File:Moonlight and fractal trees 1 r 1.png

Original file(1,600 × 1,200 pixels, file size: 1.49 MB, MIME type: image/png)



Moonlight and fractal trees


English: Moonlight and fractal trees
Source Own work
Author Merikanto

POV-Ray 3.7 source code

// // moonlight, clouds, fractal trees and grass // POV-Ray 3.7 source code // // 3.8.2023 0000.0006 //

//#declare doRad = true;

  1. declare doRad = false;
  1. if(doRad)

global_settings {

 assumed_gamma 1.0
 ambient_light 0
   pretrace_start 0.08
   pretrace_end 0.02
   count 50
   nearest_count 5
   recursion_limit 4
   error_bound 1
   low_error_factor .5
   gray_threshold 0.0
   minimum_reuse 0.015
   brightness 50
   media on  
  // media_interaction on


  1. end

  1. include ""
  2. include ""
  3. include ""
  4. include ""
  5. include ""

// camera{ location <-0.1,0.075,-1> look_at   <0, 0,  0> angle 40}   

   camera {   
//  angle 32
 angle 80
//location < 0, 1, -10>
 location < 0, 1/5, -2>
look_at < 0, 0.7, 0>

// focal_point < 0, 0, 0> // aperture 0.08 // blur_samples 20

// right < 4/3, 0, 0> // up < 0, 1, 0 > // sky < 0, 1, 0 >


  #declare FIIA=30;
#declare FIIX1 = 270-FIIA ;  
#declare FIIY1 = 0 ; 
 // maybe NOK  
  1. declare movey=cos(radians(FIIY1))*1;
  2. declare movez=cos(radians(FIIX1))*1;

light_source { <0,sin(radians(FIIA))*1e9,cos(radians(FIIA))*1e9 > 1 }

#declare color1=<0.45, 0.5, 0.75>; 
 #declare color2=1-<0.25, 0.3, 0.55>; 
 sky_sphere {
 pigment {

   gradient y  

// scale 2 // scale x/2

   //    poly_wave 0.6  
// poly_wave 1/8
   //    cubic_wave
  poly_wave 1/7
     pigment_map { 

// moon

       // rgb 10
         granite scale 0.2 poly_wave 0.5  color_map {  
       [0.0 rgb 2*color2] 
      [1 rgb 1.5*color2]   }
       // rgb 10
         granite scale 0.2  poly_wave 0.5  color_map {  
       [0.0 rgb 2*color2] 
      [1 rgb 1.5*color2]   }
 // halo

       [0.4 rgb 2*color1] 
      [1 rgb <0,0,0.05>]

   rotate x*FIIX1
   rotate y*FIIY1


// thin clouds

  1. declare upclouds1=plane {



texture {

   pigment {

// dents

//    granite

// ripples // wood

// waves

// bumps turbulence 1 octaves 64

  scale 0.3
   pigment_map  {
       [0 rgbt <1,1,1,1>]
     //  [.4 rgbt <1,1,1,1>] 
      [1 rgbt <1,1,1,0>]
    scale 10000*10

   finish { 
   diffuse 1
   refraction 1
   reflection 0




  1. declare middleclouds1=plane {



texture {

   pigment {
 //   dents  
//  agate

//bumps // wrinkles

turbulence 0.03 octaves 64

     scale 0.03

   pigment_map  {
       [0 rgbt <1,1,1,1>] 
     //  [0.5 rgbt <1,1,1,1>] 
    [0.7 rgbt <1,1,1,0.5>]
       [1 rgbt <1/2,1/2,1/2,0.2>]
    scale 3000*15

   finish { 
   diffuse  0.8
   refraction 1
   reflection 0.0
ambient 0.2 

} double_illuminate }

#declare lowclouds1=

object { /* //plane {y,1500 }

sphere {0,1 scale 1000 scale y/3 }


union {

  1. for (nn,40,46)

