File:Kepler-296 planets 1 1 1 1.png

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Kepler-296 planets


English: Kepler-296 planets
Source Own work
Author Merikanto

Source of planet data is enwiki article Kepler-296.

////////////////////////// // // planet system rendering test v 2.0 with POV-Ray 3.8 for linux // // 28.01.2024 v2 rel 0000.0002a // ////////////////////////////

  1. include ""
  2. include ""

camera { location <0,0,10>*5 look_at 0 up -3/10

   right -10/10


light_source { <-10000,0,10000>*10000 color rgb <1,1,1>*2 }

  1. declare samples1=2;
  1. macro star2(xloc1, yloc1, zloc1,size1,color1, color2)

union {

 sphere {
 0, 1
 pigment { color rgb color2 }
 finish {ambient color2*2}
    scale 0.25
sphere {
 0, 1
 pigment { color rgbf 1 }
 interior {
   media {
     emission 10
     method 3
     intervals 2
     samples samples1
    // emission_type 2
    // emission_extinction 2
     density {

// spherical

//function {exp(-sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z))}

           function { 1/(3000)*pow( sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z),-4 ) *f_granite(atan(x/y),atan(y/x),atan(z/x))
            *pow( sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z),-4 )
 //  function {pow(1*f_spherical(x,y,z),4)*0.33 }

// scallop_wave

//    function {pow( (2*(sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z))) ,-1) } 
     //    function {pow(f_spherical(x,y,z),2)*f_wrinkles(x*1000,y*1000,z*1000) }  
         //      function {f_wrinkles(x*10,y*10,z*10) }  
       color_map {
         [ 0.0 rgb 0.0 ] 
      //      [ 0.2 rgb color1*0.05   ]
       //  [ 0.6 rgb  color1*0.5 ]
         [ 1.0 rgb  color2*2 ]

 // absorbing stuff#declare samples1=30;


} scale size1

	translate x*xloc1

translate y*yloc1 translate z*zloc1 } // juunion

  1. end
  1. macro print_string(str1, x1, y1)
 text {
   ttf "timrom.ttf" str1 0.1, 0
   pigment { color rgb <1,1,1> } 
   finish {ambient 1}
   scale 3
   translate x*x1
   translate y*y1
   translate z*0.2 
  1. end
  1. macro print_caption(str1, x1, y1, skale1)
 text {
   ttf "timrom.ttf" str1 0.1, 0
   pigment { color rgb <1,1,1> } 
       finish {ambient 1}
   scale 3*skale1
   translate x*x1
   translate y*y1
   translate z*0.3 
  1. end
  1. macro star01 (xloc1, yloc1, zloc1, size1, name1, color1, color2)

object { sphere {0,1} texture { pigment { wrinkles scale 1/10 turbulence 0.5 color_map { [0 color rgb color1] [1 color rgb color2] } }

finish { diffuse 0.6 ambient 1} }

scale size1

translate x*xloc1 translate y*yloc1 translate z*zloc1


  1. end
  1. macro planet01 (xloc1, yloc1,zloc1, size1, name1, color1, color2)

object { sphere {0,1} texture { pigment { wrinkles scale y/3 color_map { [0 color rgb color1] [1 color rgb color2] } }

finish { diffuse 0.6 ambient 1}


scale size1 translate x*xloc1 translate y*yloc1 translate z*zloc1 }

  1. end
  1. declare pig_clouds_1= pigment {
//omega 0.5

//lambda 0.5 scale 1/5

 turbulence 1

scale 3

warp { turbulence 0.5}

scale 1/3

scale 10

warp { turbulence 0.5}

scale 1/10 }

  1. declare clouds_1= object {
#declare randi1= SRand(0) ;
#declare randi2= SRand(1) ;
#declare randi3= SRand(2) ;
#declare randi4= SRand(3) ;

sphere {0,1.005} texture {

pigment {
  // granite
   warp { turbulence 0.5 }
   turbulence randi1 
   rotate x*randi1*180
       rotate y*randi1*360
   color_map {
       [0 color rgbt <1,1,1,1>]
      [0.3 color rgbt <1,1,1,1>]   
  [1 color rgbt  <1,1,1,0>*1]
//   normal { pigment_pattern { pig_clouds_1 } 0.1 }
 finish { ambient 0 diffuse 0.42 brilliance 0.4}

} }

// rayleigh based atm

  1. declare atm_thickness1 = 0.01;
  2. declare atm_color1 = rgb <pow(460/650, 4), pow(460/555, 4), 1>;
  3. declare atm_amount1=0.005;

  1. declare atm_density1 = density


    //  1*exp(-6.7*(sqrt(x*x+(y)*(y)+z*z)- 1 - 0.00001)/atm_thickness1)
   //   1*exp(-6.7*(sqrt(x*x+(y)*(y)+z*z)-1- 0.00001)/atm_thickness1)


color_map {
     [ 0.0  rgb 0.0 ]
     [ 0.5294*0.25e-6  rgb <0.02, 0.05, 0.2>*0.07 ]
     [ 0.5294*0.4e-6   rgb <0.02, 0.07, 0.3>*0.32 ]
     [ 0.5294*0.5e-6   rgb <0.08, 0.18, 0.4>*0.5 ]
     [ 0.5412*0.6e-6   rgb <0.08, 0.18, 0.4>*0.9 ]
     [ 0.5471*0.65e-6  rgb <0.08, 0.18, 0.4>*1.5 ]
     [ 0.5471*0.675e-6 rgb <0.08, 0.18, 0.4>*4.5 ]
     [ 0.5471*0.71e-6  rgb <0.08, 0.18, 0.4>*12 ]
     [ (1+0.001)/(1+atm_thickness1) rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0.0> ]


