Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Period/data/doc


-- created from [[Template:Period]] using [[User:Marsupium/]]

return {
["late jurassic"]                     = "Q499312",

-- prehistory
["prehistory"]                        = "Q11756",
["prehistoric"]                       = "Q11756",
["prehistorical"]                     = "Q11756",
["late stone age"]                    = "Q575630",
["later stone age"]                   = "Q575630",
["mesolithic"]                        = "Q44155",
["middle stone age"]                  = "Q1931902",
["Q1931902"]                          = "Q1931902",
["neolithic"]                         = "Q36422",
["paleolithic"]                       = "Q40203",
["lower palaeolithic"]                = "Q7463501",
["lower paleolithic"]                 = "Q7463501",
["middle palaeolithic"]               = "Q626270",
["middle paleolithic"]                = "Q626270",
["upper palaeolithic"]                = "Q479505",
["upper paleolithic"]                 = "Q479505",
["laste stone age"]                   = "Q479505",
["bronze age"]                        = "Q11761",
["nordic bronze age"]                 = "Q605601",
["copper age"]                        = "Q130253",
["early stone age"]                   = "Q1277529",
["iron age"]                          = "Q11764",
["isin larsa"]                        = "Q13577667",
["isin-larsa"]                        = "Q13577667",
["isinlarsa"]                         = "Q13577667",

-- global
["first world war"]                   = "Q361",
["second world war"]                  = "Q362",

-- African (pre)history
["bubalus period"]                    = "Q1583093",
["periodo bubalino"]                  = "Q1583093",
["early hunter period"]               = "Q1583093",
["periodo dei primi cacciatori"]      = "Q1583093",
["periodo dei cacciatori arcaici"]    = "Q1583093",
["roundhead period"]                  = "Q57404139",
["periodo delle teste rotonde"]       = "Q57404139",
["cattle period"]                     = "Q57404634",
["periodo bovidiano"]                 = "Q57404634",
["horse period"]                      = "Q57404302",
["periodo equidiano"]                 = "Q57404302",
["camel period"]                      = "Q57404471",
["periodo camelino"]                  = "Q57404471",
["later hunter period"]               = "Q57405101",
["periodo degli ultimi cacciatori"]   = "Q57405101",
["late white style period"]           = "Q57405168",
["periodo finale dello stile bianco"] = "Q57405168",

-- European prehistory
["acheulean"]                         = "Q210774",
["acheuléen"]                         = "Q210774",
["acheuleen"]                         = "Q210774",
["aurignacian"]                       = "Q221901",
["aurignacien"]                       = "Q221901",
["azilian"]                           = "Q793777",
["gravettian"]                        = "Q756905",
["maastrichtian"]                     = "Q278141",
["magdalenian"]                       = "Q693549",
["magdalenien"]                       = "Q693549",
["magdalénien"]                       = "Q693549",
["mousterian"]                        = "Q259118",
["moustérien"]                        = "Q259118",
["rodezien"]                          = "Q57406678",
["rodézien"]                          = "Q57406678",
["solutrean"]                         = "Q1121344",
["solutréen"]                         = "Q1121344",
["micoquien"]                         = "Q1759091",

-- Ancient Greece and Aegean world
["cycladic"]                          = "Q318144",
["minoan"]                            = "Q134178",
["mycenaean"]                         = "Q181264",
["greek dark ages"]                   = "Q210443",
["greek archaic"]                     = "Q271834",
["archaic"]                           = "Q271834",
["early classical"]                   = "Q57449747",
["late classical"]                    = "Q57449805",
["hellenistic"]                       = "Q428995",
["cypro-classic I"]                   = "Q57449246",

-- Mesopotamia
["uruk"]                              = "Q731494",
["early dynastic"]                    = "Q716742",
["akkad"]                             = "Q4461035",
["akkadian"]                          = "Q4461035",
["neo-sumerian"]                      = "Q1748182",
["paleo-babylonian"]                  = "Q16671685",

