
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Internet Explorer: press Ctrl-F5, Mozilla: hold down Shift while clicking Reload (or press Ctrl-Shift-R), Opera/Konqueror: press F5, Safari: hold down Shift + Alt while clicking Reload, Chrome: hold down Shift while clicking Reload.
* [[MediaWiki:WatchlistMessageCreator.js]]
* //
* This script is made to be run at [[Help:Watchlist messages/Wizard]].
* It depends on gadgets (see last lines) and [[Template:WatchlistNotice/Wizard/Data]].
* @rev 2019-03-20
* @author Rillke, 2013
* <nowiki>
// List the global variables for jsHint-Validation. Please make sure that it passes
// Scheme: globalVariable:allowOverwriting[, globalVariable:allowOverwriting][, globalVariable:allowOverwriting]
/*global jQuery:false, mediaWiki:false, Geo:false*/

// Set jsHint-options. You should not set forin or undef to false if your script does not validate.
/*jshint forin:true, noarg:true, noempty:true, eqeqeq:true, bitwise:true, strict:true, undef:true, curly:false, browser:true, smarttabs:true*/

(function($, mw) {
'use strict';
if ('Help:Watchlist_messages/Wizard' !== mw.config.get('wgPageName')) return;

// Since we do not register this as a gadget, we can not
// take the advantage of CSS-Janus
// Therefore we have to flip ourserlf (nothing complicated, however)
var isRTL = $(document.body).hasClass('rtl'),
	right = 'right', left = 'left', ltr = 'ltr', css;
if (isRTL) {
	right = 'left';
	left = 'right';
	ltr = 'rtl';
css = [
	'#wlc-maincontainer input { direction:' + ltr + ' }',
	'ul.wlc-steps { background:white; font-size:larger; }',
	'li.arrow.head { font-weight:bold; }',
	'button.wlc-backbutton { float:' + left + ' }',
	'button.wlc-nextbutton { float:' + right + ' }',
	'.wlc-input-wrap { display:inline-block; margin:1.5em }',
	'.wlc-input-label { display:block }',
	'.wlc-text-wrap { margin:1.5em }',
	'ul.wlc-autocomplete {  max-height: 300px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden; }',
	'img.wlc-listimage { margin-' + right + ': 1em; }',
	'div.wlc-autocomplete-desc { max-width:45em; font-size:smaller }',
	'div.wlc-autocomplete-text { display:inline-block; direction:ltr }',
	'#wlc-maincontainer input { padding: 5px }',
	'img.wlc-group-icon { float:' + right + '; margin-' + left + ':1em; }',
	'div.wlc-selectionrect { border: 1px solid #99f; background: #bbf; position: absolute; z-index: 50; cursor: move; }',
	'div.wlc-mapcontainer { position:relative; overflow: hidden; float:' + left + '; }',
	'iframe.wlc-dschwen { background: url(\'//\') ' +
		'no-repeat center #def; margin: 0; padding: 0; }',
	'div.wlc-geoctrl { margin:1.5em 0.5em }',
	'div.wlc-map-overlay { background:#eee; position:absolute; top:0; ' + left + ':0; cursor:crosshair }',
	'div.wlc-parser-output { margin-top: 10px; box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.7); boder 1px solid #ddd; padding: 1em; min-height: 200px }',
	'div.wlc-confirm-msg { border: 1px solid #aaa; backgound: #ddd; font-family: monospace; ' +
		 'white-space: pre-wrap; width: 98%; height: 300px; overflow: auto }'

// The CSS that will be used for blocking the wizard 
// while publishing the message
var blockCSS = {
	border: 'none',
	padding: '15px',
	backgroundColor: '#000',
	'border-radius': '10px',
	'-webkit-border-radius': '10px',
	'-moz-border-radius': '10px',
	opacity: 0.5
// These messages will be overwritten by localized versions
// The loacalized versions are shiped with the page ([[:commons:Help:Watchlist messages/Wizard]])
// They are inlcuded in a hidden div and make use of [[Help:Autotranslate]]
var i18n = {
	'wlc-multiple': '<sup><abbr title="Multiple values are possible. At least one of them must be matched to fulfill this condition.">multi</abbr></sup>',
	'wlc-select-area': "Select area",
	'wlc-button-proceed': "Next",
	'wlc-button-back': "Back",
	'wlc-button-publish': "Publish",
	'wlc-taglist-placeholder': "Type to get a list of suggestions",
	'wlc-float-placeholder': "Number (e.g. 12.84)",
	'wlc-date-placeholder': "Date",
	'wlc-select-placeholder': "Please select …",
	'wlc-l10n-text-placeholder': "Select the correct language and enter text in that language here",
	'wlc-freetext-placeholder': "Enter free text here",
	'wlc-geo-loading-map': "Retrieving map from $1 …",
	'wlc-geo-usage': "Note that when an area is selected, you can\'t zoom or move the map.",
	'wlc-geo-info': "Your GeoIP information: Lat: $1, Lon: $2, City: $3, Country: $4",
	'wlc-input-required': '<sup title="required" style="color:red; font-weight:bold; cursor:help;">*</sup>',
	'wlc-unable-to-proceed': "Due to issues, we are unable to proceed. Click on the listed issues to resolve them.",
	'wlc-issue-doublelang': "2 texts in the same language were specified. Either select the correct language or blank the textbox.",
	'wlc-issue-invalid-number': "The number for '$1' has an invalid format.",
	'wlc-issue-invalid': "An invalid value was specified for '$1'.",
	'wlc-issue-required': "A value for the field '$1' is required.",
	'wlc-page-sub': "Wizard version: $1",
	'wlc-changes-will-be-lost': "When going back to another step, all changes made to this text will be lost.",
	'wlc-preview': "Message preview",
	'wlc-missing-token': "Unequal opening and closing token count detected. Too many $1 or missing $2.",
	'wlc-publishing': "$1 is publishing your message",
	'wlc-post-success': "Message successfully posted",
	'wlc-how-to-proceed': "How would you like to proceed?",
	'wlc-visit-watchlist': "Visit your watchlist",
	'wlc-visit-listing': "Go to the listing",
	'wlc-show-diff': "Show a diff",
	'wlc-post-error': "Error posting while the message",
	'wlc-post-error-desc': "Something went wrong posting your message. Please copy & paste the message. Here is a detailed error description: $1",
	'wlc-confirm': "Please confirm that everything is correct",
	'wlc-editsummary': "Edit summary",
	// If you localize it, you have to adapt the template's name
	'wlc-templatename': 'WatchlistNotice',
	'wlc-langtemplatename': 'LangSwitch',
	'wlc-name': "Create-a-watchlist-message Wizard",
	'wlc-title': "$1 – $2"

