Template:Scans from 'Stokers' Manual, 1912'


Scans from 'Stokers' Manual 1912', the Royal Navy's standard training handbook, "for engine-room ratings not entitled to the steam manuals and seamen under training in mechanical and stokehold work".

See other images from this source in Scans from 'Stokers' Manual 1912'
Date or earlier
Source (January 1901, October 1907, this edition April 1912) Stokers' Manual 1912, Admiralty, via HMSO, via Eyre & Spottiswoode
Author HMSO

Template for annotating images as having been sourced from the book, (January 1901, October 1907, this edition April 1912) Stokers' Manual 1912, Admiralty, via HMSO, via Eyre & Spottiswoode .

Based on {{Scans from 'Electrical Machinery', 1917}}

Categorizes into Scans from 'Stokers' Manual', 1912