File:Deed of Foundation by Edward Alleyn by virtue of the Letters Patent, of a college to be called and named The College of God's Gift in Dulwich in the County of Surrey.jpg



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English: Deed of Foundation by Edward Alleyn by virtue of the Letters Patent, of a college to be called and named 'The College of God's Gift in Dulwich in the County of Surrey', and to consist of one master, one warden, four fellows, six poor brethren, six poor sisters and twelve poor scholars, Sept. 1619

In the name of God: Amen

To all true Christian People to whom this present writing quadripartite shall come:

I, Edward Alleyn, of Dulwich in the county of Surrey, Esquire, send greeting in our Lord God everlasting.

Whereas our Sovereign Lord James, by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith etc by his Highness Letters Patent under his great Seal of England, bearing date at Westminster, the 21st day of June, in the years of his Reign of England, France, and Ireland and 17th of Scotland 250th did of his special grace, certain knowledge for him, his Heirs Successors amongst other things, grant and give licence to me, the said Edward Alleyn, that, I, or after my decease, my Heirs, Executors or Assigns, or every or any of them, for, and towards the relief, sustenance, and maintenance of poor men, women, and children; and for the instruction of the said poor Children, to be enabled and to have full power and liberty, at mine and my heirs, executors, and assigns will and pleasure, to make, found, erect, create and establish one College in Dulwich, aforesaid, in the said County of Surrey, which shall endure and remain forever; and shall consist of one Master, one Warden, four Fellows, six poor Brethren, six poor Sisters, and twelve poor Scholars to be maintained, sustained, educated, guided, governed and ruled according to such ordinances, statutes and foundation, as shall be made, set down, established, and ordained by me, the said Edward Alleyn, in my life time or by any other person or persons after my decease: such as shall be specially nominated, deputed and appointed, thereunto by me the said Edward Alleyn, in my life time, under my hand and seal in writing, for the maintenance, sustenance, education, instruction, guiding, government, and rule of the said Master, Warden, four Fellows, six poor brothers, six poor Sisters, and twelve poor Scholars.

And our said Sovereign Lord, King James, by the said Letters Patent, of his further grace did will, ordain, nominate and appoint, that the said College, so as aforesaid to be erected, founded, created, and established by me, the said Edward Alleyn my heirs, Executors or Assigns in Dulwich, aforesaid, shall be called and named The College of God’s Gift in Dulwich, in the county of Surrey; and that the said Master, Warden, four Fellows, six poor Brethren, six poor Sisters, and twelve poor Scholars and their Successors, when the same College shall be so created, founded, erected and established, as aforesaid, shall be in deed and name one body corporate and politique, and one perpetual commonality, and shall have perpetual succession for ever to endure;

and that the said Master, Warden, four Fellows, six poor Brethren, six poor Sisters, and twelve poor Scholars, may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, by and under the name of the Master, Warden, four Fellows, six poor Brethren, six poor Sisters, and twelve poor Scholars, of the College of God’s Gift, in Dulwich, in the County of Surrey, in for and concerning all and all manner of actions, suits, plaints, debts, demands and causes whatsoever, as well real as personal, and mixed of whatsoever nature, kind or quality, they or any of them may be before any Judges, spiritual or temporal, and other secular Justices, and persons whatsoever: and that the said Master, Warden, four Fellows, six poor Brethren, six poor Sisters, and twelve poor Scholars, of the said College, and every of them, shall and may have a common seal, for the sealing, doing, and performing of all deeds, writings, matters and things touching the said College, which said seal they shall and may lawfully break, alter, change, and new make as they shall think meet from time to time.

And whereas our said Sovereign Lord King James by his said Letters Patents, did, further of his like special grace, certain knowledge, and at the humble petition of me the said Edward Alleyn, give and grant for him, his Heirs and Successors special licence, and free and lawful liberty, power, and authority to the said Master, Warden, four Fellows, six poor Brethren, six poor Sisters, and twelve poor Scholars of the said College, to get, purchase, take and receive, to them and their successors forever, for the maintenance, sustenance and relief, of the said Master, Warden, four Fellows, six poor Brethren, six poor Sisters, and twelve poor Scholars, and their successors, of and from me the said Edward Alleyn, my Heirs and Assigns, all and singular the manors, messuages, lands, tenants and hereditaments, with the appurtenances as are at large specified, mentioned, recited and contained in the said Letters Patent, or any such and so many and such part of the said manors, messuages, lands, tenants and hereditaments as I, the said Edward Alleyn, shall think meet.

