
This template may meet the criteria for speedy deletion.

The given reason is: This file from Flaticon is released under the Freepik License. Although this license allows commercial use and derivative works, it does not permit redistribution in many cases, and thus is not permitted under Wikimedia Commons' licensing policy. See Freepik's license agreement for more information. ("The User may use the content in the Freepik Content provided that [it] is not used or included (in whole or in part) in a database, archive or in any other media/stock product [or does] not use the content in the Freepik Content in printed or electronic items (e.g. t-shirts, cups, postcards, birthday or greeting cards...") This file may be deleted without further notice.

Appeal: If you disagree with this template's speedy deletion, replace this tag with a regular deletion request.
Page last edited 2 years ago by Belbury (talk · contributions · Statistics · Recent activity · block log · User rights log · uploads · Global account information) • Page information: deletion logWhat links here

Note: To speed up the speedy deletion process and help administrators, consider using one of these more specific templates:
  • {{copyvio|reason or source}} for clear copyright violations
  • {{bad name|correct name}} for badly named categories (only when they are empty)
  • {{duplicate|other file}} for files that are exactly the same as other files
  • {{SD|F10}} for personal files and {{SD|G10}} for promotional files
See Commons:Deletion policy for more information.

Note: Don't delete this template, only pages and files that embed it!