File talk:Interieur, overzicht van de kloosterkerk tijdens een dienst, zicht richting het altaar - Oosterhout - 20408909 - RCE.jpg

I would like to contribute my own creative writing(poem) thru the media, if you allow:

The First Shower

Longing for kissing the ground A hope being cherished is found, Gathering drop by drop on above the high From the seas, oceans to the heaven’s nigh. Dare to suck from the water body The dearest sun is the only remedy. Stretching the helping hand to flee The sun is always there in glee.

Calm and cool down on the high altitude After a long suffering on the ground Unwillingly to bear the pain as a destitute Start dividing themselves without any bound. Rejoice the host with her graces As bountiful as the supplies.

By Augustine Sinha.

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