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Special:Upload interface for derivativeFX
/*global mw, $*/
/*jshint multistr:true*/
if (mw.config.get('wgPageName') === 'Special:Upload' && /Derivativefx-uploadform\.js/.test(
	mw.loader.using([ 'mediawiki.util'], function () {
		"use strict";
		mw.notify($('<span><b>derivativeFX</b> upload form loaded!<br>\
	<b>Congratulations!</b>\ You are almost done. Please select the file to upload and the destination file name.\
		</span>'), {autoHide: false});
		$("#firstHeading").html("derivativeFX upload");
			'.mw-htmlform-field-HTMLTextField, .mw-htmlform-field-UploadSourceField\
			 {color:green; font-weight:bold; background-color:#cfc;}\
			 .mw-htmlform-submit {font-weight:bold; font-size:28px;}\
			 .mw-htmlform-field-Licenses, .hotcatLabel, #sessionfail\
			 {display:none; visibility:hidden !important;}');