
General: Displays a table similar to a timeline so that the user may easily jump many years or centuries forward or backward. Example is displayed below.


  • First operand is the year on which the timeline is to be centered.
  • 'heading' = Optional. Information displayed at the center of the twin timelines. Eg: "Ships of the"
  • 'year-change'= the lower table change value. default is to shift by decades, but it could be by year.
  • 'width' = You may override the width of the table which defaults to 1000px.
  • 'link-cent-prefix'= the portion of the page name before the century number. Default is ":Category:"
  • 'link-year-prefix'= the portion of the page name before the number of the year. Default is ":Category:"
  • 'link-year-suffix'= any portion of the page name following the number of the year. Default is null.
  • 'link-cent-suffix'= any portion of the page name following the number of the century. Default is "th Century"
  • 'text- operands' Same concept as for link- operands above.
  • 'color1'= override background color of the first cell. Through color5. May be any legal color value used in tables.
  • 'highlight'= change the highlight color default is blue.
  • ‘cell1-fontsize= size of the font in the first and last cell. Default:2
  • ‘cell2-fontsize’ = size of the font in the 2nd and 4th cell. Default:3
  • ‘cell3-fontsize’ = size of the font in the 3rd cell. Default:4

< <16th century < −17th century 18th century 19th century−> 20th century> >
optional heading: Events of
< <1770’s < −1780’s 1790’s 1800’s−> 1810’s> >