  1. declare atm_media1 = media


    method 3
    intervals 3
    samples 3
    { 4

color atm_amount1*atm_color1/atm_thickness1 extinction 1

    density {atm_density1}


  1. declare atmos_1 = difference


    sphere {0, 1.00001 + atm_thickness1}
 //   sphere {0, 1.00001}
    pigment {rgbt 1}
    interior {media{atm_media1}}


  1. macro planet_base_1 (xloc1, yloc1,zloc1, size1, type1)
#declare randi1= SRand(0) ;
#declare randi2= SRand(1) ;
#declare randi3= SRand(2) ;
#declare randi4= SRand(3) ;

object { sphere {0,1}

#if (type1="basic") #declare type1="base"; #end


texture {

pigment {

wrinkles scale 1/3

turbulence randi2/5 rotate z*randi2*90

color_map { [0 color rgb <0.741176, 0.486275, 0.423529>] [1 color rgb <0.305882, 0.121569, 0.0862745>]

} }

finish { diffuse 0.6 ambient 0 phong 0.1}




texture {

pigment {

wrinkles warp { turbulence 0.2} scale 1/3 octaves 60

turbulence randi2/5 rotate z*randi2*90

color_map { [0 color rgb <0.521569, 0.431373, 0.337255>+randi3/10] [1 color rgb <0.807843, 0.588235, 0.415686>*1.0-randi2/10]

} }

finish { diffuse 0.6 ambient 0 phong 0.05 specular 0.1 }




texture {

pigment {

wrinkles scale y/3 turbulence randi2/5 rotate z*randi2*90

color_map { [0 color rgb <0.239216, 0.380392, 0.568627>] [1 color rgb <0.960784, 0.992157, 0.992157>] } }

finish { diffuse 0.6 ambient 0}




texture {

pigment {


turbulence randi2/5 rotate z*randi2*90

scale y/5

color_map { [0 color rgb <0.764706, 0.615686, 0.466667>] [1 color rgb <0.960784, 0.960784, 0.992157>] } }

finish { diffuse 0.6 ambient 0}



// objekt modifiers

scale size1 translate x*xloc1 translate y*yloc1 translate z*zloc1 }

  1. end

///////// parameters of planet system

//## Kepler-296

  1. declare numplanets1=5;
  1. declare systemname1="Kepler-296";
  2. declare names1=array[numplanets1]{"b", "c", "d", "e", "f" }
  3. declare distances1=array[numplanets1]{ 0.079 , 0.0521 , 0.118 , 0.169 , 0.255 }
  4. declare radiuses1=array[numplanets1]{ 1.61, 2.00, 2.09, 1.53, 1.80 }

//#declare masses1=array[numplanets1]{} //#declare types1=array[numplanets1]{"rock", "water" ,"water" ,"rock" ,"water" }

  1. declare types1=array[numplanets1]{"basic", "basic","basic","basic","basic" }
  2. declare radiuscoeff1=1.5;


//## kepler-186

  1. declare numplanets1=5;
  1. declare systemname1="Kepler-186";
  2. declare names1=array[numplanets1]{"b", "c", "d", "e", "f" }
  3. declare distances1=array[numplanets1]{0.0378 , 0.0574 ,0.0861 , 0.1216 , 0.432 }
  4. declare radiuses1=array[numplanets1]{1.08,1.25, 1.39, 1.33, 1.17}
  5. declare masses1=array[numplanets1]{1.24, 2.1, 2.54, 2.15, 1.71}
  6. declare types1=array[numplanets1]{"rock", "rock" ,"rock" ,"rock" ,"rock" }
  7. declare radiuscoeff1=2;
  • /


  1. declare starx1=-40;
  2. declare dmax1=45 ; //abs(starx1)*2-30;
  1. declare starsize1=10;
  2. declare planetoffset1=starsize1*2.5;

//star01(starx1,0.0,1.0,starsize1,"star1",<1,1,0>, <1,1,0.5>)

//#declare starcolor1 = <1,1,0>; //#declare starcolor2 = <1,1,0.5>;

  1. declare starcolor1 = <1.0,0.637,0.34>;
  2. declare starcolor2 = <1.0,0.637,0.34>*0.95;
  1. declare starsize1 =5;

star2(starx1, 0,0, starsize1,starcolor1, starcolor2)

  1. declare beginx1=distances1[0];
  2. declare endx1=distances1[numplanets1-1];
  1. declare dfx1=log(endx1)-log(beginx1);
  2. declare dkx1=dmax1/dfx1;
  1. declare color1=<0.368627, 0.317647, 0.258824>;
  2. declare color2=<0.956863, 0.701961, 0.470588>;

print_caption(systemname1, -10, 8,1.5)

  1. for (nn,0,(numplanets1-1) )

#declare planetx1=distances1[nn]; #declare planetr1=radiuses1[nn]*radiuscoeff1;

#declare dpx1=log(planetx1)-log(beginx1); #declare sitex1=starx1+starsize1+planetoffset1+dpx1*dkx1;

//planet01(sitex1,0,0, planetr1,"b",color1, color2)

#declare type1=types1[nn];

planet_base_1 (sitex1, 0,0, planetr1, type1)

object { clouds_1 scale planetr1 translate x*sitex1} // object { atmos_1 scale planetr1 translate x*sitex1}

print_string(names1[nn], sitex1-1, -8)

  1. end


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w:en:Creative Commons
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  • attribution – You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • share alike – If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same or compatible license as the original.

File history

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current07:56, 28 January 2024Thumbnail for version as of 07:56, 28 January 20242,400 × 800 (194 KB)Merikanto (talk | contribs)Uploaded own work with UploadWizard

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