File talk:AlbanyStateUniversity ComputerOperationsRoom 1981 3 skaliert.jpg

I'm somewhat suspicious of the date given as 1981. I moved to out of New York in the summer of 1981 and by then the SUNYA Computing Center had already upgraded to the UNIVAC 1108 at least, and I believe the 1110 (I could be mistaken on the 1110). According to the article in the ASP (Albany Student Press), Vol. LXVI, No. 32, Sept. 21, 1979, the 1100 was upgraded to the 1110 "... during the summer of '79". See here for reference: though the article is somewhat confusing (as articles for students, by students, often are!) - the article implies after the first paragraph describing the upgrade, as if it were the 1108 being replaced with the 1100 (which would be a clear downgrade). To the best of my knowledge, this was not the case (nor is it logical!).

So, I would suspect that picture is just a few years earlier than 1981... I'd put it as perhaps 1975 to maybe 1977. I know... it's hard to clearly recall timelines going back 35-40 years! However, the article in the ASP cited here, bears out the upgrade to an 1110 from an 1108: A detailed Google search might turn up other ASP articles and other citations that might solidify the chronology of the UNIVAC evolution at SUNYA Computing Center.

Hate to nit-pick, I just like the Wiki to be as accurate as possible.

Very kind regards to all that read this,

--Pete Ferris pferris AT cox DOT net

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