l'avenir pourriez-vous rendre plus interactifs les sites "wikimedia" et "wiki loves monuments".
> Question 11 : Je pense qu'il n'était pas facile d'afficher la page "Monuments historiques" à partir de Wikimedia. Puis-je vous suggérer d'améliorer le menu et la page d'accueil de Wikimedia ? Il n'est pas du tout évident de s'y retrouver pour quelqu'un qui n'en a pas l'habitude !
> Question 13 : Certaines fois, le "téléversement" se déroulait sans problème, mais assez souvent le programme est resté bloqué sur l'icône d'attente (flèche tournante) et j'ai dû me déconnecter puis me reconnecter un CERTAIN nombre de fois !
> | en        | Quite disperse information and not so easy to do: maybe a bookmarklet or something similar could help.
> | es        | Quizás me hubiera gustado saber qué monumentos tenían imagenes y cuáles no, digamos, cuáles eran más interesantes como para poder ponerle mi energía a esos monumentos. Y también quizás un poco más de info en cuanto a si solo era la fachada o los interiores también y cómo marcarlos/etiquetarlos.
> | es        | Realmente para mi no hubo ningún obstáculo, pero me di cuenta que mi ciudad tiene mucha contaminación visual y las fotos no se pueden tomar con tanta facilidad.
> | it        | Scarsa velocita di internet
> | en        | Security Guards! They are not informed that the heritage sites are allowed to take photos. They ask me if I have a shooting permit and if the local authorities where notified about the shoot. They kept on asking my name, home town, where I work and Identification ID's. Point and Shoot camera's and Camera Phones are allowed but on DSLR they have special treatment.
> | de        | Sehr geehrte Damen un Herren.
> Dass man die Listen der Denkmäler durchsuchen muss um die jeweilige Kennnummer zu finden ist unglaublich umständlich. Es gibt nichtmal eine Suchfunktion. Dazu kommt noch das z.B. die Denkmäler in Wien und anderen Großstädten nach Stadtvierteln gruppiert sind. Woher soll man wissen, wenn man nur kurz als Tourist in der Stadt war in welchem Stadtviertel die Denkmäler liegen.
> Warum werden die Kennnummern nicht einfach auf der Wikipedia Seite des zugehörigen Denkmals angezeigt?
> Dann könnte man sich das ganze Gesuche in den Liste komplett sparen.
> Viele Grüße
> Christian Barth
> | es        | Septiembre es un mes muy lluvioso en Panamá. Para aquellos que no tuviesen una base de datos con fotografías de los Monumentos tomadas antes, probablemente no tendrían muchas posibilidades de hacer buenas fotos.
> | en        | Since I am not accustom to posting to your service, I found it somewhat challenging to post and be sure I was completing all the steps correctly.  Perhaps a video or pdf on how to post would be a good idea for for new people.
> | de        | Sinnfrage. Ich lade seit 6 Jahren Bilder von Kunst- und Kulturdenkmalen hoch, insgesamt mehrere Tausend. Wozu braucht es da jetzt einen Wettbewerb?
> | en        | Slow connection speeds
> | it        | Solo ostacoli da principiante, ora tutto sarebbe più facile, avrei voluto caricare molte più foto, ma non credo di essere una brava fotografa
> | en        | Some monuments already had existing, poor-quality pictures. I did not want to submit pictures for monuments that already had these pictures because I did not think the existing pictures would be replaced by high-quality submissions. In the few instances I did this, they were not replaced. Accordingly, I did not submit pictures of many monuments that already had pictures, even when those pictures were poor-quality.
> | en        | Some monuments were private property and hard or impossible to get to.
> | en        | Some of the monuments, especially houses or farms or buildings that are used for something other than they were originally built for, were not easy to locate. There were also a few that did not have correct GPS coordinates.
> | en        | Some places are never heard of or may they are known by different name by locals.
> | en        | Some subjects were hard to find. I would go to a historical place in my home county where I've been before many times and take photographs of the scenery and buildings but miss the plaque. A couple plaques had been stolen. Some targets were surrounded by construction work in September (but I took some new pictures after the competition).
> | en        | Someone uploaded photos for almost all my local monuments at the same time I was trying to submit photos, and his were given precedence (even if my photo was clearly a superior representation of the monument).
> | en        | Sparse amount of locations locally to photograph.
> | de        | Späte Ausschreibung und Beschränkung auf den Monat September. Das Wetter. Nicht zu wissen, ob schon ein anderer Fotograf ein bestimmtes Motiv angeht. Bereits hochgeladene, qualitativ schlechte Bilder. (Aus Fairness ersetze ich solche nicht.)
> | fr        | Sur la page d'import "normale" des images, il n'y avait aucun lien très visible (voire aucun, mais je ne suis plus sûr) vers la page d'import du concours. Il n'était pas évident que le téléversement se faisait via des pages différentes selon que l'on participe au concours ou non. J'ai donc importé deux images de monuments historiques via la page habituelle sans qu'elles fassent partie du concours, avant de me rendre compte de mon erreur.
> | sv        | Så vitt jag minns blev jag tvungen att leta och trixa en del för att hitta fram till rätt formulär att ladda upp bilderna genom utan att sända mitt lösenord i klartext. Wikimedias bruk av HTTPS behöver fortfarande förbättras.
> | nl        | Taal probleem ik beheers geen Engels
> | es        | Tener más tiempo para ir a otros monumentos
> | es        | Tengo fotos que he tomado pero no tenia la precaucion de identificar el sitio, y no sabia que era patrimonio.
> | es        | Tenia que subir las fotos a través de internet del celular,y como eran pesadas no llegaba con el tiempo y con la cantidad de fotos hermosas (mejores algunas inclusive que las que envié) Como me enteré los ultimos días del concurso me fue dificil la carga de las fotos y cargar las descripciones,comentarios,además cuando subía varias juntas se caía la conexion o daba algun error por lo que debía comenzar de cero.Pero me encanta sacar fotografias,me hubiera gustado tener una internet más rápida o al menos mas tiempo.
