De Jong - Het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in WOII

de Jong, L. - Het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in de Tweede Wereldoorlog (1969-1994)

dr. Louis (Loe) de Jong - Het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in de Tweede Wereldoorlog (The Kingdom of the Netherlands in World War II)[1] is a multi-volume work on the history of the Second World War in the Netherlands and the Dutch East Indies. The work consists of 14 volumes, and was published in 30 parts. The number of pages totals to around 16.000.

The first volume (Voorspel) was published in 1969. De Jong published his final volume (Vol. 13) in 1988. After that, Vol. 14 (1991), containing critique and responses, was edited by Jan Bank and Peter Romijn. In 1994 the Register op de wetenschappelijke editie (Index on the scientific edition) appeared.

Deel 1: Voorspel


The first volume - Voorspel (Prelude) was published in 1969. It covered the period before the occupation of the Netherlands (going back to the nineteenth century).[2]

Deel 2: Neutraal


In the same year, 1969, the second volume appeared: Neutraal (Neutral).

Other volumes


Other volumes are available here.



In 1994 an index appeared on all volumes.


  1. OCLC: 313666 and 768409923
  2. English text on the series, and especially on this first vol. by the Dutch Foundation for Literature: here