Commons talk:Copyright rules by territory/Mozambique/en


Mozambique has made a new copyright law on June 29, 2022. Here are the changes:

  • Unfortunately, there is no suitable FOP.

31 (Use of images of works exhibited in public places)
It is permitted, without the authorization of the author and without payment of any remuneration, to faithfully reproduce, broadcast or communicate by cable to the public, the image of a work of architecture, plastic arts, photographic or applied arts, which is permanently placed in a place open to the public, unless the image of the work is the main subject of said reproduction or broadcasting or communication, and is used for commercial purposes.

  • The copyright terms have also been updated (sorry for the somewhat bad translation)

47 (Tatrimonial and non-property rights)
1. The protection of property rights expires 70 years after a death of author, really that if treat Of work disclosed or published posthumously.
2. A protection of rights no patrimonial is unlimited in time.
3. After the death of the author, the protection of his rights, whether patrimonial or non-property, may be requested by a court ir extra-judicially by spouse survive, no separated of persons and property at the time of death, or by any heir of the author
4. It also enjoys legitimacy for judicial or extra-judicial action the organism of decentralized state or entities ddicated to the protection of copyright.
48 (Work of collaboration and collective work)
1. The copyright of work done in collaboration expires 70 years after the death of the employee who died last.
2. The copyright on a collective work or originally attributed to a legal person expires 70 years after the first lawful publication or disclosure, unless the natural persons who created identified in the versions from work became accessible to the public.
3. The duration of the copyright attributed individually to the collaborators of collective work, in relation to the respective contributions thatcan discriminate against each other,it's the one thatit is establishedin paragraph 1 of Article 47 of this Law.
49(Anonymous and pseudonymous works)
1. The patrimonial rights of a work published of way anonymous or under pseudonym, are protected up until 70 years from the date on which the said work was lawfully published for the first time.
2. The same rights are still protected in Terms of Number 1 of Present article, to count of the end of the year in that the work has been made accessible or carried out.
3. In the absence of the dates referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article,the deadlineit is counted to leave from the end of the year from your realization.
4. In before of term of deadlines, referred us Numbers 1, 2 And 3 of this article, the identity of the author is revealed or not leftdoubt,it applies the provisions of articles precedents.
50(Audiovisual and cinematographic works)
The property rights over an audiovisual work or any other cinematographic work, expires 70 years after the death of the last survivor of among the following persons:
a) the director;
b) the author of the argument or adaptation;
c) the author of the dialogues;
d) the author of the musical compositions specially created for the work;
e) the producer who assumes the position of the holder of the property rights over the set of collective works.
51(Work published or disclosed in parts)
1. If the different parts, volumes or episodes of a work are not published or disclosed simultaneously, the deadlines of protection Legal they count themselves separately For each part,volume or episode.
2. It also applies to numbers or issues of collective works of periodicals, such as newspapers or similar publications.
52(Computer programs)
1. The right attributed to the intellectual creator to the creation of the programis extinguished 50 years after your death.
2. If the right is originally attributed to the person other than the intellectual creator , the right is extinguished 50 years from the date which the program was for the first time, lawfully, published or disclosed

Bsslover371 (talk) 04:08, 1 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

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