-- Egypt
["pre-dynastic egypt"]                = "Q714601",
["predynastic egypt"]                 = "Q714601",
["nagada I"]                          = "Q962354",
["early dynastic period"]             = "Q187979",
["old kingdom"]                       = "Q177819",
["first intermediate period"]         = "Q232211",
["1st intermediate period"]           = "Q232211",
["middle kingdom"]                    = "Q191324",
["second intermediate period"]        = "Q206715",
["2nd intermediate period"]           = "Q206715",
["new kingdom"]                       = "Q180568",
["third intermediate period"]         = "Q212728",
["3d intermediate period"]            = "Q212728",
["late period of ancient egypt"]      = "Q621917",
["egyptian late period"]              = "Q621917",
["later period (egypt)"]              = "Q621917",
["egypt1"]                            = "Q203859",
["first dynasty of egypt"]            = "Q203859",
["egypt2"]                            = "Q207778",
["second dynasty of egypt"]           = "Q207778",
["egypt3"]                            = "Q220276",
["third dynasty of egypt"]            = "Q220276",
["egypt4"]                            = "Q211001",
["fourth dynasty of egypt"]           = "Q211001",
["egypt5"]                            = "Q269237",
["fifth dynasty of egypt"]            = "Q269237",
["egypt6"]                            = "Q269979",
["sixth dynasty of egypt"]            = "Q269979",
["egypt7"]                            = "Q721801",
["seventh dynasty of egypt"]          = "Q721801",
["egypt8"]                            = "Q1400616",
["eighth dynasty of egypt"]           = "Q1400616",
["egypt9"]                            = "Q728449",
["ninth dynasty of egypt"]            = "Q728449",
["egypt10"]                           = "Q429981",
["tenth dynasty of egypt"]            = "Q429981",
["egypt11"]                           = "Q719634",
["eleventh dynasty of egypt"]         = "Q719634",
["egypt12"]                           = "Q719639",
["twelfth dynasty of egypt"]          = "Q719639",
["egypt13"]                           = "Q721807",
["thirteenth dynasty of egypt"]       = "Q721807",
["egypt14"]                           = "Q650945",
["fourteenth dynasty of egypt"]       = "Q650945",
["egypt15"]                           = "Q728479",
["fifteenth dynasty of egypt"]        = "Q728479",
["egypt16"]                           = "Q737695",
["sixteenth dynasty of egypt"]        = "Q737695",
["egypt17"]                           = "Q642301",
["seventeenth dynasty of egypt"]      = "Q642301",
["egypt18"]                           = "Q146055",
["eighteenth dynasty of egypt"]       = "Q146055",
["amarna"]                            = "Q455151",
["egypt19"]                           = "Q157956",
["nineteenth dynasty of egypt"]       = "Q157956",
["egypt20"]                           = "Q583501",
["twentieth dynasty of egypt"]        = "Q583501",
["egypt21"]                           = "Q748151",
["twenty-first dynasty of egypt"]     = "Q748151",
["egypt22"]                           = "Q737629",
["twenty-second dynasty of egypt"]    = "Q737629",
["egypt23"]                           = "Q748170",
["twenty-third dynasty of egypt"]     = "Q748170",
["egypt24"]                           = "Q754749",
["twenty-fourth dynasty of egypt"]    = "Q754749",
["egypt25"]                           = "Q737648",
["twenty-fifth dynasty of egypt"]     = "Q737648",
["egypt26"]                           = "Q662410",
["twenty-sixth dynasty of egypt"]     = "Q662410",
["egypt27"]                           = "Q926624",
["twenty-seventh dynasty of egypt"]   = "Q926624",
["egypt28"]                           = "Q833118",
["twenty-eighth dynasty of egypt"]    = "Q833118",
["egypt29"]                           = "Q511257",
["twenty-ninth dynasty of egypt"]     = "Q511257",
["egypt30"]                           = "Q386303",
["thirtieth dynasty of egypt"]        = "Q386303",
["ptolemaic"]                         = "Q2320005",

-- China
["shang"]                             = "Q128938",
["western zhou"]                      = "Q1069609",
["western zhou dynasty"]              = "Q1069609",
["eastern zhou"]                      = "Q307066",
["qin"]                               = "Q7183",
["han"]                               = "Q7209",
["han dynasty"]                       = "Q7209",
["eastern han dynasty"]               = "Q1147037",
["3 kingdoms"]                        = "Q185043",
["tang"]                              = "Q9683",
["tang dynasty"]                      = "Q9683",
["song"]                              = "Q7462",
["song dynasty"]                      = "Q7462",
["northern qi"]                       = "Q1143524",
["northern qi dynasty"]               = "Q1143524",
["北齐"]                                = "Q1143524",
["后齐"]                                = "Q1143524",
["yuan"]                              = "Q7313",
["yuan dynasty"]                      = "Q7313",
["ming"]                              = "Q9903",
["ming dynasty"]                      = "Q9903",
["qing"]                              = "Q8733",
["qing dynasty"]                      = "Q8733",

