
This chart was created or started at Datawrapper.de. According to this section of their FAQ: "you have the full copyright to your charts and maps." That section also mentions Datawrapper's insistence on attribution. See this Datawrapper discussion on the Commons. See other free mapping and free charting sites. Since the chart author has a full copyright the chart author can choose any image license that also includes attribution. The Commons accepts several image licenses with attribution. For example; {{Cc-by-sa-4.0}}, {{Cc-by-4.0}}, and {{Attribution}}. The chart author has picked one below this paragraph. See other maps on Commons created with Datawrapper.de: Category:Datawrapper.de and this search for Datawrapper on the Commons. See other map resources.

Please add this template to the licensing section of Commons image pages for Datawrapper charts: {{Datawrapper.de}}

The paragraph above helps with the site attribution desires of Datawrapper.de. The mention of "Created with Datawrapper" may be hard to read at thumbnail size, and may be removed due to watermark removal on the Commons. See: Help:Removing watermarks and Commons:Watermarks.