Template:Navigation by country/sandbox

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provides a flat list of existing pages pertaining to countries, generally for use in navigational templates


{{Navigation by country |continent= |prefix= |suffix= |showdefunct= |showconstituent= }}

Template parameters

continentname of continent, if desired to list only countries of a specific continent (currently supported options: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America)emptyoptional
prefixpreceding text to country name for files to link to (e.g. for "Category:Geography of Chile" use ":Category:Geography of ")emptyoptional
suffixfollowing text to country name for files to link to (e.g. for "Category:Chile in art" use "in art")emptyoptional
showdefunctFlag to show or hide former countries. A country must have been declared at some time (not necessarily recognized), no longer be declared as such today, and have a Wikimedia Commons category specifically related to the declared country as opposed to its current constituent form. (e.g. "Hawaii" would not be listed as Category:Hawaii pertains to the US state, but "Kingdom of Hawaii" would be valid as Category:Kingdom of Hawaii specifically pertains to the sovereign entity (now defunct)). By default, these are not displayed, so this must be set to "yes" to display them in the list.nooptional
showconstituentFlag to show or hide constituent entities. A constituent is any entity which is not a current or defunct country per the above definitions. Generally, this list does not contain constituents as to include all sub-divisions of countries would be unwieldy. Instead, it is intended only that certain constituents be listed for special cases (such as some sporting or regulatory topics) where some constituents are recognized as 'countries' solely for the purposes of that specific topic. By default, these are not displayed, so this must be set to "yes" to display them in the list.nooptional

Additional information

The template is intended to be used in the following namespaces: no namespace specified

The template is intended to be used by the following user groups: no user group specified

Relies on:

Use case examples

See Template:Navigation by country/doc/testcases for more cases. Number of cases per page limited by expensive parser count.
Condition prefix suffix continent showcurrent showdefunct showconstituent
Categories of countries in the world :Category: not set or 'yes' yes yes
See also: Template:Navigation by country/doc — standard documentation for this template.

These pages are for experimentation and testing of applications and parameters for use of Template:Navigation by country: