Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2018 in Wales

I weld holl ffotograffau 2017, gweler yma
For the 2017 images from Wales, see here
Wiki Loves Monuments
Wiki Loves Monuments

Photographing Wales' heritage
Wiki Loves Monuments ( is an annual international photography contest and crowdsourcing event in which participants photograph and upload images of historic monuments to Wikimedia Commons. These images are then available for free use on Wikipedia and beyond. More details about this year's annual competition can be found at Wiki Loves Monuments 2018. The competition takes place throughout the month of September each year.
Upload images from Wales

This year's images can be found here: Category:Images from Wiki Loves Monuments 2018 in Wales.

Everyone is welcome to get involved, whether as a participant (photographer), organizational volunteer, or both. There is no requirement for participants or volunteers to be from Wales. The Welsh part of the competition is volunteer-led, with significant support from Wikimedia Community User Group Wales and Wikimedia UK.

PLEASE NOTE: the 10 winning photographs from Wales will not be allowed in the International Competition. The International Team has decided that Wales is not a country.

The main competition website (for competitors) is at

Tynnu lluniau o'n hetifeddiaeth

Mae Wici Henebion ( yn gystadleuaeth ac yn ddigwyddiad torfol. Ynddi, gallwch dynnu lluniau henebion cofrestredig Cymru a gweddill y byd a'u huwchlwytho i Comin Wicimedia. Cant wedyn eu defnyddio yn rhad ac am ddim gan bobl drwy'r byd. Ceir rhagor o fanylion am Wici Henebion 2018 ar wefan Wici Henebion 2018. Gallwch dynnu lluniau ffotograffig unrhywb bryd, ond cyfyngir yr uwchlwytho i fis Medi yn unig.

Uwchlwytho lluniau o Gymru

Mae ffotograffau 2018 i gyd i'w cael yma: Category:Images from Wiki Loves Monuments 2018 in Wales.

Mae croeso i bawb fod yn rhan o'r gystadleuaeth, boed ffotograffydd proffesiynol neu amatur. Trefnir y gystadleuaeth Gymreig gan Grwp Defnyddwyr Wicimedia a Wikimedia UK.

DALIER SYLW: NI fydd y 10 ffotograff arobryn o Gymru yn mynd drwyddo i'r gystadleuaeth Rhyngwladol. Penderfyniad y pwyllgor Rhyngwladol yw nad yw Cymru'n genedl!

Mae'r wefan ryngwladol ar

Mae gen i ddiddordeb! Maybe interested!




Rhaid i holl ddelweddau'r gystadleuaeth hon

  1. gael eu huwchlwytho gan y person sydd wedi eu tynnu
  2. gael eu huwchlwytho ym Medi 2018 ac ar gael ar Gomin Wicimedia
  3. fod a thrwydded agored
  4. gynnwys heneb cofrestredig
  5. gymryd rhan mewn cystadleuaeth genedlaethol. Mae Cymru, wrth gwrs yn genedl.



All images in this contest must be:

  1. Self taken and self uploaded;
  2. Uploaded in September 2018 and available on Wikimedia Commons;
  3. Freely licensed;
  4. Contain an identified monument;
  5. Participating in a national Wiki Loves Monuments contest. Wales is, of course, a nation.

Dolennau o ddiddordeb