> | en        | The Android application could be better, the main monuments were missing, some were placed badly on map.
> | en        | The Latitude and Longitude of the monuments in my State (Kerala) was not given in the list. It would have been easier to find the monuments with the co-ordinates.
> | en        | The UK did not participate and my recent photos were from the UK.
> | en        | The US page needed a lot of work.
> | en        | The android app didn't work for us. The local organizer had downloaded it onto and old phone that was not activated for telephone service (but generally used for apps) While it worked when tested at home connected to wi-fi, once we were in the field and tried to open the list of monuments we found that it didn't work with wi-fi. No one else had an andriod phone and no one had printed or save a pdf of the list. We were left to guess which building might be on the register and heading to the poorest part of town thinking these places were most likely not already photographed. When I went to upload my pictures I had to pretty much recreate our walk with Google maps to figure out which building I had photos of and their addresses. It was very difficult. I don't believe either of the other two people I participated with uploaded their photos into the contest. Probalbly they found it too difficult to match the photos to the WLM list.
> | en        | The competition duration could extended, it may give give space to contribute more pictures, videos can be uploaded in the future.
> | en        | The contest in India was restricted to only ASI listed monumnets. Every monument required an ASI monument number which was very hard to identify in some cases. For example, under the group monuments of Hampi, searching became very tough. I could not upload many monuments from Andhra Pradesh, Pondicherry and Tamil Nadu just because they were not listed under the ASI list. When no other country had such a restriction, I don't understand why should India have. The entry which won 3rd prize in Germany was an Apartment building. I know India is huge and there could be many entries if you do not restrict and filtering could be tough, but to solve this issue I request you to find an alternative method than to impose unnecessary rules. Also, because of such restrictions Wikimedia is loosing many valuable media files. You might say that Wikimedia accepts files anytime and just not when a contest happens but prople need a boost to do some work. Many know they would not win prize
s but they upload because they find this contest a push to go through their pictures and upload them. I wish we have no such restrictions going forward. Thank you.
> | en        | The finding of the ASI numbers! It was so hard...well i thought so I dunno' bout other people!
> | en        | The first day I uploaded, I did not realize that the identifier was not changed when your program let me upload more.  Most of the uploads found the correct destination because I renamed the files to the monument.
> | en        | The first version of the Android app I installed uploaded my pictures to a test server.
> | en        | The geographical coordinates of the monuments were often off. I had to google each place on Google Maps and gps to find them. It would be better if each monument page lists an address in addition (or instead) of the coordinates.
> The main obstacle was to plan the optimal route to visit many different places in one day. I tried to plan the trip using Google Maps, and spent two days creating a custom map, but the technology was very inefficient. On the day of the trip I had to use several different methods (gps, iphone, paper maps) to move around, which was taking so much time. But it was so much fun too.
> | en        | The inforamtion about participating was a bit "fragmentet". I did not find all inforamtion I needed on one page with clear links. But it was not hard
> | en        | The likelyhood of me winning a prize...even though I consider my photo of good quality and cultural interest.
> | en        | The link to the Monument Identifier Number needs to be mentioned more clearly.
> | en        | The list of monuments in Russa looks incomplete.
> | en        | The list of monuments in my area of the country were filled a long time ago. I used a photo that I had from vacation that was in another part of the country. It was hard to match openings with accessible sites.  I would like to know more about how I can make new monuments. I didn't know how even though I'm an experienced Wikipedian.
> | en        | The lists are not super intuitive for the US and there was no app for iPhone, so it was hard to go to an unfamiliar place and find new monuments. You needed to know what county you were looking for, then search the lists on Wikipedia. I hope there's an iPhone app next year!
> The best part for me was that the Special Upload Wizard was so good--I loved that it auto-populated the category and description fields. Saved so much time when I had multiple photos of a single site.
> | en        | The main obstacle was knowing that my photographic skills would never be enough to win a prize.  There are just too many good photographers out there, so I wasn't as motivated to upload as many images as I might've.
> | en        | The main obstacle was knowing which monument had already been photographed by someone else (the system did not update often enough).
> | en        | The main obstacle was that many of our sites did not have wikipedia articles and the locations were not very exact so I had to do some research to find some of the sites in my area.
> | en        | The message that pics were not uploaded was appearing too many times. Had to retry it so many times
> | en        | The monument I wanted to share didn't have an ID number assigned to it.  So, I had to contact the SA historical/heritage society and try to figure something out.  That wasn't an easy task -- drawn out.  In the end, there was a generic code that I was meant to use.  It would have been nice to have that code listed on the monuments list page -- to avoid the running around, being passed from one unaware person to the next.
