Syracuse during the wars of the modern era

English: To explore the history of Syracuse, its role as a fortress during the modern age, read the pages on Wikipedia (for now available only in Italian language): Siracusa in età spagnola: da Carlo V al Grande assedio di Malta (Syracuse in the Spanish age: from Charles V to the Great Siege of Malta); Dalla guerra contro l'Impero ottomano al terremoto del 1693 (The war with the Ottoman Empire and the great earthquake); La guerra di successione e l'ultimo Asburgo (The Spanish War of Succession and the Last Habsburg); Siracusa in età borbonica (1735-1815) (Syracuse during the Napoleonic Wars)

Military Order of Malta and Syracuse (1529-1798)


The places where landed the soldiers of the Sublime Door (Ottoman Empire) in the year 1573


Map with imprinted the sea battle occurred between Spanish and British soldiers in the waters of Syracuse (1718)


Horatio Nelson in Syracuse