-- European history
["roman empire"]                      = "Q1747689",
["roman gaul"]                        = "Q879466",
["byzantine empire"]                  = "Q12544",
["migration period"]                  = "Q131192",
["völkerwanderung"]                   = "Q131192",
["völkerwanderungszeit"]              = "Q131192",
["medieval"]                          = "Q12554",
["middle ages"]                       = "Q12554",
["gothic"]                            = "Q46825",
["renaissance"]                       = "Q4692",
["early renaissance"]                 = "Q1472236",
["high renaissance"]                  = "Q1474884",
["northern renaissance"]              = "Q610877",
["mannerism"]                         = "Q131808",
["mannerist"]                         = "Q131808",
["baroque"]                           = "Q37853",
["rococo"]                            = "Q122960",
["neoclassicism"]                     = "Q14378",
["french revolution"]                 = "Q6534",
["révolution francaise"]              = "Q6534",
["revolution française"]              = "Q6534",
["preraphaelite"]                     = "Q184814",
["realism"]                           = "Q10857409",
["romanticism"]                       = "Q37068",
["symbolism"]                         = "Q164800",
["impressionism"]                     = "Q40415",
["pointillism"]                       = "Q200034",
["magic realism"]                     = "Q147516",
["futurism"]                          = "Q131221",

-- S & W Asia
["dvaravati"]                         = "Q1268307",
["british raj"]                       = "Q129286",
["achaemenid"]                        = "Q389688",

-- Islam
["umayyad"]                           = "Q8575586",
["abbasid"]                           = "Q12536",
["umayyad of Spain"]                  = "Q171740",
["reyes de Taifas"]                   = "Q217177",
["nasrid"]                            = "Q847837",
["irdisid"]                           = "Q431575",
["rustamid"]                          = "Q940123",
["aghlabid"]                          = "Q207600",
["zirid"]                             = "Q205718",
["hammadid"]                          = "Q588672",
["almoravid"]                         = "Q75613",
["almohad"]                           = "Q199688",
["marinid"]                           = "Q582861",
["wattasid"]                          = "Q970799",
["hafsid"]                            = "Q752662",
["saadi"]                             = "Q1136188",
["tulunid"]                           = "Q726798",
["ikhshidid"]                         = "Q828665",
["fatimid"]                           = "Q160307",
["hamdanid"]                          = "Q837187",
["mazyadid"]                          = "Q4274660",
["marwanid"]                          = "Q646434",
["uqaylid"]                           = "Q1760404",
["mirdasid"]                          = "Q3175929",
["burid"]                             = "Q2294218",
["ayyubid"]                           = "Q180114",
["mamluk"]                            = "Q282428",
["sulayhid"]                          = "Q2364248",
["rasulid"]                           = "Q2132267",
["buyid"]                             = "Q273874",
["tahirid"]                           = "Q373981",
["samanid"]                           = "Q486181",
["saffarid"]                          = "Q45310",
["ghaznavid"]                         = "Q249578",
["seljuq"]                            = "Q3708094",
["seljuq of rum"]                     = "Q975405",
["artuqid"]                           = "Q1133431",
["zengid"]                            = "Q189545",
["danishmendid"]                      = "Q846670",
["qaramanid"]                         = "Q1469100",
["ottoman"]                           = "Q12560",
["chaghatayid"]                       = "Q487829",
["ilkhan"]                            = "Q178084",
["injuids"]                           = "Q1067513",
["golden horde"]                      = "Q79965",
["shaybanid"]                         = "Q856361",
["muzaffarid"]                        = "Q877670",
["jalayirid"]                         = "Q866716",
["timurid"]                           = "Q484195",
["kara koyunlu"]                      = "Q324470",
["ak koyunlu"]                        = "Q555994",
["safavid"]                           = "Q161205",
["afsharid"]                          = "Q388739",
["zand"]                              = "Q146597",
["qajar"]                             = "Q189326",
["pahlavi"]                           = "Q207991",
["delhi sultanate"]                   = "Q229411",
["ghurid"]                            = "Q199443",
["sultanate of bengal"]               = "Q4083686",
["gujarat sultanate"]                 = "Q507796",
["malwa sultanate"]                   = "Q937879",
["bahmanid"]                          = "Q374521",
["faruqi"]                            = "Q5436526",
["mughal"]                            = "Q33296",