> | en        | The monument locations in the app were not very accurate. This was an annoyance since we had decided to rely strictly on it for localizing stuff.
> | en        | The monuments list of my country was not ready to the beginning of competition
> | en        | The only obstacle was my low Internet Explorer performance, but I solved this by uploading pictures with Opera.
> | en        | The page of wiki loves monuments was down a couple of times
> | it        | The problem concerning the particular Italian laws that avoid to have a larger list of monuments.
> | en        | The process for uploading a photo was harder than I expected, I already had a Wikipedia account but I had to make a Mediawiki one as well, and I had to click through many pages to get to the place to upload them and put them onto the page listing monuments.  Didn't follow the "three click rule"!
> | en        | The steps to upload pictures and finding the monument identifier was tedious. Uploading pictures would have been much more simpler.
> | en        | The upload process from the monuments page for Manitoba was confusing.  Also, I found it frustrating to navigate to - I had been there once and couldn't remember how to get back.
> | en        | The upload tool with the map wasn't up to date so there was no way to know if someone had already uploaded a picture for a particular monument.
> | en        | The upload wizard failed on one occasion. I had to postpone the upload and begin again from the beginning. This may have discouraged some users who were less committed or less familiar with working on a wiki.
> | en        | The upload wizard of Commons is slow from my home. Mostly due to low local bandwidth, but also particularly slow in the night when US users log in.
> | sv        | The upload-system was to fragile, the uploads broke all the time
> | en        | There are tons of monuments that are not listed in the archeological list of India. If you ask for those photos only, you support the inefficient bureaucracy of India. This following of red-tap ism is fatal for Wiki Commons. You should have added a category for unlisted monuments.
> | en        | There is no map of historical locations, so it can be difficult to know which monument is under what name, and also difficult to find monuments without stumbling upon them in real life.
> | en        | There wasn't one
> | cs        | There were problems with categorization of monuments in Polish gminas with the same name.
> | en        | There were some places listed that were no longer there.  I it was a several block street it was difficult deciding which places to take pictures of.
> | en        | There were very very few monuments from my region, so I could only submit some pictures I had already taken before knowing about the competition while I was on holiday in another region
> | nl        | Time constraints on my side and motivation to upload more
> | en        | Time constraints, as I didn't find out about until a few days before the end of the contest.
> | en        | Time given to click pictures and then come back to centre and upload them was less.
> | en        | Time, I suppose.  Also, the weather made it hard to take reasonable photos on one day.
> Access was also a problem in one or two cases, even though I asked the security guards
> nicely.
> | en        | Time, found out about it close to submission deadline.
> | en        | To Find the information about the current competition and the lists of monuments
> | ca        | To find out identifiers for other countries in other languages
> | en        | To find the codes for the monuments from the list was not very helpful as many heritage sites were not updated with the correct code and the worst was there too many even listed which was quite frustrating.
> | en        | To find time from work and don't have a high-end camera for photography.
> | es        | Todo perfecto .-
> | en        | Too many cars parking in the foreground. Hard to have a clean shot.
> | fr        | Tout d'abord merci beaucoup.
> Une chose qui n'était pas claire, c'est qu'il fallait utiliser uniquement l'interface dédiée à ce concours. Du coup j'avais pas compris, j'ai utilisé l'interface habituelle, et certains de mes clichés n'ont pas pu être candidats.
> Mais c'est très loin d'être grave !
> | en        | Traffic, damn cars, and trucks kept getting in between my camera and the subject.  I had a few older photos but I ran downtown and around town and took a bunch of new ones. However I learned about the competition too late and had little time. Currently I am back downtown again getting back alley pictures for the back of some buildings.
> | en        | Travel to the location and finding the structures where the photographs were taken.
> | ca        | Trobar els monuments d'Alemanya (les llistes no eren en anglès i no hi havia cerca per mapa o no la vaig saber trobar)
> | pl        | Trochę późno się o nim dowiedziałam - 10 dni przed końcem, więc czasu niewiele i dużo miejsc do zobaczenia (nie mam samochodu, więc do większości zabytków dojechałam rowerem). Ciężko było znaleźć niektóre zabytki - w Koszalinie np. zmieniła się nazwa ulicy i kamienice nie były pod podaną nazwą ulicy; w okolicach Koszalina np. nie znalazłam parku w Kazimierzu Pomorskim, nie znalazłam kościoła w Kraśniku Koszalińskim.
> | en        | Twice failed to upload and then got through, may be due to slow internet connection
> | en        | Two attempts of uploads failed and then could able to be through. May be due to slow internet connection.
> | cs        | U některých drobných památek je díky vágnímu popisu polohy nebo vzhledu v seznamu památek obtížné až nemožné správně určit identifikační číslo památky (např. více smírčích křížů na jednom místě).
> | sr-ec     | Uglavnom to sto preko Android aplikacije nije bilo mogucnosti da se unesu parametri za spomenik koji se nije bio nalazio na mapi. Dakle trebalo je da unesem sliku spomenika za koji, po mapi nije ni postojao na android app,ali nisam uspeo jer nije bilo mogucnosti za to. Na kraju sam uneo preko racunara.
