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local p = {}

-- syntax for individual nominal groups

-- dictionaries
p.nouns = {
-- ['abalone'] = {d=Q190093 for the animal, AAT =300011833 for the shell}
-- move to i18n/objects ['accumulator'] = 'accumulator',
 ['acrylic'] = {d='Q207849' , AAT = '300015058'},
 ['actinolite'] = {d= 'Q104692', AAT = nil},
 ['agate'] = {d= 'Q123314', AAT = '300011135'},
 ['alabaster'] = {d= 'Q143447', AAT = '300011101'},
 ['album leaf'] = {d= nil, AAT = nil},
 ['albumen print'] = {d= 'Q580807' , AAT = '300127121'},
 ['aluminium'] = {d= 'Q663', AAT = '300011015'},
 ['amber'] = {d= 'Q25381', AAT = '300015058'}, -- for the object
 ['ambrotype'] = {d= 'Q459832', AAT ='300127186'}, -- for the object, '300137324' for the technique 
 ['amethyst'] = {d= 'Q79058', AAT = '300011133'},
--  ['amethysts'] = 'amethysts', plural of the above
 ['amphibolite'] = {d= 'Q335239', AAT = nil},
 ['antimony'] = {d= 'Q1099', '300011017'},
--  ['antique laid paper'] = 'antique laid paper', == Antique + laid paper ?
 ['antler'] = {d= 'Q834007', d = '300011796'},
 ['aogai'] = {d= 'Q15972181', d = nil},
 ['aqua marine'] = {d= 'Q58959', q = '300011073'}, 
 ['aquatint'] = {q='Q473236', AAT= '300041366'},
 ['aragonite'] = {d='Q23775' , AAT = '300380466'},
 ['argyrotype'] = {d= 'Q652970', AAT= nil},
 ['arkose'] = {d='Q673812' ,AAT = '300011396'}, --" AAT:	feldspathic sandstone"
 ['art board'] = {q='Q14934005',  AAT = nil}, -- given as a synonym of AAT: 300014224 (cardboard, but cardboard is Q389782
-- ['art'] = 'art',
-- ['artwork'] = 'artwork',
 ['asbestos cement'] = {d='Q131628', AAT= '300010367'},-- French article matches, English seems to have broader meaning
 ['autochrome'] = {d= 'Q355674' , AAT = '300138292'}, --AAT = 300138292 for the object, AAT = 300053470 for the process
 ['azulejo'] = {d= 'Q3179385', AAT = '300010723'},
-- ['backed canvas'] = 'backed canvas',  -- = monted on canvas ? 
-- ['background'] = 'background',
 ['bakelite'] = {d='Q146578'},
 ['bamboo'] = {d='Q35922'},
 ['barbotine'] = {d='Q3322690', AAT='300257360'}, 
 ['bark'] = {d='Q184453'},
 ['basalt'] = {d='Q43338'},
-- ['base'] = 'base', ??
 ['bas-relief'] = {d='Q14562306', AAT= '300053623'}, -- for technique, 300184633 for object
 ['basswood'] = 'basswood',
 ['bead'] = 'bead',
-- ['beads'] = 'beads', plural of the above
 ['bear fur'] = {d=nil, AAT =nil},
 ['beaver board'] = {d='Q3155607'},
 ['beech wood'] = 'beech wood',
-- ['beetle wings'] = 'beetle wings',
 ['beryl'] = {d='Q103480'},
 ['billon'] = {d='Q911380'},
 ['birch wood'] = {d='Q865564', AAT='Q865564'},
-- ['birds'] = 'birds',
 ['biscuit porcelain'] = {AAT = '300242297'},
 ['bistre'] = {d="Q774061",  AAT = '300013351'},
 ['bitumen'] = {d='Q167510'},
 ['black chalk'] = {AAT = '300080058'},
-- ['black crayon'] = 'black crayon', adj = black + crayon ?
