File talk:Scientology INCOMM Security Breach 1995 part 3 of 3.ogv




Aaron: Uh, I walk straight into the, Luca's office, Deputy Commanding Officer for CMO, and he just looks so surprised to see me "Aaron! Haha, you're back!" Like, "Yeah, didn't you know? Hey, what's with my security card? It's cancelled or something." Y'know, and he diverts the conversation, and I look on the desk and he's got all my files on the desk. And I missed a withhold on him, there's something in the files he doesn't want me to see, and he shoves the files to the left side. I can see that there's a piece of goldenrod there, but I don't know what it is.

And then he pulls out this photo. It's the Polaroid that was taken of me on the ship! Which means that the person who was on that ship must have taken a Polaroid - it's not something you can send by email, it's a flash Polaroid photo - which means that someone else had brought back that photo as fast as I could get to Los Angeles. And alarm bells started ringing off in my head. I didn't get it, I didn't understand what was going on.

A- anyways, I um, then went back up to the International Clearance Office, because that's where we we- were working on, on the um, the clearances for all the new INCOMM staff. And I was told up there "Aaron, you're being immediately cleared. Don't tell anybody you're being cleared. You're going to the INT Base, you're going now. We've got to get your clearances done in 24 hours." I said "Why? Wh- wh-, why am I going to INT?" "You have to go. You have to go now. So you're not the HCO Chief any more, you're not on post any more, ok? You're going to INT." "Oh, ooh, ok. Going to INT, great."

And that night, walking back to my berthing, my brain started to send alarm bells. Why was my security card cancelled? Why was there no car? Who was that guy that followed me from the ship? Who was the guy on the Aruban Airlines flight? And alarm bells just went off and off and off.

And I blew that morning. I took off. And uh, the first phone call I made, after a day being out, I wanted to speak to Luca Saccomanno, cause I knew they'd be looking for me. And I called into the Hollywood Guarantee Building on the main line number, and when I got to reception the receptionist said "Oh, sir, are you calling from Europe?" I went "No." She goes "Oh, you're not on, you're not in Europe on mission?" "No, I'm here in Los Angeles, can I please speak with the Deputy CO CMO please?" "What the hell's going on?" [not sure if Aaron or receptionist's words] Ok, I, I hung up the phone.

I then called up, we had a travel company that uh, did all the flights for all our missions and stuff, so I called them up and they, and I had a security code that, which hadn't been cancelled yet. And I booked a first-class ticket back to New Zealand, from LAX. And I booked it to leave in two hours, and I got it. Maybe three or fours hours, actually, to be more accurate. And, I didn't have any intention of going on the flight. I just went to the LA terminals, I waited across the road, because I wanted to find out how many people that they would send out after me. And I was shocked. A van pulled up, a van pulled up, and Jeff Porter, Sue Porter, and CMO staff, and a lot of OSA staff JUMP out of the van, I'm talking nine people, and came RUNNING into the LA terminal after me. And Jesus Christ they REALLY wanted me to not go on that flight.

But I knew I couldn't run away from them forever, I'd have to go back. So I went running around Los Angeles. Called up my mum in New Zealand and she told me they'd called there for, looking for me. And I called back into the building, spoke to Luca and he said "If you don't come in right now, we're sending 20 people off to Australia, we're sending people off to New Zealand, to talk to your family, we're gonna find you." And I told him to call it off, I'll come in.

I came back in, and what happened between March 1995 and the end of my career with the Sea Org in January 1996 is just the most insulting story of paranoia and control you've ever imagined. And I'll go into it another time. But I wanted to keep this about the INCOMM mission, and the facts of the matter there. We are talking about the greatest violations of human rights, that all those members of INCOMM staff around the world, uh, suffered, and... if you want to talk about false imprisonment, and, uh, blackmail: go find the INCOMM staff that were hassled and harassed in February 1995 and find out what happened to them. Their stories are all true, as unbelievable as they may sound - I was there and I helped with this, there's nothing fictitious about it.

This happened right in the heart of Los Angeles: first class country, where human rights are celebrated and appreciated, and right there, in East Hollywood, just off Hollywood Boulevard, these guys were trapped and contained for some periods that exceeded more than a month [ed: 4 months for some]. And there's no justification for it. There is just nothing you can imagine that could tell you the horror those staff went through, because they were bullied and controlled for...

I don't know, I think some of them thought they were going to die. Some of them wanted to kill themselves; it came up in their security checks, they wanted to end their lives because of the, the punishment they received, for even ALLOWING a fellow INCOMM staff member to cause a breach was now their fault and they were all punished severely for it. And I want the Governor of Los Angeles to launch an inquiry [with?] the affidavits and statements from not just the Sea Org victims on that case, but from the people like Liz Ingber, the Bolstadts of this world, Deputy Senior CS International and the RTC security staff that did, did that horrific sec checking on all those people and just absolutely screwed with their minds. And I think everybody wants to see that too. It's not just me. But you wanted a specific example of a, the greatest human rights violation in the Sea Org, that ever happened? There's your date, there's your time, and I wish I could give you the names of the INCOMM staff members, but you know what, they've already spoken out on the internet, but nobody believes them. It's all true.

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