//#declare nn=10;

plane {y, 1000+nn*0.5 }

  1. end



texture {

   pigment {

/* function {

//f_granite(x,y,z) // f_crackle(x,y,z) // f_agate(x,y,z)


//    dents  

//agate //bumps // wrinkles

//turbulence 0.1

octaves 640

     scale 0.07

// poly_wave 1.5

   pigment_map  {
       [0 rgbt <1,1,1,1>] 
       [0.4 rgbt <1,1,1,1>] 
 // [0.5 rgbt <1,1,1,1>]
 [0.55 rgbt <1,1,1,0.2>*1.7]
       [1 rgbt <0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0>]
    scale 1000*300

   finish { 
   diffuse  0.8  
   specular 0.0
   ambient 0.25
   refraction 1
   reflection 0




// moon halo ring 1

#declare h_red1=rgbt <1,0.9,0.9,1.0>;
  1. declare h_red2=rgbt <1,0.9,0.9,0.8>;
  2. declare h_white1=rgbt <1,1,1.0,1.0>;
  3. declare h_blue1=rgbt <0.9,0.9,1.0,1.0>;

 // halo1

rainbow {

   angle 22 
   width 5
   distance 1.0e7
   direction <0,0.5,1>
   jitter 0.01
 //  up <0, 1, 0>
//   arc_angle 360
   falloff_angle 30

   color_map {

     [0.000  color h_red1]
     [0.25  color h_red2]
     [1  color h_blue1]


 //  halo2
 rainbow {
   angle 46 
   width 5
   distance 1.0e7
   direction <0,0.5,1>
   jitter 0.01
 //  up <0, 1, 0>
//   arc_angle 360
   falloff_angle 30

   color_map {

     [0.000  color h_red1]
     [0.25  color h_red2]
     [1  color h_blue1]



  1. declare watertex1= texture
   pigment { color rgb < 0.3, 0.3, 0.7 > }
   normal { bumps 0.2 scale < .5, 0.25, 0.15 > }
   finish { phong 1 reflection 1.0 ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.2 specular 1.0 }

  1. declare terra1=texture {
 slope { -y*0.8 altitude y }
 texture_map {
   [0.01 watertex1 scale 0.01 ]
   [0.02 pigment {Tan} normal {granite scale 0.01} finish {ambient 0}]
   [0.19 pigment {Tan}  normal {granite scale 0.01} finish {ambient 0}]
   [0.83 pigment {Gray} normal {granite scale 0.01 } finish {ambient 0}]

// translate -0.05*z }

#declare moss1=    texture {
//   pigment {checker color Green color <0,.6,0> scale 0.15}
 pigment { 
//  color rgbt <124, 252, 0>/255

// color rgbt <138/255, 154/255, 91/255,0>/3

//wrinkles scale 0.1 // crackle turbulence 0.6

  scale 0.001

// turbulence 0.1

//color_map { //[0 color rgbt <138/255, 154/255, 91/255,0>/3] // [1 color rgbt <.5,.5,.5,0>/4 ] //}

color_map {
[0 color rgbt <138/255, 154/255, 91/255,0>/3]
[1  color rgbt <124, 252, 0>/255 ]



normal {

//crackle turbulence 1 scale 0.01 //granite scale 0.03 spotted scale 0.003 bump_size 30 // agate // wrinkles scale 0.1

bump_size 10 }

 finish {specular 0}


  1. declare funk1= function {

// y+sin(x*10)*sin(z*3+x*2)*0.1

// y-sin (f_agate(x,0,z) )*0.1-f_granite(x*10,0,z*10)*0.05

// y-(f_agate(x*1,0,z*1)*0.5 )*f_wrinkles(x*5,0,z*5)*0.5

 y-f_granite (x,0,z)*.6 *f_wrinkles(x,y,z)*1

// y-f_granite(x,0,z) *1





  1. declare surf1=object {

isosurface {
   function {funk1(x,y,z)}
//accuracy 0.01
   max_gradient 1
   contained_by { box { -1, 1 } }  