-- ['black ink'] = 'black ink', China ink, adj=black + ink
-- ['black paste inlay'] = 'black paste inlay',
--  ['black paste'] = 'black paste', what's that [[:en:Black bean past]] ? :-]
-- ['black pencil'] = 'black pencil', adj = black + pencil
 ['black-figure pottery'] = '[[w:black-figure pottery|black-figure ceramic]]',
 ['blood jasper'] = 'blood jasper',
 ['blood'] = {d='Q7873'},
 ['bloodstone'] = 'bloodstone',
 ['blown glass'] = 'blown glass',
 ['board'] = 'board',
 ['bodycolor'] = {d= 'Q1427865'},
 ['bone'] = {d='Q265868'},
 ['boxwood'] = 'boxwood',
-- ['brass and copper'] = 'brass and copper inlay',
-- ['brass inlay'] = 'brass inlay',
 ['brass'] = 'brass',
 ['brick'] = {d='Q40089'},
 ['bristol board'] = {d='Q2916879'},
 ['broadcloth'] = {d='Q1866550', AAT = nil},
 ['bronze'] = {d='Q34095', AAT='300010957'}, 
 ['brush drawing'] = 'brush drawing',
 ['brush'] = 'brush',
 ['bucchero'] = {d='Q683238', AAT ='300020501' }, -- AAT for bucherro ware, see also 300387149
 ['burin'] = 'burin',
 ['burlap'] = {d='Q911285'},
 ['burr elm'] = 'burr elm',
 ['cable'] = 'cable',
 ['calcite alabaster'] = 'calcite alabaster',
 ['calcite'] = {d='Q171917'},
 ['calotype'] = {d='Q372431'},
 ['canvas board'] = 'canvas board',
 ['canvas panel'] = 'canvas panel',
 ['canvas'] = {d='Q4259259', AAT= '300014078'},
 ['carbon pencil'] = 'carbon pencil',
 ['cardboard panel'] = 'cardboard panel',
 ['cardboard'] = 'cardboard',
 ['carnelian'] = {d=Q324369},
 ['carob wood'] = 'carob wood',
 ['carrara marble'] = {d='Q40088'},
 ['cast iron'] = {d='Q483269'},
 ['cedar wood'] = {d='Q5056949'},
 ['ceramic'] = {d='Q45621'},
 ['chalcedony'] = {d='Q170448'},
 ['chalk'] = {d='Q183670'},
 ['chamois leather'] = '[[w:Chamois leather|chamois leather]]',
 ['charcoal'] = '[[w:charcoal#Art|charcoal]]',
 ['chert'] = {d='Q1070438'},
 ['chifon '] = {d='Q691189'},
 ['china paper'] = {d='Q15972192', AAT='300183651'},  -- the AAT description is a bit different from [[:fr:Papier de Chine]]
 ['chine collé paper'] = {d='Q5100344'},
 ['chinese white'] = 'Chinese white',
 ['chlorite'] = 'chlorite',
 ['chrome'] = 'chrome',
 ['chromolithograph'] = 'chromolithograph',
 ['chrysoprase'] ={d='Q104614'},
 ['chûban'] = {d='Q15972199'}, -- a format, not really a technique
 ['cinnabar'] = {d='Q104614'},
 ['clay paste'] = 'clay paste',
 ['clay pottery'] = 'clay pottery',
 ['clay'] = 'clay',
 ['cloisonné enamel'] = 'cloisonné enamel',
 ['cloth'] = 'cloth',
 ['coarse-grain marble'] = 'coarse-grain marble',
 ['collage'] = 'collage',
 ['collodion silver'] = 'collodion silver',
 ['collotype'] = {d='Q1572315'},
 ['color lithograph'] = 'color lithograph',
 ['color pencil'] = 'color pencil',
 ['color'] = 'color',
 ['colors'] = 'colors',
 ['composition board'] = 'composition board',
 ['concrete'] = 'concrete',
 ['coniferous wood'] = 'coniferous wood',
