File talk:Kernspaltung.png

It's a challenge for me to give a discussion about nuclear fission/fusion beginning from the category of Wikiversity and also in Wikimedia commons.(I think this picture is almost diagraming somethings about nuclear. Then, I am attempting to store some knowledge, identify and express some ideas) I think I am not the expert of this field (So many experts can give much professional talks about this field); and even more, it used to have non-many relationships regarding with my real life. However, in my opinion: nuclear power is a leading-edged scientific technology. its new-tendencies, safety, disadvantages and advantages can be put into widely academic discussions firstly, before really applying into the societal practises. Done so, the damages and pollutions can be controlled in an acceptable degree; meanwhile, the contributions and benefits can be made the sustainable usages for 'future'. Here, what I can do is limited, but merely pushed out my ideas companying my reading. There is a traditional Chinese idiomatical language can describe my situation '抛砖引玉' - Translation: Throwing out a piece of brick to attract much more jades. Comparing the values of brick (what I will make) and jades (what you might get or discuss for your development), you would find the open-minded enlightenments you would make out and share are the jades rather than what my energy allowed me to do. All in all, so many words pre-made are just for attract your interests and endeavours in this field.

Picture's mistakes or new progress


Usually, after U-235 get a neutron in special conditions, it is fissile into Ba-144 and Kr-90. However, in this case, it is divided into Cs-140 and Rb-92. Why did this case occur? Is that to say, to be honest, the out-coming matters of nuclear fission and the energy 200MeV are somehow depending on our technological level which can be discussed? Following it, what kind of Nuclear fission if we make can produce the most powerful energy in what time? And, what kind of conditions need us to provide for the most effectiveness?

Sun- the huge smelter for nuclear energy


We knew, on the sun - a huge 'smelter' nearest to us, the procedures of Nuclear Fission, Radioactive Decay and Nuclear Fusion are comprehensively summarized in its ecological environment, under higher temperature and high pressure. On sun, these sub-procedures have been linked together as in a sustainable and perpetual recycling machine, in which matters can transform their formations and natures by keeping certain rhythm. That's why it can provide the stable energy for more than 4.6 billion years.(Wiki-introduction: I think: when we attempt to make some 'machines' to simulate its mechanism for getting a stable provider of energy (even for thousands years), you need to take a huge video of this recycling rather than merely several fragmental pictures. However, on earth, fission procedure is just for fission; meanwhile, Fusion is merely for fusion. Radioactive Decay is similar to another story. Could we construct several linking 'machines' to integrate them together. After nuclear fission is running, heavy matter U-235 begins to be splat step by step. In that special situation, could it possible that the fissile and unstable out-comings - Ba-144 and Kr-90 then rapidly follow the Radioactive Decay regulation auto-continuously? Th-232 → Ra-228 → Ac-228… (Let us extend this chain)…→He-2→ H-1; (then, turn a round) H-1 + H-1 → H-2 → He-3 → … → Ac-228 → Ra-228 → Th-232 → U-235→ U-238. Here, we need to construct several chemistry equations as the ladders to link them together: U-235 + 3(n-1)→ U-238; H-1 + H-1 → H-2 etc. The very important issue we need to keep in mind is what kind of conditions we can simulate as sun's and provide. In my opinion, the designs and constructions of a ecological environment entirely similar to sun is much useful than the fragmental conditions given for certain sub-procedure. After the ecological environment will have been built, matters just need to be put into the 'second sun' on earth. it would run by itself. Another idea is how could us make our 'hands' much 'smarter', then several effective points from empirical senses would be searched out for more energies , and so that things would be better than before. Here are some resources we can continuously notice, review and research:;

Reducing the pollutions of radioactivity


In order to get the stable situation, nucleuses always want to emit its extra energy - Alpha particles, beta particles and gamma rays. This phenomena also appear in fission & fusion procedure and its decay. The nature of it is the loss of energy, which were damaging the health of human beings as the pollution. If they are energies, could we transform their pollutions into the effective usages. Why are gamma rays the most penetrating of all the three? They are pure streams of electrons with a negative charge. The movement of this negative charge itself, from nature, is directed energy as the original formation of electricity. It can cause the other arranged atoms continuously supply their charges to the negative loss of charge. Thereby, it can penetrate matters most easily. Borrowing this quality, could we make a lead-channel to fix them in and generate electricity?

Blinding energy: In this point, we can re-interpret E = mc2 from philosophy: the squared speed of light is to project the shadow of light's extension into two dimensions as a square and then apply it to hold the mass upon the 3rd dimension across time & space; following it, the energy will be calculated out in front of us.


These aspects above are from my first impressions of this field which I want to share here. we can continuously concern this field and make much wide discussions across the boundaries among nature sciences and social sciences, arts about what Nuclear energy has really been bringing to our historical civilization in the postmodernist era.

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