Template:Inappropriate imagenotes

Please do not add inappropriate notes to images

Deutsch | English | suomi | français | македонски | മലയാളം | +/−

Please do not add inappropriate imagenotes to images. Imagenotes are there to give further description of one image, for example to identify objects or persons on an image or to zoom an image's part. See these two images for proper use of imagenotes.

Imagenotes should not represent your own opinion of the image's subject, ask questions about the subject or complain about factual incorrectness of an image. These things should be done on the image's talk page.

In case you want to test how imagenoting work, feel free to do so in your own personal sandbox. For further information about imagenotes, you might find Help:ImageAnnotator an interesting read.
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Tells people not to add inappropriate imagenotes


{{Inappropriate imagenotes |1= }}

Template parameters


Additional information

The template is intended to be used in the following namespaces: the User talk namespace

The template is intended to be used by the following user groups: all users

Placement: At the bottom of the page


Deutsch | English | suomi | français | македонски | മലയാളം | +/−

This template is localized through {{Autotranslate}}. The layout of the template can be found under Template:Inappropriate imagenotes/layout.

To add your language to the list of languages supported by this template, please copy the code of Template:Inappropriate imagenotes/en (or any other language version you prefer to translate) and replace the text strings in there (the form below can be used to create a translation, the English version is preloaded in the edit box). Please change the parameter lang from en (or whatever language you are translating) to the language code of your language.