> | de        | Um das "Sehr leicht" bei der Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu erklären: die Denkmallisten im Land Bremen sind durch eine Kooperation mit dem Bremer Amt für Denkmalpflege nicht nur vollständig, sondern ermöglichen durch den Bremer Express-Upload aus den Listen heraus Bilder hochzuladen, die damit gleich eine vollständige Beschreibung und Kategorisierung erhalten.
> | en        | Unfortunately, time was my biggest obstacle.  I didn't know this competition existed until this year and I think I saw the first banner in September.  I know now that this is typically a yearly competition, so I will be better prepared for next year!
> | en        | Unsure whether or not I was supposed to load directly to each wiki site in the National Register or whether you guys would do it?  Unsure of how to nominate a picture for prize consideration.  Is it too late now?  Some sites difficult to pin down, conflict between address & my gps address.  I had no way to use latitude/longitude to verify location.
> | en        | Upload and adding information on Commons takes time. This slows us down and makes upload of hundreds of pictures daunting. I still have hundreds of useful images that I had taken just for Wikipedia that are still to be uploaded.
> | en        | Upload excellent quality images. I spend like 1 hour to upload all my photos.
> | en        | Uploader tools should be simple, like instead of cutting pasting information from different websites (Like lat/long) it should be automatically filled.
> | en        | Uploading took a lot more time than I anticepated. Adding descriptions and categories might be complicated for people not familiar with wikipedia. Finding the time and right weather to take pictures is quite hard. Those people are in luck who have taken pictures earlier. My photography skils are not good enough.
> | en        | Uploading took me a while to find out, after that any mistakes are very hard to correct and takes some understanding of computerprogramming.
> | en        | Uploadwizard does not work for me. It was confusing to understand what field was the name of the picture, the description and the name of the file. Sure next time I go it wrong again. And while I'd like to edit this values after the upload, when I do know what they are, the system doesn't allow me.
> | cs        | Určitě by stálo za to vypsat podobné soutěže na jiná témata.
> | cs        | Vadilo mi, že obrázek neskočil automaticky místo ikony fotoaparátu - nebýt zkušeného wikipedisty asi by se mé fotky mezi památky nedostaly.
> | nl        | Verboden toegang van een monument
> Tijdsgebrek
> Alleen avonduren beschikbaar dus slecht licht
> | sv        | Veta om att det pågick
> | nl        | Voor andere landen is het niet duidelijk wat de specifieke spelregels zijn qua monument definitie, omdat de monumenten definitie niet in mijn taal was, maar ik vond dit toch erg leuk om te doen, wegens het ontdekken van de geschiedenis waar ik allemaal geweest ben. Voor mijn eigen buurt waren wat problemen met de monumentenlijsten (coordinaten, verkeerde nummers), maar deze waren dit jaar grotendeels verholpen tov vorig jaar. Ik vind het nog steeds jammer dat de info in de RCE lijsten zo summier is. Het is echt geen goede bron voor sommige belangrijke monumenten.
> | nl        | Voor nederland was vinden van monumentnummers makkelijk, voor noorwegen lastig door de algemene omschrijvingen.
> | en        | WLM Android app drains my phone battery too fast.
> | en        | We could not upload multiple entries for same monument. Maybe i did not understand the method to do so.
> | en        | Web uploader malfuntions, forcing me to upload and describe photos again, which was really frustrating while having 20+ photos being uploaded. Also adding geographical coordinates was really painful - there should be a map integration with the uploader, allowing user to click a point on a map, and coordinates would be added in a proper field automatically.
> | en        | When uploading several photos there was no mention that the photo with such name already exists. Also, there is no check whether all images are not named with the same name.
> | pl        | Wydawało mi się, że brakuje bardziej sprecyzowanych uwag dotyczących konkursu, więcej szczegółów, które mogłyby mnie utwierdzić w tym, że wszystko robię dobrze, lub wskazać na ewentualne/potencjalne błędy z mojej strony.
> | en        | You may think of making all relevant infos for wiki loves monuments easier to navigate
> Better prizes
> | pl        | Za późno się o nim dowiedziałam, ostatnie dwa dni (szkoda, że wikipedia nie informuje zarejestrowanych użytkowników z poprzednich edycji). Miałam problemy techniczne z łączem internetowym - limit wysyłania danych, brak stałego dostępu.
> | pl        | Zbyt krótki czas trwania konkursu.
> | pl        | Zbyt mało czasu. Informacja dotarła za późno.
> | de        | Zeit und die etwas umständliche Prozedure das Foto mit daten hochzuladen
> | en        | at first i did not understand about the monument identifier number so i did a lot of queries online. I don't even know if i submitted the correct identifier number. I hope there are more even simple explanations regarding that. But anyway, you are doing a great project. Thanks!
> | it        | avendo inviato contributi per la repubblica Ceca (Praga) e Federazione Russa (Sanpietroburgo) la lingua e l'individuazione dei luoghi possibili per i quali postare
> | pl        | brak aplikacji na IPADA
> | pl        | brak czasu
> | de        | ca. 1000 km Fahrt
> | en        | changing the names of files after they had been uploaded.  Wanted to make the series of photograph uniform, easy to find.
> | en        | could have been a bit less cumbersome to upload
> | en        | could not find monument identifier number for many photos, so could not upload.
> | es        | datos sobre los monumentos
> | nl        | de monumenten omzetten in een adressenlijst en de monumenten te herkennen ter plekke.
> | en        | decide what photos could be interesting
> | cs        | dostat se ze stránek soutěže na seznam památek bylo trochu zmatené.
> | cs        | dozvěděl jsem se o možnosti přispět pozdě
