File talk:Former Yugoslavia wartime animation 92-95.gif

Territories controlled by the Serb forces (1992-1995).

This file requires major improvement. It looks like there was a bellum omnium contra omnes but in fact, there were 3 major sides during the conflict 1991-1995 (Serb, Croat, Bosniak).

  • Serbia, Vojvodina, Kosovo and Montenegro were not 4 separate entities - in fact, it was one political entity: FR Yugoslavia or Serbia and Montenegro, as some refers to it. Same or similar colors should be used.
  • For Serb-controlled territories in Bosnia and Croatia should be used same or similar colors.
  • During the most of the war, between Serbia and Montenegro and Serb-controlled territories in Bosnia and Croatia were no borders. Similar colors should be used to point out that fact.
  • Same goes for Croat-controlled territories.
  • Macedonia was neutral during the conflict, so maybe it is best to use gray color.

See image on the right for the territories controlled by the Serb forces. It is far more clearer than this confusing one. --Mladifilozof (talk) 04:42, 22 February 2010 (UTC)Reply

Why should "Former Yugoslavia wartime animation" show an image of "the territories controlled by the Serb forces"? Nikola (talk) 13:22, 24 February 2010 (UTC)Reply
  • First, no they were one entity but all of them had they own voice during vote, same as other republics.
  • Second, why? That kind pf merge is highly disputed.
  • Third, that is pointless. There were no borders because that was one country! Borders became feal borders after the war. Similar colors is POV. No argument for that.
  • Same goes as above.
  • Both, Slovenia and Macedonia should be depicted here. as former parts of Yugoslavia.

--Tadija (talk) 15:45, 24 February 2010 (UTC)Reply

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