This SVG-file is another Inkscape-mess. It's a buggy and error-ridden declaration-hell for no reason! edit

Oh boy, it's Inkscape again, trying to ridicule every person's validators, just for fun and since it seems to be funny to bug validators with every possible declaration possible thrown at 'em…

  • 1. Its graphics are out of area. WHY?!
  • 2. Its uselessly added countless Inkscape-declarations are almost hellish and make no sense at all. WHY?!
  • 3. It uses completely unnecessary transform and even scale elements – assumingly, to fix the graphics being out of area (area of work) in the first place; If you wonder why, see 1. point above …
  • 4. It declares itself as <SVG version="1.0"/> when it isn't AT ALL, it isn't even SVG-1.1-compliant.
    • It's NOT valid due to 28 (sic!) errors (SVG 1.0), even 29 errors (SVG 1.1) and still 1 error when leaving everything on auto (which results to SVG 1.1+URL+HTML+MathML 3.0 when parsed). This Inkscape-file is a pure mess!

I tried to quickly fix it to upload a clean and fixed version, but no chance. Tried exporting from Inkscape as 'Normal SVG', nope! Tried 'Optimized SVG', still nope. It doesn't validate whatsoever. Besides the graphics looks to be made with absolutely no greater sense at all. It uses a white background (rect) and has all the cut-out shapes as paths as compound-paths – when it should be the other way around (red background and the ISO-lettering and the both halfs of the ISO-Globe as a single compound-path in white-ish). Would make more sense, and makes the file smaller and faster to be rendered.

I'll try to rebuild the logo from scratch without using any of this, since it seems to be unrecoverable … Smartcom5 (Any thoughts?) 11:34, 29 August 2022 (UTC)Reply

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