Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2020 in Sweden/Winners

Eric Luth och Johanna Berg presenterar vinnarna i Wiki Loves Monuments 2020 i Sverige

Here are the results from the Swedish part of the 2020 Wiki Loves Monuments. The members of the jury are:

Johanna Berg
GLAM-worker with experience from several museums and organisations, and always positive to new collaborations around open content. Member of the board of Wikimedia Sverige.
Magdalena Åkerström
Expert on working life museums, and training in that field. Keeps an extra eye out for everything related to working life museums on Wikipedia, and also a former member of the WLM jury.
Vidi Ratnafury
Volunteer with a start during Wikimania in Stockholm, and continuous activities within the movement after that.
Frankie Fouganthin
Editor and photographer with a special interest in street foto, but always reliable when it comes to the red carpet and events requiring accreditation and premission.
Viktor Lindbäck
Staff member at the National Heritage Board, with a keen interest in immersive media, reminiscence, 3D and other new exciting technology.
Jan Olov Westerberg
Northerner working for the National Property Board Sweden. Equally fond of cloudberries as of all the properties owned by the Swedish state, but maybe a little more fond of cloudberries.



First place

Old engine building at Malmbanan, Riksgränsen.
Photograph: Fjallvaxter.och.norrsken

Second place

Ruin of Sankta Britas chapel, Kapelludden, Öland.
Photograph: Kristianwhedberg

Third place

Långe Jan lighthouse, Öland.
Photograph: Kristianwhedberg

International finale


See also
