
This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Wikidata and the translation is 45% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Wikidata and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
Outdated translations are marked like this.









Information about Commons can be stored on Wikidata using statements. Statements can be read by templates and programs which access Wikidata. Statements can be added and edited in the left side of the Wikidata page for an item. Some statement examples are presented below:

Statements pointing to Commons pages

Title ID 数据类型 说明
共享资源分类 P373 字符串 name of the Commons category page containing files related to this article-like or category-like item
共享资源图库 P935 字符串 name of the Commons gallery page containing files related to this article-like or category-like item
Commons Creator page P1472 String name of the Commons creator template containing information related to this article-like item for a person
Commons institution template P1612 String name of the Commons institution template containing information related to this article-like item for an organisation
Commons maps category P3722 String name of the Wikimedia Commons category specifically for maps or plans of this item

Statements pointing to media on Commons

Title ID Data type Description
图片 P18 共享资源媒体文件 an image depicting the subject (person, species, etc.); more specific properties should be used when more description is required, e.g. signature (P109), logo image (P154), locator map image (P242) and detail map (P1621)
视频 P10 共享资源媒体文件 相关视频
音频 P51 共享资源媒体文件 一段相关音频
发音 P443 共享资源媒体文件 维基共享资源有关发音的音频文件
recording of the subject's voice P990 Commons media file audio file representing the voice of a person or character
scan file P996 Commons media file file on Wikimedia Commons related to the content of the source/book/report
geoshape P3896 Geographic shape geographic data from Wikimedia Commons
3D model P4896 Commons media file representation of any three-dimensional surface of an object

For a full list of properties with data type "commonsMedia" see list of properties on Wikidata, and sort by data type. Or see wikidata: Special:ListProperties?datatype=commonsMedia.

Properties relating article-like and category-like items

Title ID Data type Description
主题的主分类 P910 identifier for the category-like item that contains links to the category on Commons and the category on each Wikipedia which is considered the main category for the concept
分类的主要话题 P301 identifier for the article-like item that contains links to the article on each Wikipedia which is considered the main article for the category. The identified item will also contain the link(s) to any related gallery page(s) on Commons.