And whereas our said Sovereign Lord King James, by the said Letters Patent of his more ample and abundant grace, certain knowledge, did grant and give licence, for him, his heirs and successors, to me the said Edward Alleyn as long as I shall live, and, after my death, to such person or persons as I, the said Edward Alleyn, shall in my life time nominate, depute and appoint, under my hand and seal in writing, and to every or any of them from time to time, and as often as need shall require, to make, ordain, constitute and establish, statutes, ordinances, constitutions and rules, for the good and better maintenance, sustenance and relief, education, government and ordering as well of the said College, so to be created, erected, founded and established, as aforesaid as of the said Master,

Warden, four Fellows, six poor Brethren, six poor Sisters, and twelve poor Scholars, and their successors forever:

and also of all and every the said manors, messuages, lands, tenants and hereditaments in the said Letters Patent formerly mentioned, and the rents, issues, revenues and profits of the same; and that the said statutes, ordinances, constitutions and rules, so by me the said Edward Alleyn, in my life time, or by the said other persons or any of them after my decease, to be made, ordained, or constituted shall forever, and in all succeeding times, stand, be and remain inviolable, and in full force and strength in law, to all constructions, intents and purposes: the same being not repugnant to the prerogative royal of our said Sovereign Lord the King, nor contrary to the laws and statutes of this his Highness Realm of England, nor any the Ecclesiastical Law, canons or institutions of the Church of England which then shall be in force, as by the said Letters Patent, whereunto reference being had amongst other things more at large it doth and may appear. Now Know ye that to the honour and glory of Almighty God, and in a thankful remembrance of his Gift and blessings bestowed upon me the said Edward Alleyn, and for the better maintenance, education, relief and sustenance of poor and needy people, men, women and children of the several parishes

  • of Saint Botolph’s without Bishopsgate, London
  • of St Saviour’s in Southwark
  • of that part of the parish of St Giles without Cripplegate, London, which is in the County of Middlesex, and
  • of the parish of Camberwell in the said County of Surrey,

and I the said Edward Alleyn, by virtue and force of the said Letters Patent, and by the power and authority thereby to me granted and given by our said Sovereign Lord King James, do by this my present writing quadripartite, bearing date the 13th of September, in this present 17th year of the reign of our said Sovereign Lord King James, make, found, erect, create and establish one College in Dulwich, aforesaid, in the said County of Surrey, which shall endure and remain forever and shall consist of one Master, one Warden, four Fellows, six poor Brethren, six poor Sisters and twelve poor Scholars.

And also, I the said Edward Alleyn, according to the liberty and power given me by the said Letters Patent, do by this present writing quadripartite, make, found, erect and establish

  • Thomas Alleyn, Citizen and Barber Surgeon of London, to be the first Master of the said College;
  • Mathias Alleyn, of Dulwich, aforesaid, Gent, to be the first Warden of the said College;
  • Samuel Wilson Master of Arts; John Harrison Master of Arts; Martin Simons, Clerk; Thomas

Hopkins, Organist, to be the first 4 Fellows of the said College;

  • James Sanders, John Jones, Henry Phillipps, John Colebrane, Walter Boane, Nicholas Kendall to be the first six poor Brethren of the said College,
  • Margarett Chapman, Magdalen Lee, Alice Man, Anne Kirton, Thomasin Stanley, Margart Barrett, to be the first six poor Sisters of the said College; and
  • Richard Meridale, Thomas Shippey, Simon Waddopp, Christopher Jackey, Thomas Keyes, Henry Leyton, John Copland, Richard Chalfont, Richard Pettifer, Robert Man, Edward Brasier, and Edward Collins, to be the first twelve poor Scholars of the said College.

