ERIH - Industrial Valleys

Deutsch: Regionale Route "Täler der Industriekultur" - Bergisches Land, Märkisches Sauerland, Siegerland
English: The "Industrial Valleys" Regional Route - Bergisches Land, Märkisches Sauerland, Siegerland

English: German Museum of Wire
English: Luisenhütte
English: Old Dombach Paper Mill
Deutsch: Regional Museum of Mining, Handicraft and Trade
English: Rhineland Industrial Museum Ermen & Engels Cotton Mill
English: LWL Open Air Museum of Handicrafts and Science
English: Historic Factory Maste-Barendorf - Museum of Needles and Brass Casting
English: Industrial Museum Freudenthal Scythe Forge
English: Bremecker Hammer Museum of Forging
English: Museum Textile Mill Johann Wülfing & Son
English: Rhineland Industrial Museum Textile Mill Cromford
English: German Museum of Tools
English: German Röntgen-Museum
English: Rhineland Industrial Museum Hendrichs Drop Forge
English: German Museum of Blades
English: Müngsten Bridge
English: Wendener Hütte
English: Museum of Axes, Wheels and Carriages
English: Historical Centre - Engels-House and Museum of Early Industrialization
English: Monorail