
This template is added by users to FMC nominations that have been manually reviewed to be correct. The FeaturedMediaBot will look for nominations containing this template and do the rest of the work. The users will basically change {{FMC-results-unreviewed}} to {{FMC-results-reviewed}}.

But there is one additional parameter that must be supplied for videos that will be featured which is the gallery. It should be the exact string to give you a page under Commons:Featured media , see the examples. Just skip this parameter for videos that failed.

Also note that when a candidate contains multiple alternatives you need to set the alternative parameter, see example further down.


  • Example of a featured candidate:


Confirmed results:
Result: 7 support, 3 oppose, 6 neutral → featured. /UserName
This media will be added to the FM gallery: Animals
  • Example of a non featured candidate:


Confirmed results:
Result: 1 support, 8 oppose, 6 neutral → not featured. /UserName
  • Example of a featured candidate with missing gallery:


Confirmed results:
Result: 10 support, 1 oppose, 0 neutral → featured. /UserName
Please add gallery! (see the documentation).
  • If a candidate contains multiple alternative versions one must at review time specify which one that should be featured (if any). Example of a featured candidate with a set alternative:


Confirmed results:
Result: 10 support, 1 oppose, 0 neutral → featured. /UserName
This media will be added to the FM gallery: Animals
The chosen alternative is: File:Gyps_fulvus_1_Luc_Viatour-edit1.jpg