// Small helper functions returning the message text for a given key
// The _msgp parses the message (so e.g. wikilinks are resolved)
var _msg = function(params) {
		var args =, 0);
		args[0] = 'wlc-' + args[0];
		return mw.msg.apply(mw, args);
	_msgp = function(params) {
		var args =, 0);
		args[0] = 'wlc-' + args[0];
		var msg = mw.message.apply(mw, args);
		return msg.parse();
	userlang = mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage'),
	spinnerURL = '//',
	listingPage = 'MediaWiki:WatchlistNotice',
	discussionPage = 'MediaWiki talk:WatchlistNotice',
	isAuthorized = $.inArray('sysop', mw.config.get('wgUserGroups')) > -1,
	watchlistPage = 'Special:Watchlist',
	$win = $(window),
	hadClick = false,
	delay = function () {
		var timeoutID = 0;
			return function (cb, ms) {
				if (timeoutID) clearTimeout(timeoutID);
				timeoutID = setTimeout(cb, ms);
	navDelay = delay(),
	geoDelay = delay(),
	tbDelay = delay();

var wlc = {
	version: '',
	$currentStepAnchor: $(),
	issues: [],
	stepCallbacks: [],
	navigation: {
		_step: function($pg, cb) {
				$pg: $pg,
				cb: cb
		_go: function(e) {
			if (e) hadClick = true;

			var $a = $(this),
				$li = $'$li'),
				$pg = $'$pg'),
				hash = $'hash');

			wlc.$currentStepAnchor = $a;

			navDelay(function() {
				if (location.hash !== hash) {
					location.hash = hash;
				document.title = _msgp('title', $a.text(), _msg('name'));
			}, 10);
			wlc.stepCallbacks = $.grep(wlc.stepCallbacks, function(el, i) {
				if (el.$pg[0] === $pg[0]) {
					try {
						return el.cb(el.$pg);
					} catch (ex) {
						// callback failed
				} else {
					return true;
		_hash: function() {
			// Click event is fired before hash change; if navigation was through a link, 
			// (not via browser history, the correct page is already shown)
			if (hadClick) {
				hadClick = false;
		_next: function() {
			var $as = wlc.$steps.$as,
				$nextA = $as.eq($as.index(wlc.$currentStepAnchor) + 1);
			if ($nextA.length) {
			} else {
		_prev: function() {
			var $as = wlc.$steps.$as;
			$as.eq($as.index(wlc.$currentStepAnchor) - 1).click();
		_processText: function(txt) {
			// This logic is not read from the page.
			var nt = $.trim(wlc.val) + '\n',
				_ucFirst = function (s) {
					return s[0].toUpperCase() + s.substr(1);
				msg = mw.libs.wikiDOM.parser.text2Obj(nt),
				page = mw.libs.wikiDOM.parser.text2Obj(txt),
				tlname = _ucFirst(_msg('templatename')),
				untilRE = /^\s*until\s*=\s*(\d{4}\-\d{2}-\d{2}(?: \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})?)/,
				inserted = false,
				getUntil = function(tl) {
					var u;
					$.each(, function(i, arr) {
						var m = arr[0].match(untilRE);
						if (m && m[1]) {
							u = m[1];
							return false;
					return u;
				eachWLT = function(templatelist, cb) {
					$.each(templatelist, function(i, tl) {
						if ( !_ucFirst([0][0]).replace(/_/g, ' ').indexOf(tlname) ) {
							return cb(i, tl);
				date = (function() {
					var d;
					eachWLT(msg.nodesByType.template, function(i, tl) {
						d = getUntil(tl);
					return d;
				exploreTemplate = function(tl) {
					var u = getUntil(tl);
					return (u && u > date);
			eachWLT(page.nodesByType.template, function(i, tl) {
				if (exploreTemplate(tl)) {
					inserted = true;
					return false;
			if (!inserted) page.append(msg);
			return {
				text: mw.libs.wikiDOM.parser.obj2Text(page),
				summary: wlc.editsummary
		showDialog: function(title, $html) {
			mw.loader.using('jquery.ui', function() {
				if (!($html instanceof $)) $html = $('<div>').html($html);
					title: title,
					modal: true,
					close: function() {
		publishHandler: function() {
			mw.loader.using(['ext.gadget.libAPI', 'ext.gadget.libWikiDOM', 'ext.gadget.jquery.blockUI'], wlc.navigation._publishHandler);
		_publishHandler: function() {
			var $dlg = $('<div>'),
				$summaryL = $('<label for="wlc-editsummary"></label>').text(_msg('editsummary')).appendTo($dlg),
				$summary = $('<input type="textbox" maxlength="150" size="50" style="width:98%" id="wlc-editsummary"/>')
					.attr('placeholder', _msg('editsummary'))
					.val('[[Help:Watchlist messages/Wizard|Wizard]] is ' + 
						(isAuthorized ? 'adding' : 'suggesting') + ' a new [[Help:Watchlist messages|watchlist message]].')
				val = isAuthorized ? wlc.val : "\n== New watchlist message ==\n{{edit request}}\n" + 
					"Please add the following watchlist message:\n<pre>" + 
					wlc.val + "</pre>\n~~" + "~~",
				$text = $('<div>').addClass('wlc-confirm-msg').text(val).appendTo($dlg),
				dlgButtons = {};