And I give and grant to the said Thomas Alleyn the Master, Matthias Alleyn the Warden, Samuel Wilson, John Harrison, Martin Simons, Thomas Hopkins, the four Fellows, James Sanders, John Jones, Henry Phillipps, John Colbrane, Walter Boane, Nicholas Kendall, the six poor Brethren, Margaret Chapman, Magdalen Lee, Alice Man, Anne Kirton, Thomasin Stanley, Margaret Barrett, the six poor Sisters, and the said Richard Meridall, Thomas Shippey, Simon Waddop, Christopher Jackey, Thomas Keyes, Henry Leyton, John Copland, Richard Chalfont, Richard Pettifer, Robert Man, Edward Brasier, and Edward Collins, the twelve poor Scholars of the said College the offices and places aforesaid. To have and to hold the offices and places aforesaid in the said College, to them the said Thomas Alleyn, Mathias Alleyn, Samuel Wilson, John Harrison, Martin Simons, Thomas Hopkins, James Sanders, John Jones, Henry Phillips, John Colebrane, Walter Boane, Nicholas Kendall, Margaret Chapman, Magdalen Lee, Alice Man, Anne Kirton, Thomasin Stanley, Margarett Barrett, Richard Meridall, Thomas Shippey, Simon Waddoppe, Christopher Jackey, Thomas Keyes, Henry Leyton, John Copland, Richard Chalfont, Richard Pettifer, Robert Man, Edwarde Brasier, and Edward Collins, and their successors, in the same offices and places in perpetual succession forever, according to such statutes, ordinances, constitutions and rules, as shall hereafter be made, ordained, constituted, and established by me the said Edward Alleyn, in my life time, or by any other person or persons after my death, such as I shall nominate, depute, or appoint hereunto, under my hand and seal in writing in my life time.

And further I the said Edward Alleyn, by virtue and force of the said Letters Patent, and of the power and authority thereby to me given, do make, found, create, erect and establish, as follows, that is to say, that the said College shall forever be called and named the "College of God's Gift" in Dulwich, in the County of Surrey; and that the said Master, Warden, four Fellows, six poor Brethren, six poor Sisters, and twelve poor Scholars of the said College and their successors, shall be in deed and name one body corporate and political, and one perpetual commonality, and shall have perpetual succession forever to endure.

And that the said Master, Warden, four Fellows, six poor Brethren, six poor Sisters, and twelve poor Scholars of the said College, and their Successors, may sue and be sued, plead and be pleaded, by and under the name of the Master, Warden, four Fellows, six poor Brethren, six poor Sisters, and twelve poor Scholars of the College of God’s Gift, in Dulwich, in the county of Surrey, in for and concerning all and all manner of accounts, suits, plaints, debts, demands and causes whatsoever, as well real as personal, and mixed of whatsoever nature, kind, or quality they or any of them may be, before any Judges spiritual or temporal, and other secular justices and persons whatsoever and that the said Master, Warden, four Fellows, six poor Brethren, six poor Sisters, and twelve poor Scholars of the said College and their successors and every of them, shall have a common seal for the sealing, doing, and performing of all deeds, writings, matters, and things touching the said College, which said seal they shall and may lawfully break, alter, change, and new make as they shall think meet from time to time; and that the said Master, Warden, four Fellows, six poor Brethren, six poor Sisters, and twelve poor Scholars of the said College, and their Successors, shall be persons enabled and capable in Law, in right and name of the said College, and for the maintenance, sustenance and relief of them the said Master, Warden, four Fellows, six poor Brethren, six poor Sisters, and twelve poor Scholars of the said College, and their Successors, to get, purchase, receive and take to them and their Successors forever, of and from me the said Edward Alleyn my Heirs and Assigns, all and singular the manors, messuage lands, tenants and hereditaments with the appurtenances as are at large specified, mentioned, recited and contained in the said Letters Patent, or any such and so many, and such part of the said manors, messuages, lands, tenants and hereditaments, as I the said Edward Alleyn shall think meet.

In Witness whereof, and that this my making, foundation erection, creation and establishing of the said College, may the better and more safely be kept contained and be had in perpetual remembrance for all times to come, I the said Edward Alleyn have caused this writing quadripartite, to be made and written, and have subscribed my name and set my Seal to every part thereof, the said 13th day of September in the year of the reign of our said Sovereign Lord King James of England, France and Ireland, the 17th, and of Scotland the 53rd; and one original of this said quadripartite Deed, I will and do assign by these parts, to remain, and be kept continually in the common chest of the said College, where the other evidences of the said College are to be and remain.

The second part thereof to remain and continually to be kept in the Vestry of the parish Church of St Botolph’s without Bishopsgate, London, in such a chest or other convenient place wherein the evidences belonging to the said Church do remain.

The third part thereof, to remain and continually be kept in the vestry of the said parish Church of St Saviours in Southwark, in the said County of Surrey, in the chest, or such other place there, wherein evidences belonging to the said Church and parish do remain and are kept;

and the fourth part to remain and continually be kept in the Vestry of the parish Church of St Giles without Cripplegate, London, in such chest or other place, as is there used for the safe keeping of the evidences and writings of the said Church and parish. Read, published, sealed and subscribed by the said Edward Alleyn the day and year above written in the presence of:

Author Edward Alleyn


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