 ['conté crayon'] = 'conté crayons',
 ['conté crayons'] = 'conté crayon',
 ['copper alloy'] = 'copper alloy',
 ['copper beech wood'] = 'copper beech wood',
 ['copper engraving'] = {d='Q10859101'},
 ['copper inlay'] = 'copper inlay',
 ['copper plate'] = 'copper plate',
 ['copper'] = {d='Q753'},
 ['coral'] = {d='Q171446'},
 ['cotton cheesecloth'] = {d='Q2621157'},
 ['cotton'] = {d='Q11457'},
 ['cradled panel'] = 'cradled panel',
 ['crayon'] = {d='Q69158'},
 ['cryptomeria wood'] = '[[:en:cryptomeria|cryptomeria wood]]',
 ['crystal'] = 'crystal',
 ['cyanotype'] = {d='Q372532'},
 ['cypress wood'] = 'cypress wood',
 ['daguerreotype'] = 'daguerreotype',
 ['damascus steel'] = 'Damascus steel',
 ['damask'] = 'damask',
 ['deckle'] = 'laid paper',
 ['decoration'] = 'decoration',
 ['deer antler'] = 'deer antler',
 ['dentalium shell'] = '[[:en:Dentalium shell|dentalium]]',
 ['diamond'] ={d='Q5283'},
 ['diamonds'] = 'diamonds',
 ['digital color photograph'] = 'digital color photograph',
 ['digital photograph'] = 'digital photograph',
 ['diorite'] = 'diorite',
 ['distemper'] ={d='Q1169888'},
 ['drawing'] = 'drawing',
 ['drawings'] = 'drawings',
 ['dry plate collodion'] = 'dry plate collodion',
 ['dry plate'] = 'dry plate',
 ['drybrush'] = '[[:en:Drybrush|drybrush]]',
 ['drypoint'] = '[[w:drypoint|drypoint]]',
 ['earthenware'] = 'earthenware',
 ['ebony'] = 'ebony',
 ['eclogite'] = '[[w:eclogite|eclogite]]',
 ['egg tempera'] = 'egg tempera',
 ['electrum'] = 'electrum',
 ['elephant ivory'] = 'elephant ivory',
 ['elm wood'] = 'elm wood',
 ['embroidery'] = 'embroidery',
 ['emerald'] = {d='Q43513'},
 ['emeralds'] = 'emeralds',
 ['enamel paint'] = {d= 'Q2386424'},
 ['enamel'] = 'enamel',
 ['enamels'] = 'enamels',
 ['encaustic painting'] = '[[:en:Encaustic painting|encaustic painting]]',
 ['encaustic'] = 'encaustic',
 ['engraving'] = '[[w:engraving|engraving]] -- see also copper engraving, steel engraving, wood engraving',
 ['etching'] = '[[w:etching|etching]]',
 ['european ash wood'] = '[[w:european ash|ash]]',
 ['european beech'] = 'European beech',
 ['fabric'] = 'fabric',
 ['faience'] = 'faience',
 ['feathers'] = 'feathers',
 ['fiberboard'] = 'fiberboard',
 ['filigree'] = 'filigree',
 ['fine-grain marble'] = 'fine-grain marble',
 ['fir panel'] = 'fir panel',
 ['fir wood'] = 'fir wood',
 ['fir'] = 'fir',
 ['flint'] = 'flint',
 ['forging'] = 'forging',
 ['frame'] = 'frame',
 ['fresco transferred to canvas'] = 'fresco transferred to canvas',
 ['fresco'] = 'fresco',
 ['frit'] = 'frit',
 ['fritware'] = '[[:en:fritware|fritware]]',
 ['fur'] = 'fur',
 ['garnet'] = 'garnet',
 ['gelatin dry glass plate negative '] = ' gelatin dry glass plate negative -- seems to be used mostyly be the Brookllyn Museum -->',
 ['gelatin silver print '] = ' [[:en:gelatin silver print|gelatin silver print]]',
 ['gem'] = 'gem',
 ['gems'] = 'gems',
