Standard chess diagram - supplement

List of images (fragments of chess diagrams or diagrams with special drawings) compatible with Standard Chess Diagram template. These bitmaps are intended for use within standard wiki thumb-frame so use them in the following form:

[[Image:SCD_castle_kingside.png|frame|right|Kingside castling: O-O]]

If you need such an image add your request here: requests for special chess diagrams.

Algebraic notation edit

Algebraic notation
En passant

Image:SCD_algebraic_notation.png Image:SCD_en_passant.png Image:SCD_disambiguation.png

Castling edit

Kingside castling: O-O
Queenside castling: O-O-O

Image:SCD_castle_kingside.png Image:SCD_castle_queenside.png

Smothered mate edit

Smothered mate


Fianchetto edit

