This list may not be as extensive as {{Technique/en}}. See {{Technique/list}} for a quick check (rendering time can be long).

  • If you want to translate this page into a language using grammatical genders, you may want to take a look at Template:Technique/fr.
  • If you want to translate this page into a language using declensions, you may want to take a look at Template:Technique/pl.
  • If you want to translate this page and don't know how to do it, you may leave a message on Template talk:Technique
  • Please don't add synonyms to this page. Synonyms are managed centrally at Module:Technique/synonyms. Try to use the canonical terms only on this page.
  • Try to harmonize the translations here and on Wikidata. This page might be useful for that. Please note that it is not necessary to hold translations here in cases where the translation is the same on Wikidata and no additional grammatical information has to be stored here. This isn't the case for all languages, but for example for English. Translations from Wikidata labels will be retrieved automatically by the underlying code of {{Technique}}.
  • Please don't use templates in the translations if not necessary because this impedes their automatic analysis.
  • See also Template:Technique/de/adjectives

Please, after every update here, update also Technique/list!