
CodeDiscussionEditHistoryLinksLink count Subpages:DocumentationTestsResultsSandboxLive code All modules

This module is meant for table testing

Module:Table/sandbox/doc for its documentatiom

{{#invoke:Table/sandbox|kitst}}orig tab: cm cn cer bi d9 dk cb ad ar cs ch

{{#invoke:Table/sandbox|kotst}}chgd tab: cm cn cer bi d9 dk cb XY ar cs ch

{{#invoke:Table/sandbox|kstst}}sort out: ad XY XY XY XY XY XY XY XY XY XY

{{#invoke:Table/sandbox|kdtst}}sort tbl: ad ar bi cb cer ch cm cn cs d9 dk


local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil') 
local TableTools = require('Module:TableTools')

local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType
--local checkTypeMulti = libraryUtil.checkTypeMulti

local utab = {};

local p = {}

		utab =
-- user:	 1   2    3     4    5			gc	sd	  U,u	su   ca
	ad	= { 'I', nil, 'c', 'gf', nil,		':Adalric67', nil, 'Adalric67' };
	ar	= { 'I', nil, 'c', 'gf', nil,		':Aroche', nil, 'Aroche' };
	bi	= { 'I', nil, 'c', 'gf', nil,		':Bibar', nil, 'Bibar' };	--	nil, '-Blasons' };
	cb  = { 'I', nil, 'c', 'gf', nil,		':Celbusro', nil, 'Celbusro' };
	cer = { 'I', nil, 'ce','gf', nil,		':Chatsam' };
	ch	= { 'I', nil, 'c', 'gf', nil,		':Chatsam', nil, nil,'Chatsam', nil, 'Blason chatsam' };
	cm =  { 'DrawShield', nil, 'c', 'ei', nil,		nil, nil,'Charles Matthews' }; 
	cn  = { 'I', nil, 'c', 'gf', nil,		':Caranorn', nil, ' Caranorn' };
	cs	= { 'I', nil, 'c', nil, nil,		nil, nil, nil,'Chris die Seele', 'CoA by Chris die Seele' };
	d9	= { 'Im', '5', 'c', nil, nil,		nil, nil, 'Delta-9' };
	dk  = { 'I', nil, 'c', nil, nil,		nil, nil, nil,'Dan Koehl', nil, 'Coats of arms by Dan Koehl'};
-- etc.	

local function gsort ( ixtab )	-- local function 				-- 
local minm = ixtab[1];			-- assume it's rel. min.
local minx = 1;
	for linx = 1, #ixtab do	
 --		if ixtab[linx] ~= 'ZZ' then 
			if	minm > ixtab[linx] then	-- 	
				minm = ixtab[linx]		-- rel. min.
				minx = linx				--
 --		end
	return  minx;			-- return the rel. minimal element index
end -- local function gsort
function p.kotst ( frame )	-- KeysToList				-- 
local ixtab = {}
local elem = '';
local rval = '';
local indx =  1
local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType;
local checkTypeMulti = libraryUtil.checkTypeMulti

	checkType('keysToList', 1, utab, 'table')
	checkTypeMulti('keysToList', 2, nil, { 'function', 'boolean', 'nil' })

	for key, value in pairs(utab) do
		ixtab[indx] = key;
		indx = indx + 1;
	for l = 1, #ixtab do	
--		rval = rval .. ' ' .. gsort (ixtab, l); -- ()
		indx =  gsort (ixtab);
		ixtab [indx] = 'XY';

	for l = 1, #ixtab do	
		rval = rval .. ' ' .. ixtab[l] ; -- ()
	return  rval;				-- output changed table

end -- function 
function p.kstst ( frame )	-- KeysToList				-- 
local ixtab = {}
local elem = '';
local rval = '';
local indx =  1
local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType;
local checkTypeMulti = libraryUtil.checkTypeMulti

	checkType('keysToList', 1, utab, 'table')
	checkTypeMulti('keysToList', 2, nil, { 'function', 'boolean', 'nil' })

	for key, value in pairs(utab) do
		ixtab[indx] = key;
		indx = indx + 1;
	for l = 1, #ixtab do	
--		rval = rval .. ' ' .. gsort (ixtab, l); -- ()
		indx =  gsort (ixtab);
 		rval = rval .. ' ' .. ixtab [indx];
		elem = ixtab [indx];
		ixtab [indx] = 'XY';
	return  rval;				-- output after sort

end -- function 
function p.kltst ( frame )	-- KeysToList sort				-- 
local ixtab = {};
local rval = '';
local index = 1;
local keylist = TableTools.keysToList

--	keylist(utab);

	xtab = TableTools.keysToList(utab, nil);
	for l = 1, 11 do	
		rval = rval .. ' ' .. ixtab (l); -- 
	return  rval;				-- output after sort
end -- function 
function p.ktest ( frame )	-- ut				-- 
local ixtab = {};
local rval = '';
local index = 1;
local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType;
local checkTypeMulti = libraryUtil.checkTypeMulti

	checkType('keysToList', 1, utab, 'table')
	checkTypeMulti('keysToList', 2, nil, { 'function', 'boolean', 'nil' })
	for key, value in pairs(utab) do
		ixtab[index] = key;
		index = index + 1;
	for l = 1, #ixtab do	
		if ixtab[l] == nil then 
			rval  = rval .. '  ∅ ' ; 
			rval = rval .. ' ' .. ixtab[l];
	return  rval;				-- output without sort
end -- function 
function p.tltst ( frame )	-- local				-- 
local tltab	= { 'k1', 'k2', 'k3', 'k4', 'k5', 'k6', 'k7', 'k8', 'k9', 'kA', 'kB' };
local rval = '';				
	for l = 1, 11 do						--
		rval = rval .. ' ' .. tltab[l]
	return  rval;
end -- function 
function p.kitst ( frame )	-- KeysToList				-- 
local rval = '';

local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType;
local checkTypeMulti = libraryUtil.checkTypeMulti

	checkType('keysToList', 1, utab, 'table')
	checkTypeMulti('keysToList', 2, nil, { 'function', 'boolean', 'nil' })

	for key, value in pairs(utab) do
		rval = rval .. ' ' .. key; -- 
	return  rval;				-- output original table

end -- function 
function p.kdtst ( frame )	-- KeysToList				-- 
local ixtab = {};
local rval = '';
local index = 1;

local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType;
--local checkTypeMulti = libraryUtil.checkTypeMulti

	checkType('keysToList', 1, utab, 'table')
--	checkTypeMulti('keysToList', 2, nil, { 'function', 'boolean', 'nil' })

	for key, value in pairs(utab) do
		ixtab[index] = key;
		index = index + 1;
keySort = type(keySort) == 'function' and keySort or defaultKeySort
	for l = 1, #ixtab do	
		rval = rval .. ' ' .. ixtab [l]; -- 
	return  rval;				-- output after sort

end -- function 

return p;