			var _listingDone = function(r) {

				var $div = $('<div>').text(_msg('how-to-proceed')),
					$ul = $('<ul>').appendTo($div),
					makeLink = function(t, l) {
						$('<li>').append( $('<a>').text(_msg(t)).attr({
							href: l,
							target: '_blank'
						}) ).appendTo($ul);
				makeLink('visit-watchlist', mw.util.getUrl(watchlistPage));
				makeLink('visit-listing', mw.util.getUrl(listingPage));
				if (r && r.edit) makeLink('show-diff', mw.util.wikiScript() + '?' + $.param({
					 title: r.edit.title,
					 oldid: r.edit.oldrevid,
					 diff: r.edit.newrevid
					onUnblock: function() {
						wlc.navigation.showDialog(_msg('post-success'), $div);
			var _listingFailed = function(e) {
				wlc.navigation.showDialog(_msg('post-error'), _msgp('post-error-desc', e));
			dlgButtons[_msg('button-publish')] = function() {
				wlc.editsummary = $summary.val();
				setTimeout(function() {
						css: blockCSS,
						 message: $('<div>').css('color', '#fff').text(_msgp('publishing', _msg('name')))
				}, 10);
				setTimeout(function() {
				}, 12000);
				if (isAuthorized) {
					mw.libs.commons.api.$changeText(listingPage, wlc.navigation._processText).done(_listingDone).fail(_listingFailed);
				} else {
						title: discussionPage,
						editType: 'appendtext',
						text: val,
						summary: wlc.editsummary,
						cb: function() {
							document.location = mw.util.getUrl(discussionPage) + '#footer';
						errCb: _listingFailed
				title: _msg('confirm'),
				modal: true,
				buttons: dlgButtons,
				width: Math.min($win.width(), 750),
				close: function() {
		lastPageHandler: function($pg) {
			// Validation
			var $issues = $('<div class="wlc-issue-container ui-state-highlight"></div>').text(_msg('unable-to-proceed')),
				$issueList = $('<ul>').appendTo($issues);


			if (wlc.issues.length) {
					disabled: true
				$.each(wlc.issues, function(i, issue) {
					var $li = $('<li>').appendTo($issueList),
						$a = $('<a>').attr({
							href: issue.p.hash
						}).text(issue.reason).appendTo($li).on('click', function(e) {
							var $parent = issue.$input.parent();
							setTimeout(function() {
							}, 5000);
								'scrollTop': issue.$input.offset().top - 100
				return true;
			// Template creation
			var tl = wlc.inputFactory.getValue(),
				$taWrap = $('<div>').appendTo($pg.$body),
				$taWarining = $('<div>').addClass('ui-state-highlight').css('visibility', 'hidden').text(_msg('changes-will-be-lost')).appendTo($taWrap),
				$taWarining2Wrap = $('<div>').addClass('ui-state-highlight').css({
					'visibility': 'hidden',
					'min-height': '2em'
				$taWarining2 = $('<ul>').appendTo($taWarining2Wrap),
				$ta = $('<textarea>').css('width', '100%').val(tl).appendTo($taWrap);
			$taWarining2.$wrap = $taWarining2Wrap;
			$taWarining2.addWarning = function(w) {
				$taWarining2Wrap.css('visibility', 'visible');
			var toTest = [['(', ')'], ['[', ']'], ['{', '}'], ['<now' + 'iki>', '</now' + 'iki>'], ['<pre>', '</pre>']];
			$.each(toTest, function(e, el) {
				el[3] = new RegExp(mw.RegExp.escape(el[0]), 'g');
				el[4] = new RegExp(mw.RegExp.escape(el[1]), 'g');
			validateText = function(val, $errNode) {
				$errNode.empty().$wrap.css('visibility', 'hidden');
				$.each(toTest, function(e, el) {
					var m1 = val.match(el[3]) || [],
						m2 = val.match(el[4]) || [];

