
Code What is tested Result with current template Result with future template (sandbox)
{{Taxon}} test of no param Incertae sedis Incertae sedis
{{Taxon|}} test of empty param Incertae sedis Incertae sedis
"{{Taxon| Panthera }}" test of space trimming of category "Panthera" "Panthera"
"{{Taxon| Accueil }}" test of space trimming of article "Accueil" "Accueil"
"{{Taxon| not existing }}" test of space trimming of not existing "not existing" "not existing"
{{Taxon|Panthera}} classical result for category Panthera Panthera
{{Taxon|Accueil}} classical result for article Accueil Accueil
{{Taxon|not existing}} classical result for not existing not existing not existing