File talk:Binding energy curve - common isotopes.svg

Source data

Isotope	Average binding energy per nucleon (MeV)	Nucleons
1H	0	1
2H	1.112	2
3H	2.827	3
3He	2.573	3
4He	7.074	4
6Li	5.332	6
7Li	5.606	7
9Be	6.463	9
10B	6.475	10
11B	6.928	11
12C	7.68	12
13C	7.47	13
14N	7.476	14
16O	7.976	16
19F	7.779	19
20Ne	8.032	20
23Na	8.111	23
24Mg	8.261	24
27Al	8.332	27
28Si	8.448	28
31P	8.481	31
32S	8.493	32
35Cl	8.52	35
37Cl	8.57	37
39K	8.557	39
40Ar	8.595	40
40Ca	8.551	40
45Sc	8.619	45
48Ti	8.723	48
51V	8.742	51
52Cr	8.776	52
55Mn	8.765	55
56Fe	8.79	56
58Ni	8.732	58
59Co	8.768	59
60Ni	8.781	60
63Cu	8.752	63
64Zn	8.736	64
65Cu	8.757	65
66Zn	8.76	66
68Zn	8.756	68
68Ga	8.701	68
70Ge	8.722	70
71Ga	8.718	71
72Ge	8.732	72
74Ge	8.725	74
75As	8.701	75
78Se	8.718	78
79Br	8.688	79
80Se	8.711	80
81Br	8.696	81
84Kr	8.717	84
85Rb	8.697	85
86Kr	8.712	86
87Rb	8.711	87
88Sr	8.733	88
90Zr	8.71	90
93Nb	8.664	93
94Zr	8.667	94
95Mo	8.649	95
96Mo	8.654	96
98Mo	8.635	98
98Tc	8.61	98
102Ru	8.607	102
103Rh	8.584	103
105Pd	8.571	105
106Pd	8.58	106
107Ag	8.554	107
108Pd	8.567	108
109Ag	8.548	109
112Cd	8.545	112
114Cd	8.532	114
115In	8.517	115
118Sn	8.517	118
120Sn	8.505	120
121Sb	8.482	121
123Sb	8.472	123
127I	8.445	127
128Te	8.449	128
129Xe	8.431	129
130Te	8.43	130
131Xe	8.424	131
132Xe	8.428	132
133Cs	8.41	133
138Ba	8.393	138
139La	8.378	139
140Ce	8.376	140
141Pr	8.354	141
142Nd	8.346	142
144Nd	8.327	144
145Pm	8.303	145
151Eu	8.239	151
152Sm	8.244	152
153Eu	8.229	153
154Sm	8.227	154
156Gd	8.215	156
158Gd	8.202	158
159Tb	8.189	159
160Gd	8.183	160
162Dy	8.173	162
163Dy	8.162	163
164Dy	8.159	164
165Ho	8.147	165
166Er	8.142	166
167Er	8.132	167
168Er	8.13	168
169Tm	8.115	169
172Yb	8.097	172
175Lu	8.069	175
178Hf	8.049	178
180Hf	8.035	180
181Ta	8.023	181
182W	8.018	182
184W	8.005	184
185Re	7.991	185
186W	7.989	186
187Re	7.978	187
190Os	7.962	190
191Ir	7.948	191
191Ir	7.948	191
192Os	7.949	192
193Ir	7.938	193
193Ir	7.938	193
194Pt	7.936	194
195Pt	7.927	195
196Pt	7.927	196
197Au	7.916	197
200Hg	7.906	200
202Hg	7.897	202
203Tl	7.886	203
205Tl	7.878	205
206Pb	7.875	206
208Pb	7.867	208
209Bi	7.848	209
209Po	7.835	209
210At	7.812	210
222Rn	7.694	222
223Fr	7.684	223
226Ra	7.662	226
227Ac	7.651	227
231Pa	7.618	231
232Th	7.615	232
235U	7.591	235
238U	7.57	238

Nicely done. How was this data set selected? By isotopic abundance? Just wondering, because, both 58Fe and 62Ni have higher binding energy per nucleon than 56Fe. It is commonly stated that 56Fe has the highest binding energy per nucleon, and this is apparent from this data set, but if you calculate binding energies in this mass region you will find that 62Ni has the highest binding energy per nucleon, by roughly 5 keV per nucleon relative to 56Fe. They are less abundant in nature because they are more difficult to synthesize in stars for various reasons (either requiring a 3-body interaction or they involve rare, unstable isotopes like 6He to bridge the mass gap beyond 56Fe).

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