File talk:Flag map of Macedonia with Vergina Sun.svg

Latest comment: 10 years ago by Vergiotisa in topic EXPANSIONIST NOT IRREDENTIST

This image contains the copyrighted and trademarked WIPO 6ter Number GR1 Circular Number 5682, National Emblem of Greece and the user does not have permission to reproduce a derivative of it in any form --Vergiotisa (talk) 00:24, 13 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

You're misreading Article 6ter: it only prohibits the registering of state symbols as trademarks (eg. a French company can't get a French trademark on the American flag); it does nothing to prohibit the use of those symbols (the French company can use the American flag in its advertising, and can even copyright that advertising). --Carnildo (talk) 22:34, 13 February 2014 (UTC)Reply
Plus, there a lot of irredentistic maps here, created to show the irredentism, and they are not supposed to be understood as claiming right to govern or control foreign country's land in reality (as the user mentioned several times, misunderstood the purpose of the maps). That's non sense. We keep all of these nationalistic and irredentistic maps for that purpose. Greater Croatia, Greater Bulgaria, Greater Albania, Greater Romania (everyone is greater :) ) I agree with Carnildo. Best.--Никола Стоіаноски 22:39, 13 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

Thank you for your input but no I am not misunderstanding anything. What you have offered as an explanation is a very basic understanding of half of what the WIPO is and does. Let me clarify: Article 6ter is part of the Hague System of International registration (UN Security Council’s WIPO) of industrial design. WIPO was created for simplicity and economy and enables design owners to obtain PROTECTION for their designs internationally with a minimum of formalities and expense. In layman’s terms, before WIPO someone could for e.g. copy a design from another country stating that it was not patented in his country. With WIPO the one licence applies across all world intellectual property organisation treaty countries. What this means in terms of your example is that if the American Flag held a copyright with the WIPO the French government is obligated to take action against anyone misusing the American flag, or a derivative of it, for personal gain. In this instance jurisdiction DOES fall within and is bound by the WIPO copyright:

Article 6ter [Marks: Prohibitions concerning State Emblems, Official Hallmarks, and Emblems of Intergovernmental Organizations]

(a) The countries of the Union agree to refuse or to invalidate the registration, and TO PROHIBIT BY APPROPRIATE MEASURES the USE, WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION by the competent authorities, either as trademarks or as elements of trademarks, of armorial bearings, flags, and other State emblems, of the countries of the Union, official signs and hallmarks indicating control and warranty adopted by them, and any imitation from a heraldic point of view.

This image falls well within the prohibition of inappropriate use as a state emblem because it does not represent the copyright owner.

To further clarify the misconception that WIPO is good only to prohibit the registering of state symbols as trademarks...WIPO stands for World INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY organization. Intellectual Property (IP) - is a legal concept which refers to creations of the mind for which EXCLUSIVE rights are recognized. Under intellectual property law, owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works; discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases, SYMBOLS, and DESIGNS.

This symbol violates the EXCLUSIVITY of the WIPO copyright.

To clarify [law in wiki commons] - Trademark laws control the commercial use of logos, terms, and names related to products and services. Commons hosts many images of trademarks, and as long as the images DO NOT violate any copyright, they are OK here. This image DOES violate the trademark policy of Wikipedia and is NOT OK.

[[1]] - Wikimedia Commons only accepts free content. This Symbol IS NOT Free.

Therefore we have established that WIPO Vergina sun is a legal copyright that is bound by EXCLUSIVITY and the appropriate authorization by the competent authorities was NOT obtained for this symbol’s use as per commons licensing policy, therefore this user has no licence or permission to reproduce this symbol and consequently the only correct course both legally and by wiki commons trademark policy is for it to be deleted. --Vergiotisa (talk) 10:02, 23 February 2014 (UTC)Reply



In reply to the claim that this flag is irredentist: Irredentism as per the Oxford Dictionary: A person advocating the restoration to their country of any territory formerly belonging to it but now subject to a foreign government. Expansionism as per the Oxford Dictionary: the policy of territorial expansion - The doctrine or practice of expanding the territory of a country.

This maps border’s never existed historically under the name Macedonia or in any other sense as the cultural boarders of a Slavic nation named Macedonia so that a “foreign” government could now be occupying it. How then can it be classified as irredentist? It can’t because it is NOT.

This map is nothing but an ethnographic POV of the [[2]]Bulgarians who vied for Greek land that was under Turkish occupation. The Serbs too had an [POV map] as they too had similar EXPANSIONIST ideas.

This is pure EXPANSIONISM that in no way educates anyone to lost sovereign boarders (irredentism) but instead uses a fraudulent map abusing a copyrighted symbol in order to deceive with the intended result of personal gain. Wiki states that editing from a NEUTRAL point of view (NPOV) means representing fairly, proportionately, and, as far as possible, without bias. To continue to argue on the side of this map does not represent a neutral point of view but a heavily biased one on the side of fraud for personal gain.

RE: Impartial tone Wikipedia in order to remain objective and since it is trying to become an Encyclopaedia, should only have content that is FACTUAL and not manufactured about historical places and events. Regular encyclopaedias actually have historians on contract to make sure that something is factual. wiki should try to strive for this that way it can truly avoid conflict.

In summation I intend to take this matter to the next level of arbitration and any level after that should I see facts and fairness are not being served. --Vergiotisa (talk) 10:02, 23 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

Let's see:

and many mega states... Please, understand these maps have nothing to do with you national fears. They are just for showing how irredentist and silly the nations are. Enjoy.--Никола Стоіаноски 10:29, 23 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

These are irredentist maps except for Albania which like YOUR MAP is a REVISIONIST'S EXPANSIONIST map and should also be deleted. Please do not waste our time if you have no concept of expansionist or irredentist. Unless you can show me a historical country named Macedonia with those borders and run by slavic people for anyone to have occupied and be occupying your argument is NULL and VOID. Make sure you include what year. Can you? --Vergiotisa (talk) 10:40, 23 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

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