Deutsch: Sachmet ist eine Göttin der ägyptischen Mythologie in Löwengestalt.
English: Sekhmet, an Ancient Egyptian lion-headed goddess of warfare. She was said to be a daughter of Ra.
Français : Sekhmet, une déesse de la mythologie égyptienne.
Italiano: Sekhmet, una dea della mitologia egizia.
Español: Sejmet, fue una diosa egipcia, símbolo de la fuerza y el poder.
Hrvatski: Sekmet je božica lavica, Raova kćer.
Srpskohrvatski: Sekmet je božica rata, Raova kćer/Sekmet je boginja rata, Raova kćerka.
One of many statues of Sekhmet kept in the British Museum
Temple of Kom Ombo
Two statues in the "Ägyptisches Museum" of Berlin.
Français : Bas-relief du temple de Kôm Ombo (Egypte)