> | nl        | eigenlijk wilde ik meedoen met de documentaire maar ik kreeg het niet voor elkaar om de foto`s samen erop te krijgen daarom heb ik ze maar afzonderlijk in gestuurd. Ik vond dat wel jammer
> | es        | el monumento no tenia numero identificador, tuve que agregar la categoria manualmente
> | es        | el tiempo de inicio de la convocatoria al límite de recepción de fotografías fue muy corto
> | es        | en particular me hubiese gustado poder sacar fotos especiales para el concurso , lamentablemente no pude por cuestiones de salud y econimicas viajar por la provincia donde vivo para tomar mas fotografias de los monumentos, espero el proximo concurso para colaborar mejor.Muchas gracias y felicitaciones!
> | es        | encontrar el ID de cada monumento. Pero al final si los encontré.
> | es        | encontrar la foto adecuad, la mayoria con las que puedo participar ya estan en la wiki
> | nl        | gedurende één weekend kwamen de afbeeldingen van de WLM-android app op de test-server en niet op de live server. Dat was uiteraard even zweten om die afbeeldingen alsnog over te zetten.
> | nl        | geen hindernis tegengekomen.
> | en        | getting from your site to the pics on my computer and then up on your site
> | en        | getting to the monuments without pictures
> | nl        | het verwarrendste vind ik toch de onduidelijke structuur van de verschillende wiki websites.
> | en        | i did not had enough amount of pictures
> | en        | i did not have any problem in the entire was smooth and nice.....
> way to go Wikimedia!!!!!!!!
> | en        | i didnt find any obstacles here...
> | en        | i guess the camera i used, because i don't have any high-end cameras like cannon dslr so i just used a simple 14.1 megapixels digital camera. as a result, my photos are quite great but not comparable to the photos taken using slr cameras. which was kinda sad for my part.
> | en        | i had just never done anything like this before, so i had to learn everything from scratch!
> | en        | i love photography.
> and also like to do charity, contribution etc.
> | fr        | import wizard don't copy the monument ID if you load many photos. Just annoying but not serious
> | ru        | it would be better to get developed mobile app for these purposes - AppStore and Google Play apps. No for Russia there is only Saint Petersburg and no other cities - all of them are not covered although photos of modern high-resolution mobile phones would be really easy to take and get uploaded to wiki.
> | en        | just used Android app. there was a bug with the upload form not letting me type in non-caps that just happened on one specific phone though. using another phone i had no issues then. there was also a bug in one version that uploaded my pictures to test.wp , but that was nicely solved by a bot moving the images. All fine with newer version.
> | de        | keine mehr- die veränderte Uploadmaske war perfekt
> | it        | l' upload è durato un bel po' ma forse è il mio computer
> | es        | la dificultad para trasladarme a donde se encontraban los monumentos
> | fr        | la procédure pour télécharger les photos via le concours n'était pas évidente... dans un premier temps, je ne les avais pas téléchargées au bon endroit et je n'ai absolument pas compris comment faire pour les déplacer ou les effacer...
> | en        | limited personal free time
> | es        | monumentos con nombres muy parecidos
> | en        | most of the time it was hard for to me to find the pages related to monument details.and also there was a log in id problem. i had to change my password or use my email id to log in.
> | cs        | my old camera...
> | nl        | n.v.t.
> | es        | ninguno , en un principio el desconocimiento del propio concurso , una vez salvado esto , la dinámica de juego estaba bien definida .
> | es        | ninguno en especial, pero por ejemplo tenías unas fotos de roma preciosas y no he podido subirlas porque no hay casi monumentos, ni de Madrid tampoco.
> | sr-ec     | nisam odmah "ukapirala" gde se nalazi spisak spomenika i njihov kod
> | en        | no
> | es        | no creo que hayan habido obstáculos de ningún tipo
> | es        | no encontrar específicamente donde  poner el numero identificador del monumento a la hora de subir la foto
> | en        | no obstructions
> | en        | not all monuments on map; map updated infrequently so often pictures already exisited of the monuments (trying to hit ones that are not photographed for wiki yet).
> used for core information, then the map/upload wizard.
> | en        | not enough spare time to take more pictures during the September time-frame of "items" missing pictures in my area.
> | en        | not finding the correct monument identifier number, and not knowing if my picture would then qualify
> | en        | not monument recognition on the uploader
> | pl        | platforma do przesyłania zdjęci, oraz nie doróbki na liście zabytków (brak linków do przesłania zdjęcia)
> | es        | poder inficar el codigo del momnumento, no se podia corregir una vez subida la foto.
> | cs        | pomaly nahravaci formular
> | es        | problemas de conexión al subir las imágenes
> | cs        | překážka byla z mé strany - málo volného času na fotografování a zpracování fotek
> | de        | qualitativ gute Fotos mit meiner Kompaktkamera zu schießen
> | de        | question 11.: It was very easy to get a list of monuments in Karlsruhe (published on the towns website). But it was impossible for me to find a list of monuments in Tauberbischofsheim, I only found some hints in the press and literature.
> question 12.: I didn'n knew anything about "Kennnummern".
> | en        | really im interested in megalithic burial sites n i got a chance to cover an excavation by A S I India N PHOTOGRAPHY ...I take it as my breath',the real obstacle if exists is nothing but i got the news from my son accidently...being a irregular visitor of google;;;i might have lost the chance u cu
> an clip an advertisement in english daily the hindu if possible.
