English: The Julia set is a fractal. It was first created by the French mathematician Gaston Julia. The set was then long forgotten until Benoît Mandelbrot (who was taught by Julia in the 40s), made a work about it in the early 1980s. See also: Mandelbrot set.
Slovenščina: Juliajeva množica je fraktal. Prvi ga je opisal francoski matematik Gaston Julia. Množica je nato dolgo časa ostala pozabljena, dokler ni o njej v zgodnjih 1980-ih napisal knjige (Juliajev učenec v 40-ih). Glejte tudi: Mandelbrotova množica.
Polski: Zbiór Julii to fraktal. Pierwszy opisał i stworzył go francuski matematyk Gaston Julia. Zobacz też: Zbiór Mandelbrota.

Map of Julia sets