/* height_field {

   function 2000,2000 {
   pigment {  function {funk1(x,y,z)*1.5} rotate x*90 }
scale x*4

scale z*4

translate x*-2

translate z*-2


  • /

texture {




scale <5,1,5>

// scale y/5


plane {


texture { pigment {

granite color_map { [0 color rgb Grey]

[0 color rgb Tan]



  • /

 texture {moss1}

//normal {agate bump_size 4 scale 10}



//object {surf1}

  1. declare marker1=object {

//sphere {0,1}

cone {<0,0,0>,1/4,<0,1,0>,0.0001}

pigment {color Green} finish {ambient 0} scale 0.2


  1. macro tuft1(numm1)
  1. declare seed1=seed(1);
  object {

intersection {

union {

  1. for (nn,0,numm1)
  1. declare rr1=1;
  2. declare fii1=rand(seed1)*360;
  3. declare fii2=rand(seed1)*180;
  1. declare fii3=fii2+fii1;
  1. declare s1=rand(1)*0.5+0.75;
  1. declare rr2=s1*rr1;

//#if (fii2>90) //#declare fii3=0; //#end

object { cone {<0,0,0>,0.02,<rr2,0,0>,0.0001 scale z/5} texture {pigment {color rgbt <124, 252, 0>/255}}

rotate <0,fii1,fii3>


  1. end



scale 0.1 }


  1. end // end macro

  1. macro vegetat2(number1, dimension1)
  2. declare seed1=seed(1);
  3. declare seed2=seed(2);
   #declare quu1=1;
   #declare qnum=44;
     #declare halfdim1=dimension1/2 ; 

   #for (nn,0,number1)
   #declare quu1=mod(quu1+1, qnum);
   #declare x1=rand(seed1)*dimension1-halfdim1 ;
   #declare z1=rand(seed1)*dimension1-halfdim1 ; 
   #declare y1=rand(seed1)*0.01 ; 
   #declare s1=0.3+rand(1)*1.5 ;  
   #declare roz1=rand(seed1)*20;
   #declare rox1=rand(seed1)*20; 
   #declare roy1=rand(seed1)*360;
   #declare objnum1=int(rand(seed1)*30);
        #declare nor0 = <0, 0, 0>;
   #declare loc0=<x1,10,z1>;
   #declare loc1 = trace (surf1,loc0,-y, nor0 ); 

       object {
           cone {<0,0,0>,0.02,<0,1,0>,0.001}
       texture {
           pigment {color rgbt <124, 252, 0>/255}

       scale 0.1

       scale x*0.1
       rotate z*roz1 
       rotate x*rox1
       rotate y*roy1
       translate loc1
     //  translate x*x1
    //   translate z*z1
   #end  // loop

  1. end

#declare isograss1=object {

   isosurface {
  // function { grass_function_1(x,y,z)}
   function { y-f_wrinkles(x*100,0,z*100)}
bounded_by {sphere {0,10}}
      scale y/10
turbulence 0.0

//poly_wave 2

 color_map {
   [0    color rgb <1,2,1>/2  ]
   [1    color rgb <0,1,0>/3  ]

//ambient 1

//   phong 1.0
//   reflection 0.2


  #macro tree1(level, levels1)
    #declare seed1=seed(1212);

#declare sk2=rand(seed1)*0.85+0.3;
  1. if((level)>levels1)
   // sphere {0,0.2 pigment {color Green}}
   //cone { <0,0,0>, 0.05, <0,1,0>, 0.0005 pigment {color rgb <10,72,30>/255 } scale 1} 
   //     object { sphere {<0, 1, 0>, 1  scale 0.6 scale z/20 scale x/2 rotate y*45*rand(1) scale 1} 
   object {
    merge {
   cone { <0,1/2,0>, 0.8, <0,1.3,0>, 0.001 }
   sphere {<0, 0, 0>, 1}
    scale 0.6 scale z/20 scale x/2 rotate y*120*rand(seed1) scale 1 

   pigment {color rgbt <138/255, 154/255, 91/255,0>/7 }
//  scale 0.9*sk2
  1. else
      merge {
    //  cone {<0, 0, 0>,.045, <0, 1, 0>, .035  }
       cone {<0, 0, 0.0>,.04, <0, 1/2+0.04, 0.04>, .035  }             
         cone {<0, 1/2-0.04, 0.04>,.035, <0, 1, 0>, .03  }   
         scale <2,1,2>
      pigment {color <130,112,100>/255}  
      normal {granite scale 0.2 bump_size 3}
  rotate y*rand(seed1)*180    

