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local p = {}

-- syntax for individual nominal groups
function p.nomgroup(group, case)
	if case == 'on' then
		return 'on ' .. group
	elseif case == 'over' then
		return 'over ' .. group
	elseif case == 'mounted' then
		return 'mounted on ' .. group
		return group
-- order of nominal groups
function p.grouporder(maingroup, overgroup, ongroup, mountedgroup) -- order of the various parts ("on canvas" before or after the rest...)
	return maingroup .. ' ' .. overgroup .. ' ' .. ongroup .. ' ' .. mountedgroup 

p.declension = {  -- no declensions in English. See Polish for a language with declensions
	['default'] = nil,
	['on'] = nil,
	['over'] = nil,
	['mounted'] = nil,

-- dictionaries
p.nouns = {
['abalone']          = 'abalone',
['accumulator']      = 'accumulator',
['acetate']          = {link = 'en:Cellulose acetate', default = 'acetate'},
['acrylic']          = 'acrylic',
['acrylic glass']    = 'acrylic glass',
['alcohol']          = 'alcohol',
['aleppo pine']      = 'Aleppo pine',
['amethysts']        = 'amethysts',
['antler']           = 'deer antler',
['aquatint (sepia)'] = 'sepia-toned aquatint print', -- needed by a batch upload
['arolla pine']      = 'Swiss Pine',
['art']              = 'art',
['artist\'s board']  = 'art board',
['artwork']          = 'artwork',
['ash']              = {link = 'en:Fraxinus', default = 'ash'},
['autotype']         = 'autotype',
['backed canvas']    = 'backed canvas',
['background']       = 'background',
['base']             = 'base',
['beads']            = 'beads',
['birds']            = 'birds',
['black crayon']     = 'black crayon',
['black ink']        = 'black ink',
['black pencil']     = 'black pencil',
['board']            = 'board',
['brass and copper inlay'] = 'brass and copper inlay',
['bristol board']    = 'bristol board',
['burin']            = 'burin',
['cabochons']        = 'cabochons',
['canvas panel']     = 'canvas panel',
['caoutchouc']       = 'caoutchouc',
['card stock']       = 'pasteboard',
['cardboard panel']  = 'cardboard panel',
['carton']           = 'carton',
['chlorite']         = 'chlorite',
['cloisonne']        = 'cloisonné enamel',
['collodion silver'] = 'collodion silver',
['color']            = 'color',
['color woodcut']    = 'woodblock color print',
['colors']           = 'colors',
['conte crayons']    = 'Conté crayons',
['copper plate']     = 'copper plate',
['cream wove paper'] = {link = 'en:Wove paper', default = 'cream wove paper'},
['cut-paper work']   = 'paper cut',
['diamonds']         = 'diamonds',
['drawings']         = 'drawings',
['dry plate']        = 'dry plate',
['dry plate collodion'] = 'dry plate collodion',
['elk']              = 'elk hide',
['elk hide']         = 'elk hide',
['emeralds']         = 'emeralds',
['enamel']           = 'enamel',
['enamels']          = 'enamels',
['etched contour']   = {link = 'en:Etching', default = 'etching print'},
['fabric']           = 'fabric',
['feather']          = 'feathers',
['feathers']         = 'feathers',
['filmstrip']        = 'Filmstrip',
['fittings']         = 'fittings', -- rather vague
['frame']            = 'frame',
['fresco transferred to canvas'] = 'fresco transferred to canvas',
['gemstones']        = 'gemstones',
['gilt']             = {link = 'en:Gilding', default = 'gilt'},
['gilt brass']       = '[[:en:Gilding|gilt]] [[:en:Brass|brass]]',
['gilt bronze']      = '[[:en:Gilding|gilt]] [[:en:Bronze|bronze]]',
['gilt silver']      = {link = 'en:Silver-gilt', default = 'gilt silver'},
['glass beads']      = 'glass pearls',
['glazes']           = 'glazes',
['glue-size']        = {link = 'en:Glue-size'},
['gnathia style']    = {link = 'en:Gnathia vases', default = 'Gnathia style'},
['gouache paint']    = 'gouache',
['gypsum alabaster'] = 'gypsum alabaster',
['illumination']     = 'illumination',
['ink wash']         = 'ink wash',
['inks']             = 'inks',
['intaglio']         = 'intaglio',
['lacquered iron']   = 'lacquered iron',
['lime']             = 'lime', -- problematic for being both a type of wood and a material
['lime wood']        = 'linden wood',
['line engraving']   = 'line engraving',
['miniature']        = 'miniature',
['oak wood']         = 'oak wood',
['oil']              = 'oil',
['painted plaster']  = 'painted plaster',
['panelcanvas']      = 'panel transferred to canvas',
['paper mounted on canvas'] = 'paper mounted on canvas',
['paper mounted on cardboard'] = 'paper mounted on cardboard',
['pearls']           = 'pearls',
['photolithography'] = 'photolithography',
['pietra dura']      = 'pietre dure',
['pigments']         = 'pigments',
['pine wood']        = 'pine wood',
['precious coral']   = 'precious coral',
['quartz frit']      = 'quartz frit',
['rag paper']        = 'rag paper',
['relief']           = 'relief',
['repoussé']         = '[[:en:Repoussé and chasing|repoussé]] [[:en:Silver|silver]]',
['repoussé silver']  = '[[:en:Repoussé and chasing|repoussé]] [[:en:Silver|silver]]',
['reserving']        = 'reserving',
['ripolin']          = {link = 'en:Ripolin', default = 'Ripolin'}, -- brand name
['rose granite']     = 'rose granite',
['rubies']           = 'rubies',
['sacrificial matters'] = 'sacrificial matters',
['sapphires']        = 'sapphires',
['seeds']            = 'seeds',
['sequins']          = 'sequins',
['serpentine']       = 'serpentine',
['shell limestone']  = 'shell limestone',
['siliceous ceramic'] = 'siliceous ceramic',
['silver and black paste inlay'] = 'silver and black paste inlay',
['silver and brass inlay'] = 'silver and brass inlay',
['silver and copper inlay'] = 'silver and copper inlay',
['silver and gold inlay'] = 'silver and gold inlay',
['silver stain']     = 'silver-stain',
['slide']            = 'slide',
['slipware']         = 'slipware',
['smalt']            = 'smalt',
['spruce wood']      = 'spruce wood',
['stereophotography'] = 'stereo photography',
['stones']           = 'stones',
['synthetic materials'] = 'synthetic materials',
['tan wove paper']   = {link = 'en:Wove paper', default = 'tan wove paper'},
['teeth']            = 'teeth',
['thassos marble']   = 'Thasos marble',
['tinplate']         = 'tin plate',
['tooled gold']      = 'tooled gold',
['tree fungus']      = 'tree-fungus',
['turquoises']       = 'turquoises',
['unknown']          = 'unknown',
['walnut']           = 'walnut wood',
['wash']             = 'wash',
['water-base paint'] = 'water-based pigments',
['wet plate collodion'] = 'wet plate collodion',
['whalebone']        = 'whale bone',
['white-ground']     = 'white ground',
['wickerwork']       = 'wickerwork',
['willow wood']      = 'willow',
['wood carving']     = 'woodcarving',
['wood chessboard']  = 'wood chessboard',
['wooden core']      = 'wooden core',