					if (m1.length > m2.length) {
						$errNode.addWarning(_msgp('missing-token', el[0], el[1]));
					} else if (m1.length < m2.length) {
						$errNode.addWarning(_msgp('missing-token', el[1], el[0]));
			onChange = function() {
				var val = wlc.val = $ta.val();
				if (oldText === val) return;
				if (tl !== val) {
					$taWarining.css('visibility', 'visible');
				} else {
					$taWarining.css('visibility', 'hidden');
					disabled: true
				$pOut.text(_msg('preview')).css('background', 'url(' + spinnerURL + ') no-repeat center');
				validateText(val, $taWarining2);
				mw.loader.using('ext.gadget.libAPI', function() {
					mw.libs.commons.api.parse(val, userlang, listingPage + '/render', function(r) {
						$pOut.css('background', 'none').html(r);
							disabled: false
						oldText = val;
			// Timeout is a IE8 fix
			setTimeout(function() {
				$ta.height(Math.max($ta[0].scrollHeight, 200));
			}, 1);
			$pOut = $('<div>').addClass('wlc-parser-output').appendTo($pg.$body);
			$ta.on('input change', function() {
				tbDelay(onChange, 500);

			return true;
	groupFactory: (function() {
		var gf = {
			groupsById: {},
			$get: function(id) {
				return this.groupsById[id];
		$('.wlc-groupinfo').find('tr').each(function(i, r) {
			if (0 === i) return;
			var $tds = $(r).find('td'),
				id = $tds.eq(0).text(),
				heading = $tds.eq(1).text(),
				intro = $tds.eq(2).text(),
				outro = $tds.eq(3).text(),
				$img = $tds.eq(4).find('img'),
				$fs = $('<fieldset>'),
				$l = $('<legend>').text(heading).appendTo($fs),
				$intro = $('<div>').text(intro).appendTo($fs),
				$inputArea = $('<div>').appendTo($fs),
				$outro = $('<div>').text(outro).appendTo($fs);

			$fs.$inputArea = $inputArea;
			gf.groupsById[id] = $fs;
		return gf;
	readTable: function(selector, onRow) {
		var $trs = $(selector).find('tr');

		$trs.each(function(i, r) {
			if (0 === i) return;
			var $tds = $(r).find('td');
			onRow.apply(this, [i, r, $tds]);

	inputFactory: (function() {
		var _ify = {
			inputs: [],
			register: function($input, p, validate, patternOrCallback) {
					$input: $input,
					p: p,
					validate: validate,
					pcb: patternOrCallback
			getValue: function() {
				var out = '';
				$.each(_ify.inputs, function(i, el) {
					if ($.isFunction(el.pcb)) {
						out += '\n ' + el.pcb();
					} else {
						var val = $.trim(el.$input.val());
						if (!val) return;
						if ($.isArray(val)) val = val.join(el.p.output);
						if ('string' === typeof el.pcb) {
							out += '\n ' + el.pcb.replace('$1', val);
						} else {
							out += '\n |' + + ' = ' + val;
				out = '\n |id = ' + $.now() + out;
				out = '{{' + _msg('templatename') + out + '\n}}';
				return out;
			validate: function() {
				wlc.issues = [];
				$.each(_ify.inputs, function(i, el) {
					if ($.isFunction(el.validate)) {
						if (!el.validate(el)) wlc.issues.push(el);
					} else if ($.isFunction(el.validate.test)) {
						var val = el.$input.val();
						if (val.length < 1 && el.p.required) {
							el.reason = _msgp('issue-required', el.p.label);
						if (val.length && !(el.validate.test(val))) {
							el.reason = _msgp('issue-invalid', el.p.label);

		var internal = {
			floatRE: /^\-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/,
			taglistcache: {},
			_numbersonly: function($i) {
				return $i.on('input', function() {
					var o_val = $i.val(),
						n_val = o_val.replace(/[^\d.]/g, '');
					if (o_val !== n_val) $i.val(n_val);
			_rch: null,
			_requestCoords: function($iframe, $rect, $ctrl) {
				var _g360 = function(x) {
						return x % 360;
					_g180 = function(x) {
						if (x > 180) x -= 360;
						return x;
					_l0 = function(x) {
						if (x < 0) x = 360 - x;
						return x;

				geoDelay(function() {
					if (internal._rch) $'message', internal._rch);
					internal._rch = function(e) {
						var r = JSON.parse(,
							tl = r.topleft,
							rb = r.rightbottom,
							latdiff = -,
							londiff = _l0(rb.lon - tl.lon),
							iw = $iframe.width(),
							ih = $iframe.height(),
							latPerPx = latdiff / ih,
							lonPerPx = londiff / iw,
							rw = $rect.width(),
							rh = $rect.height(),
							rpos = $rect.position(),
							rt =,
							rl = rpos.left,
							lonLeft = tl.lon + lonPerPx * rl,
							lonRight = _g180(_g360(lonLeft + lonPerPx * rw)),
							latTop = + latPerPx * rt,
							latBottom = latTop + latPerPx * rh;

						lonLeft = _g180(_g360(lonLeft));
					$win.on('message', internal._rch);

