New Routemaster: Open rear platform use

This gallery contains representative images only - for all images available, see the individual route galleries for in service images, or the exterior nearside rear three quarters gallery for exterior images.

Images relating to the use of the open rear platform of the New Routemaster.

London usage


In London, the bus is run in one of two modes - in one person operation the rear door remains closed while the bus is in motion (opening only at stops), while in crew operation, the rear door is locked in the open position (so it remains open at all times), with one of the duties of the second crew member being to supervise the platform while the bus is in motion. Which mode is used depends on the specific route, which operate either in one person mode at all times of day or night, or in crew mode at certain times of day or over certain sections, and in one person mode at all other times.

Exclusive one person operation


Routes 8 / N8, 12, 15, N38, 55 / N55, 73 / N73, 137, 148 and 453 are operated in one person mode at all times.

Mixed crew/one person operation


Routes 11 and 24 are crew operated 7 days a week, but only during the day (and not including evenings). Routes 9, 10 & 390 are operated in crew mode from 6am to 6pm, Monday to Friday only. Post-conversion, route 38 is run in crew mode from 6am to 7pm, Monday to Friday only, and also only on the section from Victoria to Essex Road (Islington).

Route 38 trial & intermediate phase usage


Before full conversion, different arrangements applied to the use of the rear platform on route 38 during its trial and intermediate phases (see route gallery for full details). During the trial phase, the buses ran permanently in two-person mode (the second crew members being Arriva drivers temporarily re-assigned). Once the trial ended, the buses remained on the route but operated in one-person mode.