} //#declare level=level+1;

// sphere {0,0.2 pigment {color Red}}


union {       tree1(level+1, levels1) 
      rotate z*-60  *rand(1)
 union {       tree1(level+1, levels1) 
      rotate z*60  *rand(1)
 union {       tree1(level+1, levels1) 
      rotate x*-60 *rand(1)
 union {       tree1(level+1, levels1) 
      rotate x*60 *rand(1)

scale 0.8*sk2 translate y*0.95


  1. end
  1. end

#macro trees(number1, dimension1, depth1)   
   #declare seed1=seed(1212);
   #declare number1=number1-1;

   #declare quu1=1;
   #declare qnum=44;
   #declare halfdim1=dimension1/2 ; 

   #for (nn,0,number1)
   #declare quu1=mod(quu1+1, qnum);
   #declare x1=rand(seed1)*dimension1-halfdim1 ;
  // #declare x1=rand(seed1)*dimension1+int(dimension1)*2;
   #declare z1=rand(seed1)*dimension1-halfdim1 ; 
   #declare y1=rand(seed1)*0.01 ; 
   #declare s1=0.3+rand(seed1)*1.5 ;  
   #declare spacing1=0.3;
   #declare roz1=rand(seed1)*360;
   #declare rox1=+rand(seed1)*360; 
   #declare roy1=rand(seed1)*360;
   #declare objnum1=int(rand(seed1)*30);
   #declare between1=0.2;
   #declare nor0 = <0, 0, 0>;
   #declare loc0=<x1,10,z1> ;   
   #declare loc1 = trace (surf1,loc0,-y, nor0 ); 
        //     #if( loc1.y > 0.02 )
       object {
        //   marker1
         //  translate pos1 
       union {tree1(0,depth1) scale 1 } 
       translate loc1  
       rotate y*roy1
       translate y*-0.0
   //    translate x*2
      scale 0.5

 //      scale x*0.1


   #end  // loop

  1. end

// #end

object {upclouds1 }

//object {middleclouds1}

object {lowclouds1}

object {surf1}

object {isograss1}

//vegetat2 (3000,2)

union { trees(2,5, 7) translate x*0.15 translate z*-0.5 translate y*-0.03}


I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
w:en:Creative Commons
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This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.
You are free:
  • to share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work
  • to remix – to adapt the work
Under the following conditions:
  • attribution – You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • share alike – If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same or compatible license as the original.

File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

current06:32, 3 August 2023Thumbnail for version as of 06:32, 3 August 20231,600 × 1,200 (1.49 MB)Merikanto (talk | contribs)Update
15:32, 2 August 2023Thumbnail for version as of 15:32, 2 August 20231,600 × 1,200 (1.4 MB)Merikanto (talk | contribs)Update of code
13:17, 31 July 2023Thumbnail for version as of 13:17, 31 July 20231,600 × 1,200 (1.41 MB)Merikanto (talk | contribs)Code
09:01, 31 July 2023Thumbnail for version as of 09:01, 31 July 20231,600 × 1,200 (1.85 MB)Merikanto (talk | contribs)Update
08:31, 31 July 2023Thumbnail for version as of 08:31, 31 July 20231,600 × 1,200 (1.7 MB)Merikanto (talk | contribs)
11:14, 30 July 2023Thumbnail for version as of 11:14, 30 July 20231,600 × 1,200 (1.29 MB)Merikanto (talk | contribs)Uploaded own work with UploadWizard

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