
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Internet Explorer: press Ctrl-F5, Mozilla: hold down Shift while clicking Reload (or press Ctrl-Shift-R), Opera/Konqueror: press F5, Safari: hold down Shift + Alt while clicking Reload, Chrome: hold down Shift while clicking Reload.
var qihelper =
 tempRE : /\{\{QICbotMove\|([^\}]+)\}\}/,
 imfileRE : /^\s*([Ii]mage:|[Ff]ile:)(.*)$/,
 oldonsubmit : null,
 categories : [
  '- select -',
  'Subject/Animals/Arthropods/Spiders, Mites, Horseshoe crabs (Chelicerata)',
  'Subject/Animals/Arthropods/Dragonflies and Damselflies (Odonata)',
  'Subject/Animals/Arthropods/Grasshoppers, Crickets, Mantis, Bugs etc (Hemipterodea)',
  'Subject/Animals/Arthropods/Beetles (Coleoptera)',
  'Subject/Animals/Arthropods/Ants, Bees & Wasps (Hymenoptera)',
  'Subject/Animals/Arthropods/Butterflies and Moths (Lepidoptera)',
  'Subject/Animals/Arthropods/Flies & Mosquitoes (Diptera)',
  'Subject/Animals/Arthropods/Mayflies (Ephemeroptera)',
  'Subject/Animals/Arthropods/Other insects',
  'Subject/Food and drink',
  'Subject/Natural phenomena',
  'Subject/Non photographic media',
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  'Subject/Objects/Closeups of Structures',
  'Subject/Objects/Electronics & electrical',
  'Subject/Objects/Geological objects',
  'Subject/Objects/Geological objects/Fossils',
  'Subject/Objects/Geological objects/Rocks, Minerals, Elements',
  'Subject/Objects/Household Items',
  'Subject/Objects/Statues, Monuments and Plaques',
  'Subject/Objects/Transport and Vehicles/Aerial Trams',
  'Subject/Objects/Transport and Vehicles/Automobiles',
  'Subject/Objects/Transport and Vehicles/Balloons, Aeroplanes, Helicopters etc',
  'Subject/Objects/Transport and Vehicles/Boats and Ships',
  'Subject/Objects/Transport and Vehicles/Cycles and Motorcycles',
  'Subject/Objects/Transport and Vehicles/Other vehicles',
  'Subject/Objects/Transport and Vehicles/Railway',
  'Subject/Objects/Transport and Vehicles/Steam Powered',
  'Subject/Places/Man made structures',
  'Subject/Places/Man made structures/Buildings, Exterior',
  'Subject/Places/Man made structures/Buildings, Interior',
  'Subject/Places/Man made structures/Panorama',
  'Subject/Places/Natural structures',
  'Subject/Places/Natural structures/Panorama',
  'Subject/Plant life/Ferns and Horsetails',
  'Subject/Plant life/Flowers',
  'Subject/Plant life/Foliage etc',
  'Subject/Plant life/Fruit, berries, seeds etc',
  'Subject/Plant life/Mosses and Liverworts',
  'Subject/Plant life/Trees',
  'Subject/Works of art',
  'Technical/Depth of field',
  'Technical/Movement control',

 install : function()
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 buildGallery : function()
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 buildDropdown : function( text )
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      desc = filematch.substring( pipe + 1 );
      file = filematch;
      desc = '';
     // already tagged?
     if( results[file] && results[file] != '- select -' )
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