					// Fetch the coords of the iframe borders
						getcoords: 1
					}), location.protocol + $iframe.attr('src'));
				}, 500);

		_ify.create = {
			localized_text: function(p) {
				var ld = 0,
					lds = [],
					$ctrl = $('<div>').attr('class', 'wlc-input-wrap'),
					$sel = $('<select>').attr('size', 1),
					$opt = $('<option>'),
					$ta = $('<textarea>').attr({
						'id': 'wlc-ip-' + + '_' + ld,
						'class': 'wlc-input',
						'style': 'height:6em; min-width:15em',
						'placeholder': p.placeholder || _msg('l10n-text-placeholder')
					$l = $('<label>').attr({
						'for': 'wlc-ip-' +,
						'class': 'wlc-input-label'

				$ctrl.$label = $l;
				$.each(window.wpAvailableLanguages, function(k, v) {
					$opt.clone().attr('value', k).text(v).appendTo($sel);

				createLangDesc = function(e) {
					if (e) $(this).off('input change');
					var $ld = $('<div>').attr('class', 'wlc-input-wrap'),
						$selI = $sel.clone().appendTo($ld),
						$taI = $ta.clone().appendTo($ld).one('input change', createLangDesc);

						$sel: $selI,
						$ta: $taI

				_ify.register($ctrl, p, function(e) {
					var seenLang = {},
						txt = '',
						totalTextLen = 0,
						isValid = true;

					e.reason = _msg('issue-doublelang');
					$.each(lds, function(i, el) {
						txt = $.trim(el.$ta.val());
						totalTextLen += txt.length;
						if (txt) {
							var l = el.$sel.val();
							if (l in seenLang) return (isValid = false);
							seenLang[l] = true;
					if (isValid && totalTextLen < 20) {
						e.reason = _msgp('issue-required', p.label);
						isValid = false;
					return isValid;
				}, function() {
					var out = '',
						txts = [],
						hadDefault = false;
					$.each(lds, function(i, el) {
						var txt = $.trim(el.$ta.val()),
							l = el.$sel.val();

						if (txt) {
							out += '\n   | ' + l + ' = ' + txt;
							if (l === 'en') hadDefault = true;
					if (!hadDefault) {
						out += '\n   | default = ' + txts[0];
					out = '|' + + ' = ' + '{{' + _msg('langtemplatename') + out + '\n }}';
					return out;

				return $ctrl;
			select: function(p) {
				var $ctrl = $('<div>').attr('class', 'wlc-input-wrap'),
					$l = $('<label>').attr({
						'for': 'wlc-ip-' +,
						'class': 'wlc-input-label'
					$selConfirm = $('<div>').css('min-height', '1.4em').appendTo($ctrl),
					$sel = $('<select size="1"></select>').attr('id', 'wlc-ip-' +$ctrl),
					listtype = p.paraminfo.replace(/^(.+?)\:.+$/, '$1'),
					listvalue = p.paraminfo.replace(/^.+?\:(.+)$/, '$1');

				$ctrl.$label = $l;
				p.placeholder = p.placeholder || _msg('select-placeholder');
					'value': ''
				}).text(p.placeholder).data('sel', p.placeholder).appendTo($sel);

				var _onHover = function() {
					_onChange = function() {
				$sel.change(_onChange).on('mouseenter', 'option', _onHover);

				switch (listtype) {
					case 'window':
					case 'table':
						wlc.readTable('.' + listvalue, function(i, r, $tds) {
								'value': $.trim($tds.eq(0).text())
							}).text($tds.eq(1).text()).data('sel', $tds.eq(2).text()).appendTo($sel);

				_ify.register($sel, p, /.*/, 0);
				return $ctrl;
			date: function(p) {
				var $ctrl = $('<div>').attr('class', 'wlc-input-wrap'),
					vRE = /^\d{4}\-\d{2}-\d{2}(?: \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})?$/,
					$l = $('<label>').attr({
						'for': 'wlc-ip-' +,
						'class': 'wlc-input-label'
					$i = $('<input type="text" size="40"/>').attr({
						'id': 'wlc-ip-' +,
						'class': 'wlc-input',
						'pattern': vRE.source,
						'placeholder': p.placeholder || _msg('date-placeholder'),
						'value': p.defaultVal
						changeYear: true,
						'dateFormat': p.paraminfo || 'yy-mm-dd 12:00:00',
						showWeek: true,
						firstDay: 1

				if (p.required) $i.attr('required', true);
				$ctrl.$label = $l;

