This page is a translated version of a page Template:LIGO/i18n and the translation is 67% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Template:LIGO/i18n and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

Ова е податотека е под лиценцата на Правилата за употреба на LIGO:

Благодарност до лабораторијата Caltech/MIT/LIGO

Освен ако не е поинаку укажано, сликите и видеата на јавните мрежни места на Ласерската интерферометарска опсерваторија на гравитациски бранови (LIGO) (чии адреси завршуваат со или може да се користат за било која цел без претходна дозвола, но подложат на посебни случаи наведени подолу. Издавачите кои сакаат да добијат овластување може да ја испечатат оваа страница и да ја зачуваат за своја евиденција; LIGO не издава дозволи за одделни слики.

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  1. that neither Caltech (for nor MIT (for make any representations or warranties with respect to ownership of copyrights in the images, and do not represent others who may claim to be authors or owners of copyright of any of the images, and make no warranties as to the quality of the images. Neither Caltech nor MIT shall be responsible for any loss or expenses resulting from the use of the images, and you release and hold Caltech and MIT harmless from all liability arising from such use.
  2. to use a credit line in connection with images. Unless otherwise noted in the caption information for an image, the credit line should be "Courtesy Caltech/MIT/LIGO Laboratory".
  3. that the endorsement of any product or service by Caltech, MIT, LIGO, or the National Science Foundation (NSF) must neither be claimed nor implied.
Special Cases
  • If an image includes an identifiable person, using the image for commercial purposes may infringe that person's right of privacy or publicity, and permission should be obtained from the person. For more information, contact the LIGO Information at +1.626.395.3064.
  • Caltech and/or MIT contractors and vendors who wish to use LIGO images in advertising or public relation materials should direct requests to Caltech Media Relations Office, telephone +1.626.395.3226.
  • Some image and video materials on LIGO public web sites may be owned by organizations other than Caltech or MIT. These owners have agreed to make their images and video available for journalistic, educational, and personal uses, but restrictions are placed on commercial uses. To obtain permission for commercial use, contact the copyright owner listed in each image caption and/or credit. Ownership of images and video by parties other than Caltech or MIT is noted in the caption material and/or image credit with each image.

NOTE: Please do not use this template directly! This is just for translation. Use {{LIGO}} instead.