
With image:
Upload another image of this object
With image and commonscat:
See more files of this objectUpload another image of this object
Without image:
Upload an image of this object
Upload an image of this object

Generate a button for an upload campaign. Varying the graphics based on if an alternative image already exists and if there is a nown commons category. This must be called from a template with at least a parameter named "id".


{{UploadCampaignLink2 |1= |imagesize= |commonscat= |type= |image= |size= }}

Template parameters

1imageThe existing image to display instad of the button.emptyoptional
imagesizeimagesizeThe size of the image100x200optional
commonscatcommonscatA category on commons to be sent on to the campaignemptyoptional
typeobject typeThe type of object that is being uploaded (used for mouse over texts)this objectoptional
imagebutton imagethe image to use for the default buttonMissing-monuments-image.svgoptional
sizebutton image sizeThe size of the button image60optional

Additional information

The template is intended to be used in the following namespaces: the Template namespace

The template is intended to be used by the following user groups: no user group specified

Relies on:
Module:Upload campaign link/Module:String

See also