				_ify.register($i, p, vRE, 0);
				return $ctrl;
			taglist: function(p) {
				var availableTags = [],
					supportsChosen = window.AbstractChosen && window.AbstractChosen.browser_is_supported(),
					placeholder = p.placeholder || _msg('taglist-placeholder'),
					k, l, o, st, v,
					listtype = p.paraminfo.replace(/^(.+?)\:.+$/, '$1'),
					listvalue = p.paraminfo.replace(/^.+?\:(.+)$/, '$1');
				var $ctrl = $('<div>').attr('class', 'wlc-input-wrap'),
					$l = $('<label>').attr({
						'for': 'wlc-ip-' +,
						'class': 'wlc-input-label'
					$i = $(supportsChosen ? '<select>' : '<input size="50">').attr({
						'multiple': 'multiple',
						'id': 'wlc-ip-' +,
						'class': 'wlc-input',
						'placeholder': placeholder,
						'data-placeholder': placeholder
					$text = $('<div>').attr('class', 'wlc-autocomplete-text'),
					$ti = $('<span>').attr('class', 'wlc-autocomplete-text-inner'),
					$desc = $('<div>').attr('class', 'wlc-autocomplete-desc'),
					_onDataAvailable = function(d, immediate) {
						if (supportsChosen) {
							$.each(d, function(i, item) {
								var $t = $text.clone();
								if (item.desc) $desc.clone().text(item.desc).appendTo($t);
								if (item.$icon) item.$icon.clone().addClass('wlc-listimage').prependTo($t);
									value: item.value
							var finish = function() {
								_ify.register($i, p, /.+/, 0);
							if (immediate) return finish();
							setTimeout(finish, 1000);
						} else {
							var re = new RegExp(mw.RegExp.escape(p.output) + '\\s*');
							var split = function(val) {
								return val.split(re);
							var extractLast = function(term) {
								return split(term).pop();
							// don't navigate away from the field on tab when selecting an item
							$i.on('keydown', function(e) {
								if (e.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.TAB &&
									$'ui-autocomplete') {
								minLength: 0,
								source: function(request, response) {
									// delegate back to autocomplete, but extract the last term
										availableTags, extractLast(request.term)));
								focus: function() {
									// prevent value inserted on focus
									return false;
								select: function(event, ui) {
									var terms = split(this.value);
									// remove the current input
									// add the selected item
									// add placeholder to get the comma-and-space at the end
									this.value = terms.join(p.output);
									return false;
							var $autocomplete = $'ui-autocomplete') || $'uiAutocomplete') || $'autocomplete'),
								ri = $autocomplete._renderItem;
							$autocomplete._renderItem = function(ul, item) {
								var $li = ri.apply($autocomplete, [ul, item]),
									$a = $li.find('a');
								var $t = $text.clone().append($a.contents()).appendTo($a);
								if (item.desc) $desc.clone().text(item.desc).appendTo($t);
								if (item.$icon) item.$icon.clone().addClass('wlc-listimage').prependTo($a);
								return $li;
							_ify.register($i, p, /.+/, 0);
				$ctrl.$label = $l;
				p.output = $.trim(p.output).replace('space', ' ');

				var taglistcache = internal.taglistcache;

				taglistcache[listtype] = taglistcache[listtype] || {};
				if (listvalue in taglistcache[listtype]) {
					availableTags = taglistcache[listtype][listvalue];
				} else {
					switch (listtype) {
						case 'window':
							l = window[listvalue];
							if ('object' === typeof l) {
								for (k in l) {
									if (, k)) {
										v = l[k];
											label: v + ' (' + k + ')',
											value: k
						case 'obj':
							o = window;
							st = listvalue.split('.');
							while (st.length) {
								o = o[st.shift()];
							for (k in o) {
								if (, k)) {
									v = o[k];
									try {
										v = v + '';
									} catch (ex) { /* converting to string failed */ }
									if (k.indexOf(p.output) >= 0 || (v && $.isFunction(v.indexOf) && v.indexOf(p.output) >= 0)) continue;
										label: k + ' (' + v.slice(0, 30) + (v.length > 30 ? '…' : '') + ')',
										value: k + '=' + v,
										k: k

							if (listvalue === 'mw.user.options.values') {
								// Handle this special case,
								// Fetch description from [[Special:Preferences]]
								// @todo: This used to fetch the HTML page of Special:Preferences
								// via $.ajax() and then look for `[for="mw-input-wp' + el.k + '"]')`
								// elements and get the text of the label after it.
								// This has not been working for a while, and was thus removed
								// to simplify the code. --Krinkle 20 March 2019.
								_onDataAvailable(availableTags, true);
							} else {
						case 'table':
							wlc.readTable('.' + listvalue, function(i, r, $tds) {
								v = $tds.eq(0).text();
									value: v,
									label: $tds.eq(1).text() + ' (' + v + ')',
									$icon: $tds.eq(2).find('img')
					taglistcache[listtype][listvalue] = availableTags;

				return $ctrl;
			geoedit: function(p, $pg) {
				window.Geo = Geo || {};
				var _this = this,
					w = 600,
					h = 400,
					lat = || 0,
					lon = Geo.lon || 0;

				var $createInputs = function(id, label, key, $geoCtrl) {
					var $l = $('<label class="wlc-input-label"></label>').text(label),
						idn = 'wlc-ip-' + id + '-from',
						idx = 'wlc-ip-' + id + '-to',
						$d1 = $('<div>').css('display', 'inline-block'),
						$d2 = $('<div>').css('display', 'inline-block'),
						$l1 = $('<label>').attr('for', idn).text('From ').appendTo($d1),
						$l2 = $('<label>').attr('for', idx).text('To ').appendTo($d2),
						$i1 = internal._numbersonly($('<input type="text" size="20"/>').attr({
							'id': idn,
							pattern: internal.floatRE.source,
							placeholder: _msg('float-placeholder')
						$i2 = internal._numbersonly($('<input type="text" size="20"/>').attr({
							'id': idx,
							pattern: internal.floatRE.source,
							placeholder: _msg('float-placeholder')