> | cs        | roztříštěnost informací, dohledávání v rejstřících, nejistota, zda objekt již není "zabrán" mezi dobou zpracování a vlastním aktem focení, nejasné pokyny pro identifikaci: zda opsat rejstříkové (pak ale proč, když existují) nebo tvořit vlastní popisky.. Přimlouval bych se za použití metadatového formátu like DC;  malá provázanost s faktickými připomínkami na FAQ,někdo se ptá, ale ostatní se to nedozví v odpovídající vazbě na vlastní návštěvu stránek, pokud nehledají...  vstupní branou pro majitele účtu by měl být účet na Wiki po zalogování... s nalinkovanými vlastními aktivitami a případně nastavitelným echo - emailem,abychom se dozvěděli o podobných akcích či vyhlášení nových ročníků.
> | es        | solamente soy una persona mayor que ama el lenguaje y las historias narradas en imágenes, pero que no podía quedar inerte ante la posibilidad de dar a conocer el único monumento (hasta ahora) de mi ciudad.
> Mi principal obstáculo es que no soy más que una aficionada
> | en        | some of the heritage sites were difficult to find. the map might show clearly where they were, but out on the street or in the field not everything is so clearly marked.
> | es        | subir la foto con el nro de monumento
> | en        | suurema hulga üheaegne laadimine laadimine katkes ja oli aeganõudev
> | cs        | systém občas padal
> | de        | temporäre Überlastung von Wikimedia Commons (Abbruch des Uploads)
> | en        | the user interface is kinda geeky.
> its not that user friendly.
> | es        | tiempo para subir archivos fotográficos..
> | cs        | trošku mě zmátla identifikační čísla památek
> | es        | un poco complicado.....pero facil.....????
> | en        | when I tried to find one of the historic sites on St Ann Street in New Orleans, it was inside Armstrong park, and not marked at all-so I really just couldn't find it.
> | fr        | éloignement des monuments, monuments déjà photographiés, manque de lots, critères de sélection pour le concours flous
> | cs        | Čas :)
> | pl        | Łatwo było mi znaleźć wykaz zabytków w Polsce, trudniej było ze znalezieniem tych francuskich, ale dałem radę :)
> | cs        | špatně označené památky v seznamu i terénu, nesouhlasila čísla popisná ani orientační. Některé již vyfotografované památky na wikipedii jsou jinými, než je uvedeno (např. Měšťanský dům v Olomouci, i.d. 13675/8-3672 - na wiki je fotografie školy Komenium atd.)
> | be        | Адчуванне, што вельмі шмат здымкаў выдатнай якасці, а мае даволі сціплыя навыкі не дазвалялі мне атрымаць такую прыгажосць :)
> | uk        | Бажано продумати ідентифікацію категорій, щоб потім не переробляти
> | ru        | Было несколько сложно попасть на страничку проекта. Может, конечно, я не до конца разобралась, но постоянно заходила через гиперссылки в материалах о конкурсе, вместо того, чтобы попасть на страничку напрямую.
> | ru        | В интерфейсе было указано что фотография загружена, а по факту - ее не было. Возможности перезагрузить - нет, потому, что вместе теги EXIF сохраняются вместе с фото.
> | ru        | В первый раз было не очень просто понять, как же все-таки загружать фотографии: с интерфейсом пришлось чуть повозиться.
> | ru        | Время подготовки фотографии перед отправкой
> | uk        | Декілька пам'яток дублювалися у списках, тобто одні й ті ж пам'ятки мали різні назви.
> | ru        | Дуже мало часу, тим більше, що дізналася про конкурс за тиждень до завершення. Також не була впевнена, що загружаю правильні зображення, адже за однією адресою могло бути кілька об'єктів
> | ru        | Задержки с составлением списков. ID в списках памятников Шевченковского района Киева появились только в середине сентября. Двойные упоминания об одном памятнике. Несоответствия описаний и реальной обстановки. Снесенные дома в Днепровском и Подольском районах, несоответствие описаний и реальных захоронений на Куреневском кладбище, непонятная запись о Печерском монастыре на Подоле.
> | ru        | Зарегистрировать фотографию и составить описание памятника в предлагаемой таблице
> | ru        | Мне была непонятна формулировка требований к загружаемым фото в части ретуширования (например: обработка визуальным фильтром для придания эмоциональной окраски считается ретушью или нет?). На мое письмо с вопросом на адрес никто не ответил.
> | ru        | Многие памятники Харькова не включены в списки памятников и не имеют реестровых номеров.
> | ru        | Многие свои фотографии памятников я загрузил на Викисклад еще до начала конкурса, поэтому они не смогли участвовать в Конкурсе.
> | ru        | Много исторических пямятников не внесены в списки и соответственно не могли принять участие в конкурсе.Кстати, как их можно было внести в конкурсные списки, непонятно до сих пор.
> | uk        | Наявність у списку великої кількості пам'яток, які такими не є (радянським діячам, могили, різні таблички присвячені комуністам)
> | ru        | Не было понятно для каких памятников из списка еще не было загружено ни одной фотографии. Мне было интересно загрузить фотографии именно тех зданий, по которым нет фотографий.
> | ru        | Не было таких препятствий
> | ru        | Не было таких препятствий.
> | ru        | Не все памятники внесены в реестр.Мало времени для подготовки. Случайно попал в Википедию и увидел банер.У меня есть еще фотографии, готов поделиться с ВИКИ.
> | ru        | Не всегда было свободное время
> | ru        | Не готовилась к конкурсу заранее, поэтому сложно было выбрать из личного архива наиболее интересные фотографии
> | ru        | Не достаточно времени
> | ru        | Некоторые фотографии не удавалось загрузить. Также при повторной загрузке возникало сообщение об ошибке. Таким образом несколько фотографий так и не поучаствовали в конкурсе.
> Еще я не поняла можно ли было добавлять памятники архитектуры не своих стран. А если можно, то непонятно было как попасть в данный раздел.
> | ru        | Неполный список исторических памятников для отдельных регионов
> | ru        | Несколько раз были ошибки при открытии страницы с общими положениями и правилами проведения конкурса.
> | ru        | Несоответствие адреса и памятника
> | ru        | Нет таких
> | ru        | Нехватка времени
> | ru        | Нехватка времени  и неточности  со списком памятников в моем регионеё
> | ru        | Нехватка свободного времени для поездок к памятникам.
