Status:    In progress

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This documentation is transcluded from Template:Status/doc.

This template is used under the header of a request to summarize its current status.


{{Status |1= |2= |3= }}

Template parameters

1status code: done / not done / on hold / in progress; or a three-character hex code for the colour of the square, eg 00C, C0C. If a status code is used, the square is given a standard colour based on the status progressoptional
2text replacing the detail of the status (done / not done / on hold / in progress). If used without specifying a status code or colour value, CCC is used for the colour (the colour for in progress).in progressoptional
3text replacing "Status:" labelStatusoptional

Additional information

The template is intended to be used in the following namespaces: no namespace specified

The template is intended to be used by the following user groups: no user group specified


Status:    In progress
Status:    Done
{{status|on hold}}
Status:    On hold
{{status|not done}}
Status:    Not done
{{status|done|some arbitrary text}}
Status:    some arbitrary text
{{status|some arbitrary text}}
Status:    some arbitrary text
{{status|00C|some arbitrary text}}
Status:    some arbitrary text
{{status|C0C|some arbitrary text|Violet}}
Violet:    some arbitrary text