					$geoCtrl[key] = {
						from: $i1,
						to: $i2
					return $('<div>').append($l, ' ', $d1, ' ', $d2);

				var $ctrl = $('<div>').attr({
						'class': 'wlc-input-wrap',
						'dir': ltr
					}).css('display', 'block'),
					$map = $('<div class="wlc-mapcontainer"></div>').height(h).width(w).prependTo($ctrl),
					$iframe, $button,
					$usage = $('<div>').text(_msg('geo-usage')).hide().appendTo($ctrl),
					$waiting = $('<div class="wlc-geoctrl wlc-input-wrap"></div>').text(_msgp('geo-loading-map', 'WMFLabs (OSM/Dschwen/Dispenser)')).appendTo($ctrl),
					$selection, $overlay, _requestCoords,
					$geoCtrl = $('<div class="wlc-geoctrl wlc-input-wrap"></div>').appendTo($ctrl),
					$lat = $createInputs('lat', "Latitude", 'lat', $geoCtrl).appendTo($geoCtrl),
					$lon = $createInputs('lon', "Longitude", 'lon', $geoCtrl).appendTo($geoCtrl),
					$geoCtrls = $geoCtrl.find('input'),
					$info = $('<div>').text(_msgp('geo-info',, Geo.lon,,$ctrl);

				// Ident_ify as Wikipedia (we don't want to see an image collection but labels!)
				$iframe = $('<iframe>').attr({
					scrolling: 'no',
					frameBorder: 0,
					'class': 'wlc-dschwen'
					width: w,
					height: h

				wlc.navigation._step($pg, function() {
					// IE: You must append the iframe before setting the src attribute
					$iframe.on( 'load', function() {
						if ($selection) _requestCoords();
					}).attr('src', '//' + $.param({
						wma: lat + '_' + lon + '_' + w + '_' + h + '_' + userlang + '_3_' + userlang,
						globe: 'Earth',
						lang: userlang,
						page: '',
						awt: 0
					return false;

				var _cleanUp = function(e, resetCtrls) {
					if ($selection) $selection.remove();
					if ($overlay) $overlay.remove();
					$overlay = $selection = null;
					if (resetCtrls !== false) $geoCtrls.val('');
						disabled: false
					return false;
				$geoCtrls.on('input change', function() {
					_cleanUp(null, false);
				$('<button role="button" type="button"></button>').text('Remove selection').button({
					icons: {
						primary: 'ui-icon-circle-close'
				}).addClass('ui-button-red').on('click', _cleanUp).insertAfter($map);

				$button = $('<button role="button" type="button"></button>').text('Select area').button({
					icons: {
						primary: 'ui-icon-circle-plus'
				}).addClass('ui-button-blue').on('click', function() {
						disabled: true


					_requestCoords = function() {
						internal._requestCoords($iframe, $selection, $geoCtrl);
					var parentOffset = $map.offset(),
						relXs, relYs, relX, relY, mousedown, isNegX, isNegY,
						_registerMouseUp = function() {
							$('body').one('mouseup.wlc-selection', function() {
								mousedown = false;
									disabled: false
								if ($overlay) $overlay.css('cursor', 'default');


					$selection = $('<div class="wlc-selectionrect"></div>')
						.attr('title', 'You can drag me around and resize me').fadeTo(0, 0.7).prependTo($map);

					$overlay = $('<div class="wlc-map-overlay"></div>')
						.height(h).width(w).fadeTo(0, 0).prependTo($map).one('mousedown', function(e) {
						if (e.which !== 1) return;


						relXs = e.pageX - parentOffset.left;
						relYs = e.pageY -;

							top: relYs,
							left: relXs
						mousedown = true;
					}).mousemove(function(e) {
						if (!mousedown) return;
						relX = e.pageX - parentOffset.left;
						relY = e.pageY -;
						var diffX = relX - relXs,
							diffY = relY - relYs;

						if (diffX < 0) {
							isNegX = true;
							$selection.css('left', relX);
						} else if (isNegX) {
							isNegX = false;
							$selection.css('left', relXs);
						if (diffY < 0) {
							isNegY = true;
							$selection.css('top', relY);
						} else if (isNegY) {
							isNegY = false;
							$selection.css('top', relYs);
						containment: 'parent',
						stop: _requestCoords
						stop: _requestCoords

				var reg = function(n) {
					_ify.register($geoCtrls.eq(n), $.extend({}, p, {
					}), internal.floatRE, 0);
				return $ctrl;
			'float': function(p) {
				var $ctrl = $('<div>').attr('class', 'wlc-input-wrap'),
					$l = $('<label>').attr({
						'for': 'wlc-ip-' +,
						'class': 'wlc-input-label'
					$i = $('<input type="text" size="40"/>').attr({
						'id': 'wlc-ip-' +,
						'class': 'wlc-input',
						'pattern': internal.floatRE.source,
						'placeholder': p.placeholder || _msg('float-placeholder')

				$ctrl.$label = $l;