p.adjectives = {
['amethyst']         = 'amethyst',
['backed']           = 'backed',
['beige']            = 'beige',
['black']            = 'black',
['black and white']  = 'black and white', -- needed for photographs
['blown']            = 'blown',
['blue']             = 'blue',
['blue-gray']        = 'blue-gray',
['braided']          = 'braided',
['brown']            = 'brown',
['buff']             = 'buff',
['carved']           = 'carved',
['cast']             = '[[:en:Casting|cast]]',
['champleve']        = 'champlevé',
['charred']          = 'charred',
['chased']           = 'chased',
['cloisonne']        = 'cloisonné',
['cobalt blue']      = 'cobalt blue',
['coined']           = 'coined',
['color']            = 'color',
['colored']          = 'colored',
['colorless']        = 'colorless',
['combed']           = 'combed',
['cream-colored']    = 'cream-colored',
['damascened']       = 'damascened',
['dark']             = 'dark',
['double']           = 'double',
['embossed']         = 'embossed',
['enameled']         = 'enameled',
['enameled and gilded'] = 'enameled and gilded',
['engraved']         = 'engraved',
['ferrous']          = '[[:en:ferrous|ferrous]]',
['gilded']           = 'gilded',
['glazed']           = 'glazed',
['gold-plated']      = 'gold-plated',
['gray']             = 'gray',
['gray-brown']       = 'gray-brown',
['gray-green']       = 'gray-green',
['green']            = 'green',
['guilloched']       = 'guilloched',
['hammered']         = 'hammered',
['hand-colored']     = 'hand-colored',
['hollow-cast']      = 'hollow-cast',
['incised']          = 'incised',
['inlaid']           = 'inlaid',
['ivory']            = 'ivory',
['lacquered']        = 'lacquered',
['light']            = 'light',
['light green']      = 'light green',
['marbled']          = 'marbled',
['metallic']         = 'metallic',
['mineral']          = 'mineral',
['mold-blown']       = 'mold-blown',
['molded']           = 'molded',
['nielloed']         = 'nielloed',
['non-ferrous']      = '[[:en:Non-ferrous metal|non-ferrous]]',
['opacified']        = 'opacified',
['opaque']           = 'opaque',
['openwork']         = 'openwork',
['orange']           = 'orange',
['overglaze']        = 'overglaze',
['painted']          = 'painted',
['pale blue']        = 'pale blue',
['pale green']       = 'pale green',
['partially gilt']   = 'partially gilt',
['pinched']          = 'pinched',
['pink']             = 'pink',
['plique-a-jour']    = 'plique-à-jour',
['polished']         = 'polished',
['polychrome']       = 'polychrome',
['printed']          = 'printed',
['purple']           = 'purple',
['red']              = 'red',
['reddish']          = 'reddish',
['repousse']         = 'repoussé',
['retouched']        = 'retouched',
['sculpted']         = 'sculpted',
['sepia']            = 'sepia',
['silver']           = 'silver',
['silver-plated']    = 'silver-plated',
['silvered']         = '[[:en:Silvering|silvered]]',
['stenciled']        = 'stenciled',
['struck']           = 'struck',
['tan']              = 'tan',
['tan-gray']         = 'tan-gray',
['thick']            = 'thick',
['tin-glazed']       = 'tin-glazed',
['transparent']      = 'transparent',
['turned']           = 'turned',
['turquoise']        = 'turquoise',
['underglaze']       = 'underglaze',
['unglazed']         = 'unglazed',
['varnished']        = 'varnished',
['violet']           = 'violet',
['wheelcut']         = 'wheelcut',
['white']            = 'white',
['yellow']           = 'yellow',

return p