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Adapts the English name of a country for use in a category name or in template text


{{PD-collective-work/country |name= |cat= |base= |lang= }}

Used by {{PD-collective-work}} and related templates.

Template parameters

nameEnglish name of the country. This template renders as null if name is nullnulloptional
catyes – result is to be used in a category name
no – result is to be used in template text
baseName of the container template when cat=no
Used to check if autotranslate template text exists in the user's language. Thus,
renders as "Allemagne" if template:yourtemplate/fr exists, and renders as "Germany" otherwise.
langLanguage to translate the country name into when cat=no. Not needed if default is acceptable.user's preferred languageoptional

Additional information

The template is intended to be used in the following namespaces: all namespaces

The template is intended to be used by the following user groups: all users

  • Some short forms like "UK" are changed to "United Kingdom".
  • For use in a category, "the " is added to the front of the name where appropriate, e.g. "the United Kingdom"
  • For use in an autotranslate template text, renders the country name in the user's local language if there is a version of the template text in that language.