 ['gemstones'] = 'gemstones',
 ['gemtones'] = 'gemstone',
 ['gesso'] = {d=Q1514256, },
 ['gilding'] = 'gilding',
 ['gilt bronze'] = 'gilt bronze',
 ['gilt'] = 'gilt',
 ['glass paste'] = 'glass paste',
 ['glass plate negative'] = 'glass plate negative',
 ['glass tubing'] = 'glass tubing',
 ['glass'] = 'glass',
 ['glaze'] = 'glaze',
 ['glazes'] = 'glazes',
 ['glue-size'] = '[[:en:glue-size]]',
 ['gnathia style'] = '[[:en:Gnathia vases|Gnathia style]]',
 ['goatskin'] = '[[w:Goatskin (material)|goatskin]]',
 ['gofun'] = 'gofun',
 ['gold inlay'] = 'gold inlay',
 ['gold leaf'] = {d='Q929186'},
 ['gold thread'] = 'gold thread',
 ['gold'] = {d='Q897'},
 ['gouache'] = {d= 'Q204330'},
 ['graffiti'] = {d='Q17514'},
 ['grandiorite'] ={d='Q215690'},
 ['granodiorite '] = ' granodiorite',
 ['graph paper'] = 'graph paper',
 ['graphite pencil'] = 'graphite pencil',
 ['graphite'] = 'graphite',
 ['gravel'] = 'gravel',
 ['graywacke'] = {d='Q917545'},
 ['grease crayon'] = {d='Q2440506'},
 ['greek insular marble'] = 'Greek insular marble',
 ['greek marble'] = 'Greek marble',
 ['greenstone (archaeology) '] = {d='Q5604583'},
 ['greenstone '] = ' greenstone (note: ambiguous term)',
 ['grisaille'] = {d='Q750197'},
 ['gros de tours'] = {d='Q15972206'},
 ['gum arabic'] = {d='Q535814'},
 ['gum'] = 'gum',
 ['gypsum alabaster'] = 'gypsum alabaster',
 ['gypsum'] = 'gypsum',
 ['hair'] = 'hair',
 ['hand scroll'] = 'handscroll -- 手捲 similar to "makimono" but it seems better no to use a Japanese term for Chinese paintings -->',
 ['hanging scroll'] = {d='Q2188827'}, -- similar to kakejiku|kakemono but it seems better no to use a Japanese term for Chinese paintings -->',
 ['hard-paste porcelain'] = 'hard-paste porcelain',
 ['heliography'] = {d='Q1414342'},
 ['hematite'] = 'hematite',
 ['hemp'] = 'hemp',
 ['hide'] = 'hide',
 ['high relief'] = 'high relief',
 ['highlight'] = 'hightlight',
 ['hippopotamus ivory'] = 'hippopotamus ivory ',
 ['horn'] = 'horn',
 ['hosoban'] = 'hosoban',
 ['hymettus marble'] = 'Hymettus marble',
 ['illumination'] = 'illumination',
 ['illustration board'] = 'illustration board',
 ['india ink wash'] = 'India ink wash',
 ['india ink'] = 'Indian ink',
 ['ink wash'] = 'ink wash',
 ['ink'] = {d='Q127418'},
 ['inks'] = 'inks',
 ['iron alloy'] = 'iron alloy',
 ['iron gall ink'] = {d='Q740353'},
 ['iron'] = 'iron',
 ['italic marble'] = 'Italic marble',
 ['ivory'] = 'ivory',
 ['jacinth'] = 'jacinth',
 ['jade'] = 'jade',
 ['jadeite'] = 'jadeite',
 ['japan paper'] = {d='Q3362869'},
 ['jasper'] = 'jasper',
 ['jute'] = 'jute',
 ['kakejiku'] = {d='Q277583'},
 ['kirikane'] = '[[:en:kirikane|kirikane]]',
 ['korean paper'] = {d='Q1203873'},
 ['lace'] = 'lace',
 ['lacquer'] = 'lacquer',
 ['laid paper'] = {d='Q1513685'},
 ['lampas'] = '[[:en:lampas|lampas]]',
 ['lapis albanus'] = "''lapis albanus'' ([[:en:peperino]])",
 ['lapis lazuli'] = {d='Q216798'},
 ['lead glass'] = 'lead glass',
 ['lead'] = 'lead',
 ['leather'] = ' leather',
 ['leggotype'] = 'leggotype',
 ['letterpress'] = '[[:en:Letterpress printing|letterpress print]]',
 ['lignum vitae'] = '[[:en:lignum vitae|lignum vitae]]',
 ['lime wood'] = 'linden wood',
 ['limestone'] = 'limestone',
 ['linden wood'] = 'linden wood',
 ['line engraving'] = 'line engraving',
 ['linen'] = 'linen',
 ['linocut'] = 'linocut',
 ['lithograph'] = 'lithograph',
 ['lithotint'] = 'lithotint',
 ['lost-wax casting'] = '[[:en:Lost-wax casting|lost-wax casting]]',
 ['luster'] = '[[:en:Lusterware|lustre]]',
 ['luster-paint'] = 'luster-paint',
 ['lusterware'] = '[[:en:Lusterware|lusterware]]',
 ['magnetite'] = {d='Q181395'},
 ['mahogany panel'] = 'mahogany panel',
 ['mahogany panel'] = 'mahogany panel',
 ['mahogany wood'] = 'mahogany wood',
 ['mail'] = 'mail',
 ['majolica'] = 'majolica',
 ['mammoth ivory'] = 'mammoth ivory',
 ['manuscript'] = {d='Q87167'};
 ['maple wood'] = 'maple wood',
 ['marble'] = 'marble',
 ['marquetry'] = '[[:en:Marquetry|marquetry]]',
 ['masonite'] = {d='Q1808397'},
 ['medium-grain marble'] = 'medium-grain marble',
 ['metal sheet'] = 'metal sheet',
 ['metal'] = {d='Q11426'},
 ['metallic paint'] = {d= 'Q1427865'},
 ['metallic thread'] = 'metallic thread',
 ['mezzotint'] = {d='Q731980'},
 ['mica'] = {d='Q114675'},
 ['milk glass'] = {d='Q1543091'},
 ['millboard'] = 'millboard',
 ['miniature'] = 'miniature',
 ['mixed media'] = 'mixed media',
 ['mixed technique'] = 'mixed technique',
 ['molded glass'] = 'molded glass',
 ['monotype'] = 'monotype',
 ['mosaic'] = 'mosaic',
 ['moulding'] = 'moulding',
 ['mudstone'] = 'mudstone',
 ['mulberry paper'] = 'mulberry paper',
 ['mural'] = 'mural',
 ['nacre'] = 'nacre',
 ['neon tubing'] = 'neon tubing',
 ['nephrite'] = {d='Q138979'},
 ['newsprint'] = 'newsprint',
 ['nickel silver'] = '[[:en:Nickel silver|nickel silver]]',
 ['nicolo'] = 'nicolo',
 ['niello'] = 'niello',
 ['nut'] = 'nut panel',
 ['oak board'] = 'oak board',
 ['oak panel'] = 'oak panel',
 ['oak wood'] = 'oak wood',
 ['oak'] = 'oak',
 ['obsidian'] = 'obsidian',
 ['oil shale'] = 'oil shale',
 ['oil'] = {d= 'Q296955'},
 ['oilcloth'] = 'oilcloth',
 ['onyx'] = ' onyx',
 ['opaque watercolor'] = 'opaque watercolor',
 ['opus tessellatum'] = '[[w:opus tessellatum|opus tessellatum]]',
 ['orichalcum'] = ' [[:en:orichalcum|orichalcum]]',
 ['ormolu'] = '[[:en:ormolu|ormolu]]',
 ['outline'] = 'outline',
 ['overlay glass'] = 'overlay glass',
 ['paint'] = 'paint',
 ['painted plaster'] = 'painted plaster',
 ['painting'] = 'painting',
 ['panel'] = 'panel',
 ['panelcanvas'] = 'panel transferred to canvas',
 ['pannotype'] = 'pannotype',
 ['paper mounted on canvas'] = 'paper mounted on canvas',
 ['paper mounted on cardboard'] = 'paper mounted on cardboard',
 ['paper'] = 'paper',
 ['paperboard'] = 'paperboard',
 ['papier-mâché'] = '[[:en:papier-mâché|papier-mâché]]',
 ['parchment'] = 'parchment',
 ['parian marble'] = 'Parian marble',
 ['paros marble'] = 'Parian marble',
 ['pasteboard'] = 'pasteboard',
 ['pastel'] = 'pastel',
 ['patina'] = 'patina',
 ['pavonazzetto marble'] = 'pavonazzetto marble',
 ['pear wood'] = 'pear wood',
 ['pearl'] = 'pearl',
 ['pearls'] = 'pearls',
 ['pebble'] = '[[:en:pebble|pebble]]',
 ['pen drawing'] = 'pen drawing',
 ['pen'] = 'pen',
 ['pencil drawing'] = 'pencil drawing',
 ['pencil'] = 'pencil',
 ['pentelic marble'] = 'Pentelic marble',
 ['peridot'] = 'peridot',
 ['petroglyph'] = '[[:en:Petroglyph|petrogliph]]',
 ['photograph'] = 'photograph',
 ['photo-lithograph'] = 'photolithograph',
 ['pietra dura'] = '[[:en:pietra dura|pietre dure]]',
 ['pigment'] = 'pigment',
 ['pigments'] = 'pigments',
 ['pine panel'] = 'pine panel',
 ['pine wood'] = 'pine wood',
 ['plaster'] = 'plaster',
 ['plastic'] = 'plastic',
 ['platinum'] = {d='Q880'},
 ['plique-à-jour enamel'] = ' [[:en:Plique-à-jour|Plique-à-jour enamel]]',
 ['plywood'] = 'plywood',
 ['polychromy'] = 'polychromy',
 ['polyester resin'] = 'polyester resin',
 ['poplar wood'] = 'poplar wood',
 ['porcelain'] = 'porcelain',
 ['porphyry'] = 'porphyry',
 ['pottery'] = 'pottery',
 ['print'] = '[[w:old master print|print]]',
 ['printed matter'] = {d='Q1261026'},
 ['proconnesian marble'] = 'Proconnesian marble',
 ['pulpboard'] = 'pulpboard',
 ['quartz frit'] = 'quartz frit',
 ['quartz'] = 'quartz',
 ['quartzite'] = 'quartzite',
 ['rag paper'] = 'rag paper',
 ['rattan'] = 'rattan',
 ['rayskin'] = 'rayskin',
 ['red-figure pottery'] = '[[w:red-figure pottery|red-figure ceramic]]',
 ['reed pen'] = 'reed pen',
 ['reindeer antler'] = 'reindeer antler',
 ['relief intarsia'] = 'relief intarsia',
 ['relief'] = 'relief',
 ['reserving'] = 'reserving',
 ['resin'] = 'resin',
 ['rice paper'] = {d='Q1066536'},
 ['rock crystal'] = 'rock crystal',
 ['rock painting'] = '[[:en:Cave painting|rock painting]]',
 ['rose granite'] = 'rose granite',
 ['rosewood'] = 'rosewood',
 ['rubies'] = 'rubies',
 ['ruby'] = {d='Q43088'},
 ['sacking'] = 'sacking',
 ['sacrificial matter'] = 'sacrificial matter',
 ['sacrificial matters'] = 'sacrificial matters',
 ['saint-leu stone'] = 'Saint-Leu stone  -- a kind of stone used in the Palace of Versailles',
 ['sandstone'] = {d='Q13085'},
 ['sanguine'] = 'sanguine',
 ['sapphire'] = {d='Q127583'},
 ['sapphires'] = 'sapphires',
 ['sard'] = 'sard',
 ['sardonyx'] = 'sardonyx',
 ['satin'] = 'satin',
 ['schist '] = ' schist',
 ['screen-printing'] = 'screen-printing',
 ['sculpture in the round'] = ' sculpture in the round',
 ['sculpture'] = 'sculpture',
 ['seeds'] = 'seeds',
 ['sentoku '] = ' sentoku (yellow bronze)',
 ['sepia ink'] = 'sepia ink',
 ['sequins'] = '[[w:sequins|sequins]]',
 ['serpentine'] = 'serpentine',
 ['shakudō'] = '[[w:shakudō|shakudō]]',
 ['shea wood'] = 'shea wood',
 ['shell limestone'] = 'shell limestone',
 ['shell'] = 'shell',
 ['shibuichi '] = '[[w:shibuichi|shibuichi]]',
 ['silhouette'] = '[[:en:Silhouette|silhouette]]',
 ['siliceous ceramic'] = 'siliceous ceramic',
 ['silk'] = 'silk',
 ['sillimanite'] = {d='Q119632'},
 ['silver albumen photograph'] = 'silver albumen photograph',
 ['silver and black paste inlay'] = 'silver and black paste inlay',
 ['silver and brass inlay'] = 'silver and brass inlay',
 ['silver and copper inlay'] = 'silver and copper inlay',
 ['silver and gold inlay'] = 'silver and gold inlay',
 ['silver cardboard'] = 'silver cardboard',
 ['silver inlay'] = 'silver inlay',
 ['silver thread'] = 'silver thread',
 ['silver'] = {d='Q1090'},
 ['silver-gilt'] = '[[w:silver-gilt|silver-gilt]]',
 ['silver-stain'] = 'silver-stain',
 ['six\'s technique'] = {d='Q1760480'},
 ['slate'] = 'slate',
 ['slip'] = '[[w:Slip (ceramics)|slip]]',
 ['slipware'] = 'slipware',
 ['smalt'] = '[[:en:smalt|smalt]]',
 ['soft-paste porcelain'] = 'soft-paste porcelain',
 ['spruce wood'] = 'spruce wood',
 ['stained glass'] = 'stained glass',
 ['stainless steel'] = 'stainless steel',
 ['steatite'] = {d='Q707896'},
 ['steel engraving'] = {d='Q482097'},
 ['steel plate'] = 'steel plate',
 ['steel wool'] = {d='Q925477'},
 ['steel'] = {d='Q11427'},
 ['stereophotography'] = 'stereo photography',
 ['sterling silver'] = 'sterling silver',
 ['stone paste'] = 'stone paste',
 ['stone'] = 'stone',
 ['stones'] = 'stones',
 ['stoneware'] = 'stoneware',
 ['stucco'] = 'stucco',
 ['stump'] = '[[w:stump (drawing)|stump]]',
 ['sunstone'] = 'sunstone',
 ['surimono'] = {d='Q2094039'},
 ['swiss pine'] = '[[w:Swiss Pine|Swiss Pine]]',
 ['synnada marble'] = 'Synnada marble',
 ['taffeta'] = '[[w:taffeta|taffeta]]',
 ['tapestry'] = 'tapestry',
 ['teeth'] = 'teeth',
 ['tempera'] = 'tempera',
 ['terracotta'] = 'terracotta',
 ['tin plate'] = 'tin plate',
 ['tin'] ={d='Q1096'},
 ['tintype'] = 'tintype',
 ['tooled gold'] = 'tooled gold',
 ['topaz'] = {d='Q134985'},
 ['tracing paper'] = {d='Q1143474'},
 ['transparent paper'] = 'transparent paper',
 ['transparent watercolor'] = 'transparent watercolor -- AAT: 300053363',
 ['travertine'] = {d='Q187156'},
 ['tree-fungus'] = 'tree-fungus',
 ['tufa'] = 'tufa',
 ['tulle netting'] = '[[w:tulle netting|tulle]]',
 ['turquoise'] = {d='Q165254'},
 ['turquoises'] = 'turquoises',
 ['varnish'] = 'varnish',
 ['vellum'] = 'vellum',
 ['velvet'] = 'velvet',
 ['verre églomisé'] ={d='Q3556065'},
 ['volcanic stone'] = 'volcanic stone',
 ['walnut wood'] = 'walnut',
 ['walrus ivory'] = 'walrus ivory',
 ['wash painting'] = 'wash painting ',
 ['wash'] = 'wash',
 ['water-based pigments'] = 'water-based pigments',
 ['watercolor'] = {d= 'Q50030', AAT='300015045' },