> | ru        | Нехватка свободного времени, не достаточный опыт фотографирования.
> | ru        | Нечеткое описание памятников
> | be-tarask | Нястача часу.
> | ru        | Обвинение в нарушении авторских прав на мои фотографии.
> | ru        | Одно препятствие ,то что делал это в первый раз и чувствовал свою ответственность.
> | ru        | Описания некоторых памятников в малых городах было слишком обобщённым, чтобы можно было понять в принципе, что это за памятник. К тому же некоторые памятники в списке могли встретится и 2 раза.
> | ru        | Основным неудобством, была, не всегда стабильная, работа загрузчика и не до конца актуальная информация о текущей деятельности других авторов.
> На мой взгляд, огромное количество фотографий дублировали друг-друга.
> | ru        | Отсутствие перевода на русский язык разделов конкурса от других стран
> | ru        | Отсутствие свободного времени
> | ru        | Отсутствие свободного времени...
> | ru        | Отсутствие свободы панорамы
> | ru        | Отсутствие форума (или какого-либо аналогичного сервиса) для обратной связи и обсуждения процесса сбора данных.
> | ru        | Очень поздно узнал о конкурсе. Очень мало информации о нем.
> | ru        | Очень сложно было искать список памятников . В очень длинном списке к тому же неудобном было затруднительно искать улицы и номера домов , так как они были разбросаны в хаотичном порядке. Не было четкой последовательности улиц и домов, а также  не было очень нужного порядка действий. Чем вызвало столь малое количество загруженных файлов .
> | ru        | Плохая погода, иногда фото получались мрачными; Невозможность выехать на фотоохоту за пределы города, хотелось сделать больше фотографий, но не было возможности поехать в область или другой город
> | ru        | Плохая точность позиционирования пиктограммы памятника на карте.
> В форме загрузки файла очень не хватало поля "Какую статью Википедии можно проиллюстрировать этим изображением".
> | ru        | Плохой фотоаппарат, огромное количество машин возле снимаемых зданий.
> | uk        | Повільний Інтернет
> | en        | Пожалуй, именно неудобство страницы со списком памятников и перезхода к загрузке фото.
> Если что, я работаю консультантом по юзабилити в, обращайтесь, мы в компании обсуждали готовность к социальным проектам.
> | ru        | Поздно узнал о конкурсе
> | ru        | Поздно узнал о конкурсе. на все по все было 3 дня, а памятников более 100.
> Было бы классно, если о время проведения подобного мероприятия баннер вывесился на стартовую страницу googl'а. Это конечно не так сложно и я уверен, что очень много иницитиативные люди попросту не знали о проведении конкурса.
> | ru        | Препятствий не возникло.
> | ru        | Проблем не было. Просто хочу участвовать в развитии wiki в целом. Конечно не готов для написания статей. Нет ни времени, ни какой-нибудь квалификации. Но чем могу, стараюсь помочь.
> | ru        | Після завантаження зображення не з'являлися у переліку пам'яток, таким чином у мене були сумніви, чи прийняті вони, чи ні. До закінчення конкурсу жодна з моїх фотокарток не з'явилася у переліку. Тому мною було припинено завантаження, хоча маю багато цікавих видів (не тільки України)та мрію поділитися ними з усіма.
> | ru        | Скорость моего интернета)
> | ru        | Слишком поздно узнал о проведении конкурса - в середине сентября, когда он уже шел. Все загруженные фотографии были сделаны независимо от конкурса. Если бы я знал заранее, то сделал бы гораздо больше. Уже не было ни времени, ни возможности фотографировать.
> | ru        | Слишком поздно узнала о конкурсе
> | ru        | Список памятников был составлен достаточно давно, некоторые здания сгорели/снесены.
> | ru        | Список памятников по России не выверен, сложно ориентироваться. Организаторы на вопросы не отвечают, про них вообще ничего не известно.
> | ru        | То, что я криворукий фотограф :)
> | ru        | Требование, чтобы фото ранее не публиковалось.
> | ru        | Узнал о нём в последнюю неделю сентября
> | ru        | Устаревшие сведения. Порой было ОЧЕНЬ трудно понять какое здание имеется в виду. Казалось что номера либо дублируют друг друга, либо памятник по какой то причине отсутствует.
> | uk        | Форма завантаження працювала не дуже швидко - прокручування сторінки з формами для заповнення дуже гальмувалось, якщо відразу завантажувалась велика кількість пам'яток.
> | ru        | Хотя не по вине Вики, но было трудно найти памятники в “реальном мире”, поскольку в самих реестрах охраны местонахождение памятников описывается очень пространно. Я с трудом нашёл, что мне надо было.
> | be-tarask | Хуткасць інтэрнэту і дакладная індэтыфікацыя некаторых выяў славутасьцяў!
> | ru        | Ээххх, конечно время, идея то была специально еще нафоткать и разместить побольше. Приятно было бы видеть свои фото на Вики, но получилось так что из за работы была возможность загрузить только то что было осмыслено и как раз недавно сфоткано. Буду рада принять участие в следующих конкурсах. Спасибо что вы есть ;-)
> | ru        | Я поздно узнал о конкурсе, у меня было мало времени.
> | ru        | было мало времени, чтобы пофотографировать. тк днем я работаю
> | uk        | відсутність вільного часу
> | uk        | відсутність вільного часу у зв*язку з навчанням у внз. добре було б, якби конкурс відбувався влітку.
> | uk        | глюки завантажувача
> | ru        | не очень точные сведения о местоположении памятников (часть пришлось искать в WikiMapia, часть не смог найти)
> | ru        | никаких препятствий
> | be        | ужо запампаваны файл я так й ня здолеў дапасаваць да ідэнтыфікатара славутасці ( Трэ было спачатку ціскаць на нумар ідэнтыфікатара, а ўжо потым пераходзіць да запампоўкі.. Сістэма ж адказвала, што такі ўжо інсуе. Выдаліць ранейшы не магчыма. Я так і не зразумеў, здолеў ён прыняць удзел у конкурсе, ці не )
> | be-tarask | час :-)
> | he        | העלאת התמונה לוויקיפדיה לפני שאפשר לשלוח אותה לתחרות, עם כל הפרטים שצריך למלא בוויקיפדיה.
> | he        | חלק מהאתרים ברשימה אי אפשר היה לצלם משום שהוסתרו ע"י עצים גדולים ברחוב
> | he        | למצוא את האתרים במפה כשלא הייתה כתובת או נקודות ציון.
> המפה באתר התחרות עזרה, אבל לא הכל הופיע שם.

