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// Invoke automated jsHint-validation on save: A feature on Wikimedia Commons
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// <nowiki>
/*global $:false, mw:false*/

// Translatable strings
// Based on MediaWiki:Gadget-AjaxQuickDelete.js version from 2017-12-23
$.extend(true, window.AjaxQuickDelete.i18n, {
	toolboxLinkDelete: "Nominate for deletion",
	toolboxLinkDiscuss: "Nominate category for discussion",

	// GUI reason prompt form
	reasonForDeletion: "Why should this file be deleted?",
	reasonForDiscussion: "Why does this category need discussion?",
	moreInformation: "More information",
	loading: "Loading…",

	keptAfterDR: "This page was kept after a deletion request. Please contact the user who kept it before re-nominating.",
	hasTalkpage: "There is a talk page. Consider reading it or adding your remarks.",
	mentionedInDR: "Consider reading the deletion debate –%PAGE%– that links to this page.",
	mentionedInForum: "On %PAGE%, this page is part of a discussion.",

	// Labels
	previewLabel: "Preview:",
	submitButtonLabel: "Proceed",
	cancelButtonLabel: "Cancel",
	abortButtonLabel: "Abort",
	reportButtonLabel: "Report automatically",
	retryButtonLabel: "Retry",
	ignoreButtonLabel: "Ignore and continue",
	inverseButtonLabel: "Inverse. Keep this delete other",
	swapImagesButtonLabel: "Swap to compare",
	overlayButtonLabel: "Overlay to compare",
	expandToTextarea: "Expand to textarea",
	notifyUser: "Notify user",

	// GUI progress messages
	preparingToEdit: "Preparing to edit pages… ",
	creatingNomination: "Creating nomination page… ",
	listingNomination: "Adding nomination page to daily list… ",
	addingAnyTemplate: "Adding template to " + mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace').toLowerCase() + " page… ",
	notifyingUploader: "Notifying %USER%… ",
	listingMobile: "Listing mobile upload",
	updRedir: "Updating redirects",
	// Extended version
	toolboxLinkSource: "No source",
	toolboxLinkLicense: "No license",
	toolboxLinkPermission: "No permission",
	toolboxLinkCopyvio: "Report copyright violation",
	reasonForCopyvio: "Why is this file a copyright violation?",

	// For moving files
	notAllowed: "You do not have the neccessary rights to move files",
	reasonForMove: "Why do you want to move this file?",
	moveDestination: "What should be the new filename?",
	moveOtherDestination: "The name you have specified exists. Choose a new name, please.",
	checkFileExists: "Checking whether file exists",
	movingFile: "Moving file",
	replacingUsage: "Ordering CommonsDelinker to replace all usage",
	dropdownMove: "Move & Replace",
	leaveRedirect: "Leave a redirect behind:",
	moveAndReplace: "Move file and replace all usage",
	warnRename: 'File renaming was recently declined, be prudent!',

	// For declining any request
	removingTemplate: "Removing template",
	declineRequest: "Why do you want to decline the request?",
	anyDecline: "Decline request",

	//For Duplicates
	useCORSForReplace: "Try to replace usage immediately using your user account:",
	deletingFile: "Deleting file",
	compareDetails: "Please compare the images before merging the descriptions. The image with the bold text will be deleted.",
	mergeDescription: "Please now merge the file descriptions",
	redirectingFile: "Redirecting file",
	savingDescription: "Saving new details",
	processDupes: "Process Duplicates",

	// Errors
	errorDlgTitle: "Error",
	genericFailure: "An error occurred while trying to do the requested action. ",
	taskFailure: {
		listUploaders: "An error occurred while determining the " + (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 6 ? " uploader(s) of this file" : "creator of this page") + ".",
		loadPages: "An error occurred while preparing to nominate this " + mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace').toLowerCase() + " for deletion.",
		prependDeletionTemplate: "An error occurred while adding the {{delete}} template to this " + mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace').toLowerCase() + ".",
		createRequestSubpage: "An error occurred while creating the request subpage.",
		listRequestSubpage: "An error occurred while adding the deletion request to today's log.",
		notifyUploaders: "An error occurred while notifying the " + (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 6 ? " uploader(s) of this file" : "creator of this page") + ".",
		movePage: "Error while moving the page.",
		deletePage: "Error deleting the page."
	addTemplateByHand: "To nominate this " + mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace').toLowerCase() + " for deletion, please edit the page to add the {{delete}} template and follow the instructions shown on it.",
	completeRequestByHand: "Please follow the instructions on the deletion notice to complete the request.",
	errorDetails: "A detailed description of the error is shown below:",
	errorReport: "Manually report the error here or click on %BUTTON% to send an automatic error-report.",
	tagWas: "The tag to be inserted into this page was ",
	// Minor errors/warnings
	templateRegExp: "The template does not expose a valid regular expression for {{X-To-DR}}. Go the the template and fix it there.",
	findTemplateAdderErr: "Unable to find the person who added the template. This can occur if the template was already removed, the page is deleted or a redirect to the template is used. In this case you must add the redirect to the RegExp of the target template.",
	dupeParaErr: "Error in the duplicate-template, check your language version!",
	dupeExistErr: "Retrieving information about %TITLE% failed. It is possible that it is deleted, the last revision is corrupt or the file is a redirect.",
	noCreatorFound: "The page you are attempting to add a tag to was deleted or moved. Unable to retrieve the content.",
	noPageFound: "The page you are attempting to modify or move is corrupted, was deleted or moved: Unable to retrieve history and contents."
$(document).triggerHandler('translationLoaded', ['AjaxQuickDelete', 'please subst. with your langcode']);
// </nowiki>