

This template is use to access time and date according to Pakistan Standard Time.
Syntax: {{CURRENTPAK|parameter}}



Returns: 14


Parameter Result Current Value
(In Pakistan)
YEAR 4-digit year. 2024
YEAR2 2-digit year. 24
YEARLEAP 1 if it's a leap year, 0 if not. 1
MONTH Month index, zero-padded. 07
MONTHNAME The full month name in the site language. July
MONTHNAMESHORT An abbreviation of the month name, in the site language. Jul
WEEK Week number, zero-padded. 28
DAY Day of the month, not zero-padded. 14
DAY2 Day of the month, zero-padded. 14
DAYNAME The full weekday name. Rarely internationalized. Sunday
DAYNAMESHORT An abbreviation for the day of the week. Rarely internationalized. Sun
WEEKDAY Day of the week (Monday = 1, Sunday = 7). 7
PERIODSMALL "am" during the morning (00:00:00 → 11:59:59), "pm" otherwise (12:00:00 → 23:59:59). am
PERIOD Uppercase version of a above. AM
HOUR Hour in 24-hour format, zero-padded. 03
HOUR12 Hour in 12-hour format, zero-padded. 03
MINUTE Minutes past the hour, zero-padded. 36
SECOND Seconds past the hour, zero-padded. 17
ISLAMICDAY Day of Islamic month 6
ISLAMICMONTHNAME Islamic month name Muharram
ISLAMICMONTH Islamic month number 1
ISLAMICYEAR Islamic year 1446