15. I am likely to participate in Wiki Loves Monuments again next year
if organised in my country:

|             NULL |    24 |
|                1 |    13 | Least likely
|                2 |    24 |
|                3 |   134 |
|                4 |   343 |
|                5 |  1232 | Very likely

16. I would recommend participating in Wiki Loves Monuments to my friends:
|           NULL |    40 |
|              1 |    57 |
|              2 |    84 |
|              3 |   292 |
|              4 |   400 |
|              5 |   897 |

17. I am now more likely to correct mistakes or add content to Wikipedia:
|      NULL |    53 |
|         1 |    77 |
|         2 |   117 |
|         3 |   542 |
|         4 |   371 |
|         5 |   610 |

> * For the open questions, just a dump of all the (text answer + country
> info)s per question so that I can run through them if there's anything
> really awesome or horrible.

Other comments:
(Language, Country, Comment)

4. In which years did you participate in Wiki Loves Monuments?
2012: 1725
2011: 231
2010: 26

6. How did you find out about Wiki Loves Monuments 2012?
sitenotice: 1235
noticeboard: 121
social: 217
news: 140
friend: 193
other: 140

8. When were (most of) your submissions for 2012 taken?
sep-2012: 996
jan-aug-2012: 697
2000-2011: 597
before-2000: 34

9. My main motivation for submitting a photo for Wiki Loves Monuments
2012 was:
prize: 510
help: 1167
discover-heritage: 743
share-heritage: 1084
easy: 545
other: 189

7. What countries did you upload pictures for?
| ad |
| 17 |

| ar |
| 64 |

| at |
| 68 |

| by |
| 45 |

| be |
| 47 |

| ca |
| 37 |

| cl |
| 44 |

| co |
| 26 |

| cz |
| 97 |

| dk |
| 10 |

| ee |
| 22 |

| fr  |
| 147 |

| de  |
| 174 |

| gh |
|  7 |

| in  |
| 137 |

| il |
| 33 |

| it  |
| 124 |

| ke |
|  9 |

| lu |
| 12 |

| mx |
| 71 |

| nl |
| 67 |

| no |
| 21 |

| pa |
| 21 |

| ph |
| 26 |

| pl |
| 86 |

| ro |
| 34 |

| ru  |
| 174 |

| rs |
| 32 |

| sk |
| 20 |

| za |
| 22 |

| es  |
| 126 |

| se |
| 46 |

| ch |
| 31 |

| ua  |
| 106 |

| us  |
| 180 |

| other |
|    84 |