Template:Vehicle by operator and location

{{Aircraft of operator at location
| 1 = Vehicle type (e.g. aircraft; buses; ships)
| 2 = Operator (e.g. United States Air Force; Primera Plus)
| 3 = Location name (e.g. Portland International Airport; Logar Province)
| opart = 'the' if required for operator (e.g. the Royal Navy)
| prep = preposition used with location (e.g. at, in, over)
| locart = 'the' if required for location
| loctype = type of location, for categorization
| loctypes = plural of loctype, if not just an added 's'
| locdisp = alternate display for the location in header, if desired
| country = country location is within (if loctype is not country)
| countryart = 'the' if required for country (e.g. the United States)
| showparent = 'yes' to display parent location (3) in header
| l1 = Level 1 subdivision
  • (if country) Category:vehicles of operator by location country; or
    • Category:vehicles of operator by location; or
      • Category:vehicles of operator
  • Category:vehicles of operator in country by loctype; or
    • Category:vehicles of operator prep loctypes in country; or
      • Category:vehicles of operator in country
        • Category:vehicles of operator by location
  • Category:vehicles prep location by operator
    • Category:vehicles prep location
      • Category:location