				_ify.register($i, p, internal.floatRE, 0);
				return $ctrl;
			'freetext': function(p) {
				var $ctrl = $('<div>').attr('class', 'wlc-input-wrap'),
					$l = $('<label>').attr({
						'for': 'wlc-ip-' +,
						'class': 'wlc-input-label'
					$i = $('<input type="text" size="60"/>').attr({
						'id': 'wlc-ip-' +,
						'class': 'wlc-input',
						'placeholder': p.placeholder || _msg('freetext-placeholder')

				$ctrl.$label = $l;

				_ify.register($i, p, function() { return true; }, 0);
				return $ctrl;
		return _ify;
	$pages: $(),
	$publishButton: null,
	$createPage: function(id, hash, intro, outro) {
		var $pg = $('<div>'),
			$top = $('<div>').addClass('wlc-text-wrap').html(intro).appendTo($pg),
			$body = $('<div>').addClass('wlc-text-wrap').appendTo($pg),
			$bottom = $('<div>').addClass('wlc-text-wrap').html(outro).appendTo($pg),
			$buttons = $('<div>').addClass('wlc-text-wrap').appendTo($pg);

		wlc.$pages = wlc.$pages.add($pg);
		$pg.$body = $body;

		// Now, create the inputs...
		$('.wlc-paraminfo').find('tr').each(function(i, r) {
			if (0 === i) return;
			var $tds = $(r).find('td'),
				step = $tds.eq(0).text(),
				group = $tds.eq(1).text(),
				type = $tds.eq(3).text(),
				params = {
					name: $tds.eq(2).text(),
					paraminfo: $tds.eq(4).text(),
					output: $tds.eq(5).text(),
					label: $tds.eq(6).text(),
					placeholder: $tds.eq(7).text(),
					required: !! $.trim($tds.eq(8).text()),
					defaultVal: $tds.eq(9).text(),
					hash: hash

			if (id !== step) return;

			var $group = wlc.groupFactory.$get(group),
				$ip = wlc.inputFactory.create[type](params, $pg);
			if (params.required && $ip.$label) $ip.$label.append($.parseHTML(_msg('input-required')));

			if ($group) {
				if ($ip) $group.$inputArea.append($ip);
				if (!$group.attached) {
					$group.attached = true;
			} else {
				if ($ip) $body.append($ip);
		$('<button role="button" type="button" class="wlc-backbutton">').text(_msg('button-back')).button({
			disabled: (wlc.$steps.$lis.length === 0)
		}).on('click', wlc.navigation._prev).appendTo($buttons);

		var buttonLabel;
		if (wlc.$steps.count - 1 === Number(id)) {
			buttonLabel = _msg('button-publish');
			wlc.navigation._step($pg, wlc.navigation.lastPageHandler);
		} else {
			buttonLabel = _msg('button-proceed');
		wlc.$publishButton = $('<button role="button" type="button" class="wlc-nextbutton">')
			icons: {
				primary: 'ui-icon-circle-check'
		}).on('click', wlc.navigation._next).appendTo($buttons);
		return $pg;
	createSteps: function() {
		var $ul = wlc.$steps = $('<ul>').attr('class', "ui-helper-clearfix ui-state-default ui-widget ui-helper-reset wlc-steps"),
			$trs = $('.wlc-stepinfo').find('tr'),
			$contentText = $('<div id="wlc-maincontainer">').attr('dir', ltr).appendTo($('#mw-content-text').contents().hide().parent());

		$ul.plain = [];
		$ul.$lis = $();
		$ul.$as = $();
		$ul.byHash = {};
		$ul.count = $trs.length - 1;

		$trs.each(function(i, r) {
			if (!i) return;
			var $tds = $(r).find('td'),
				txt = $tds.eq(1).text(),
				id = $tds.eq(0).text(),
				intro = $tds.eq(2).html(),
				outro = $tds.eq(3).html(),
				hash = '#step' + id,
				$pg = wlc.$createPage(id, hash, intro, outro).hide().appendTo($contentText),
				$li = $('<li>').appendTo($ul),
				$div = $('<div>').appendTo($li),
				$a = $('<a>').attr({
					href: '#step' + id
					'$pg': $pg,
					'$li': $li,
					'id': id,
					'hash': hash
				}).on('click', wlc.navigation._go).appendTo($div);

			$ul.$lis = $ul.$lis.add($li);
			$ul.$as = $ul.$as.add($a);
			$ul.byHash[hash] = $a;
		if (!location.hash) {
		} else {
	install: function() {
		$('#siteSub').text(_msgp('page-sub', wlc.version));
		$('table.wikitable td').each(function(){$(this).text($(this).text().trim());});
		$win.on('hashchange', wlc.navigation._hash);
	 * Reads the translation from the HTML-DOM and overwrites the English default
	 * translation
	 * @example
	 *      wlc.readTranslation();
	 * @context {any} May be called in and from all contexts.
	 * @return {undefined}
	readTranslation: function() {
		var i18nNew = {};
		$.each(i18n, function(k, v) {
			var t = $('#' + k).html();
			if (t) {
				i18nNew[k] = t;

// Expose globally
window.watchlistMessageCreator = wlc;

$(function () { 
		// 'ext.gadget.jquery.arrowSteps',
		'ext.uploadWizard',  // .jquery.arrowSteps phab:T144974
}(jQuery, mediaWiki));
// </nowiki>