-- ['wax crayon'] = 'wax crayon',
 ['wax'] = 'wax',
 ['wet plate collodion'] = 'wet plate collodion',
 ['wet-collodion negative'] = 'wet-collodion negative',
 ['whalebone'] = 'whale bone',
 ['white-ground'] = {d='Q763709'},
 ['wickerwork'] = 'wickerwork',
 ['wire'] = 'wire',
 ['wood carving'] = 'wood carving',
 ['wood engraving'] = 'wood engraving',
 ['wood panel'] = 'wood panel',
 ['wood'] = 'wood',
 ['woodblock color print'] = 'woodblock color print',
 ['woodblock print'] = 'woodblock print',
 ['woodcut'] = {d='Q173242'},
 ['wooden core'] = 'wooden core',
 ['wool'] = 'wool',
 ['woolen'] = '[[w:woolen|woolen]]',
 ['wove paper'] = 'wove paper',
 ['wrought iron'] = '[[:en:Wrought iron|wrought iron]]',
 ['yew wood'] = 'yew wood',
 ['yoko-e'] = '[[:en:List of ukiyo-e terms|yoko-e]]',
 ['zinc alloy'] = 'zinc alloy',

p.adjectives = {
 ['amethyst'] = 'amethyst',
 ['beige'] = 'beige',
 ['black'] = 'black',
 ['blown'] = 'blown',
 ['blue'] = 'blue',
 ['braided'] = 'braided',
 ['brown'] = 'brown',
 ['calcite'] = 'calcite',
 ['carved'] = 'carved',
 ['cast'] = 'cast',
 ['chased'] = 'chased',
 ['cobalt blue'] = 'cobalt blue',
 ['color'] = 'color',
 ['colored'] = 'colored',
 ['colorless'] = 'colorless',
 ['combed'] = 'combed',
 ['cream-color'] = 'cream-colored',
 ['dark'] = 'dark',
 ['double'] = 'double',
 ['embossed'] = 'embossed',
 ['enameled'] = 'enameled',
 ['enameled and gilded'] = 'enameled and gilded',
 ['engraved'] = 'engraved',
 ['free-blown'] = 'free-blown',
 ['gildedgilt'] = 'gilded',
 ['glazed'] = 'glazed',
 ['gray'] = 'gray',
 ['gray-brown'] = 'gray-brown',
 ['gray-green'] = 'gray-green',
 ['green'] = 'green',
 ['guilloched'] = 'guilloched',
 ['hammered'] = 'hammered',
 ['hand-colored'] = 'hand-colored',
 ['hollow-cast'] = 'hollow-cast',
 ['incised'] = 'incised',
 ['lacquered'] = 'lacquered',
 ['lead-glazed'] = 'lead-glazed',
 ['light'] = 'light',
 ['marbled'] = 'marbled',
 ['metallic'] = 'metallic',
 ['molded'] = 'molded',
 ['mold-blown'] = 'mold-blown',
 ['nielloed'] = 'nielloed',
 ['opacified'] = 'opacified',
 ['opaque'] = 'opaque',
 ['openwork'] = 'openwork',
 ['overglaze'] = 'overglaze',
 ['painted'] = 'painted',
 ['partially gilt'] = 'partially gilt',
 ['pinched'] = 'pinched',
 ['pink'] = 'pink',
 ['plique-à-jour'] = 'plique-à-jour',
 ['polychrome'] = 'polychrome',
 ['polished'] = 'polished',
 ['printed'] = 'printed',
 ['purple'] = 'purple',
 ['red'] = 'red',
 ['reddish'] = 'reddish',
 ['repoussé'] = 'repoussé',
 ['retouched'] = 'retouched',
 ['sculpted'] = 'sculpted',
 ['stenciled'] = 'stenciled',
 ['silver'] = 'silver',
 ['tin-glazed'] = 'tin-glazed',
 ['transparent'] = 'transparent',
 ['turned'] = 'turned',
 ['underglaze'] = 'underglaze',
 ['unglazed'] = 'unglazed',
 ['wheelcut'] = 'wheelcut',
 ['white'] = 'white',
 ['yellow'] = 'yellow',
return p